Arctic Sinkholes I Full Documentary I NOVA I PBS.

Sett 10 524 833 ganger Hadde premiere 3. feb. 2022Official Website: In the , enormous releases of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, threaten the climate. Colossal explosions shake a remote corner of the Siberian tundra, leaving behind massive craters. In Alaska, a huge lake erupts with bubbles of inflammable gas. Scientists are discovering that these mystifying phenomena add up to a ticking time bomb, as long-frozen permafrost melts and releases vast amounts of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. What are the implications of these dramatic developments in the Arctic? Scientists and local communities alike are struggling to grasp the scale of the methane threat and what it means for our climate future. Chapters 00:00 Introduction 02:22 Giant Sinkhole in Siberia 05:54 Evidence of Methane in Craters 09:02 Alaskan Lake Bubbling 14:47 Effects of Permafrost Thaw on Climate 17:26 Native Alaskan Solutions to Permafrost 21:37 Organic Matter Impacted by Permafrost 24:44 Greenhouse Gasses Emitted from Permafrost Thaw 33:37 Fossil Methane in Earth’s Crust 42:19 Tipping Point: Arctic Regions are Sinking 47:47 How Communities are Finding Solutions 50:15 Conclusion (Premieres Wednesday, February 2 at 9PM ET on PBS.) © 2022 WGBH Educational Foundation All rights reserved This program was produced by GBH, which is solely responsible for its content. Some funders of NOVA also fund basic science research. Experts featured in this film may have received support from funders of this program. Funding for NOVA is provided by, the David H. Koch Fund for Science, the NOVA Science Trust, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and PBS viewers. This program is made possible by viewers like you. Support your local PBS station here: Enjoy full episodes of your favorite PBS shows anytime, anywhere with the free PBS Video app: Stay up to date on the latest science discoveries, full episodes, articles, videos, and more by signing up for NOVA’s newsletter here: FOLLOW US: NOVA YouTube:    / novaonline   Facebook: ​ Instagram: PBS Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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