Hang on! Bill Gates wants to BLOCK THE SUN!!!??? | Redacted with Clayton Morris. Sorry Clayton Morris….but now you are talking about things you do not know nothing about!

CLAYTON SEARCH FOR: https://climateviewer.com/interactive-timeline/ The European Union is interested in a scheme to block out the sun to change global weather patterns. According to a document seen by Bloomberg, the EU is developing a[Les mer...]

Nanoteknologi funnet i både Vaxxed og Un-Vaxxed.

Bevis for forbrytelser mot menneskeheten GREG REESE5. AUGUST https://gregreese.substack.com/p/nanotechnology-found-in-both-vaxxed?utm_source=cross-post&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=956088#play Doktor Charles Morgan, tidligere CIA og konsulent for det amerikanske militæret innen nevrologiske vitenskaper, snakket med kadetter ved West Point i 2018 om den nåværende teknologien. Han[Les mer...]