Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 18, 2022

By terrazetzz -Monday, 18 April 2022, 11:21 AM0435

Special Restored Republic via a GCR as of Mon. 18 April 2022

Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

World’s Largest Sting Operation Imminent
Over 100 Countries Placed on High Alert.
Laptop Evidence Showed Joe Biden Taking Kickbacks Since a Senator
Biden Resignation Possible This Week
And May Kickoff the Biggest Market Crash in History

General Flynn will lead The Storm of 17 nations’ Militaries for the world’s biggest Military Coup ever. Well over 140 militaries were already involved in making Mass Arrests of Global and Political Elites indicted – of which cases have been signed off at the Hague International Court of Justice.

The world will then function under Law until new and transparent Free Elections can be held in various countries, plus those to be in charge have trained in concepts of the Original Constitution of 1776.

The 17 Nation Militaries included the US, Canada, Australia, Russia, Germany, Finland, Poland, France, Spain, Croatia, Romania, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, North Korea and Holland.

Judy Note: Martial Law, finalization of Global Currency and Blackouts Imminent. Be Ready: Prepare computer backups. Archive everything. Have 2-3 weeks of food, fuel & cash on hand.

Global Currency Reset:

  • MarkZ: No movement on Bond Holders over the weekend. Redemption Staff in meetings this morning Mon. 18 April.
  • By Sun. 1 May the Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currency of 210 nations was expected to be announced. If so, by Mon. 2 May the general public could exchange currencies at the new International Rates.

Restored Republic

  • President Q: Big announcement Thurs. 5 May. This is it. The hour is upon us.
  • The Secret Judge Q, Telegram: The countdown has started. Welcome to the end game, Patriots. Boom. This will be a week to remember. They are not prepared. Blackout is necessary. The hour is upon us. Largest Declass yet. Main Event on it’s way. After one week a lot of things will change. Prepare backups. Archive everything.

The Real News for Mon. 18 April 2022:

  • The Plan to control the world has begun and includes war with Russia and depletion of the global food supply in order to implement the Green Pass and thus control the population.
  • Q+ Trump’s War On Crimes Against Humanity! The Worldwide Covert Military Intelligence Sting Operation! https://www.bitchute.com/video/UR4Lcx8iuI50/
  • Democrats were blocking Republican efforts to digitally upload Hunter Biden’s Laptop.
  • Special Counsel John Durham revealed that the CIA found data alleging that the Trump-Russia plot was ‘User Created.’
  • Chechen soldiers of the Russian National Guard “Rosgvardia” smashed a group of armed Nazis. In their bunker they found intresaantes. There only recently arrived a large load of boxes from the “International Red Cross” – probably for further distribution. Contents are large quantities of US dollars.
  • The CIA was raided in Frankfurt, Germany by Q teams Seals & Delta Forces and recovered all the 2020 Election Servers that contain the evidence to prove 2020 Election Interference. General Flynn confirmed this as have others.
  • Military Operations were taking place in NY Tunnels: flooding and Booms that reached from NY, to Philadelphia, to DC Underground Tunnels. Epstein, HRC and New York Underground Tunnel Train System connected to the highest entities in the government in NY transport system.
  • Right now the Hunter Biden trial was taking place in Delaware, where evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop has implicated his father Joe Biden in high profile criminal acts.
  • Many hidden high profile case trials and tribunals were taking place throughout the US, EU and Canada connected to human and sex trafficking. The White Hats were making sure details of the cases were kept hidden due to the fact that the MSM and other Elite Entities create chaos and misinformation around the trials so as to taint the jury and purge the trials.
  • Strange coincidences. A total of 57 people from Hillary and Bill Clinton’s inner circle have died in strange circumstances in the last 30 years.
  • Resurrection of the American Conversation: Juan O Savin launches 107 Daily on 4/17/2022: https://media.107daily.com/resurrection-of-the-american-conversation/?channel=gvhxzdce3u3v
  • The current tunnel systems in NY City were being exposed to large groups that were directly connected to Epstein, HRC and Bill Gates trains. It will all connect. Gates sits in the middle of Underground Tunnel Train System connected to the highest entities in the government in NY transport system.
  • Military Operations were taking place in NY Tunnels: flooding and Booms that reached from NY to Philadelphia to DC Underground Tunnels.
  • NYC’s elite are in a tizzy after the Justice Department ‘inadvertently’ publishes list of 121 ‘clients’ – including lawyers, businessmen, and socialites – who solicited Sarah Lawrence ‘sex cult victim’ who was forced into prostitution. On Tuesday the US Attorney’s Office accidentally published a list of alleged clients of the student prostitute in the Sarah Lawrence ‘sex cult’ case. The DailyMail.com acquired a copy of the list of 121 names which was taken down nearly as fast as it was put up. The list, which was entered into evidence in the trial under seal, includes lawyers and businessmen and socialites throughout the Tri-state area. Alleged clients include a Metropolitan Transit Authority executive, an account executive at Amazon, and a former New York State Supreme Court judge.
  • Alleged cult victim Claudia Drury, 31, took the stand Friday and Monday to tell jurors how she was forced into prostitution by accused leader Larry Ray, 62. Ray is charged with sex trafficking, extortion, money laundering, violent crime in aid of racketeering, racketeering conspiracy and forced labor. The ex-convict is accused of running a sex cult out of his daughter Talia’s dorm at Sarah Lawrence College.
  • The richest art dealers in NY will connect to the Italian Elites.
  • There’s millions of cyberattacks worldwide right now. It is really important to stay anonymous and protect your PC and phones. Get your secure VPN here: https://greatawakening.world/vpn

Biden Crime:

  • Smoking Gun New Evidence On ‘Laptop From Hell’ – If These Messages Are as Bad as They Look, Joe Biden Is Done For. https://thetruedefender.com/smoking-gun-new-evidence-on-laptop-from-hell-if-these-messages-are-as-bad-as-they-look-joe-biden-is-done-for/
  • Right now in regard to the Hunter Biden trial in Delaware, Democrats are blocking Republican efforts to upload the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop in a searchable digital format into the congressional record, the Daily Caller has confirmed. https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk  https://adssettings.google.com/whythisad
  • The House Judiciary Committee Democratic staff, which is responsible for entering documents into the record, is refusing to upload the laptop by citing technological limitations. Instead, they’re forcing Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz’s office to print hard copies and PDF-form documents of pages. Democrats maintained the stonewall even after Gaetz’s office offered to provide the proper equipment to enable the digital file transfer, the Daily Caller has learned. Gaetz initially moved to enter the laptop during a March 29 hearing, but committee chairman Jerry Nadler of New York prepared to object to Gaetz’s request. Nadler ultimately relented after conferring with a committee lawyer. However, staffers he appointed are refusing to facilitate a file transfer.
  • Nancy Drew: Screenshot of Sleepy and Jill supposedly live at the WH for the Easter Egg Roll. Check out that presidential seal guys!!!!!! FAKE NEWS! BUSTED!!!!

Covid/Vax Hoax:

  • Up to 500,000 Dead from a Headache Pill: These Vaccine Manufacturers Are Serial Felons – RFK Jr.
  • “Merck knew [Vioxx] caused heart attacks and killed people, and they didn’t tell anybody… Vaccines are the only place they can never get caught, because it’s illegal in this country to sue a vaccine company.”
  • White House announces second global COVID summit on May 12 aiming to “bring solutions to vaccinate the world for everyone, everywhere.”

The ABC’s of a Common Law Republic, in Canada and beyond. Learn how and why we can overcome the COVID police state and reclaim our nations as sovereign Republics! A workshop with Kevin Annett, Co-Convener of the Republic of Kanata. April 16, 2022 in Norwich, Ontario https://odysee.com/@OwenLucas:9/CommonLawSeminar:0

Next Stages of Deep State Plan:

  • The next stages of the Deep State Cabal Plan begins – DavosGroup, WEF, Klause Schwab, Gates, Rockefellers and UN.
  • In this stage they create war with Russia using the Chinese Communist Part regime ( help funded by Rothschild/ Rockefellers Banks in China who also fund Wuhan labs) and create a supply chain planned collapse.
  • In this Stage of the planned collapse they will target the distribution of fertilizer around the world. Russia, the second largest fertilizer producer in the world, will be halted in their fertilizer export through sanctions and the CCP will willing stop exports. These Deep State moves will affect US, EU, South America, Africa and all nations from growing food. (This was what Bill Gates had wanted for years as he bought out land in the U.S to halt the growing of foods).
  • This stage of the Deep State Plan will insure the blame to goes to  (engineered  controlled destruction of food grown, engineered with patents that control weather, melting of the Ice Caps and blaming frozen fake virus being thawed under the ice in Antarctica).
  • There are several reasons to use Climate Change: the most important was to bring in the Green Pass – the New World Order Deep State Passport connected to your bank account, email and tracks everything you do including travel (taxing you for every mile). This Green Pass will bring the sleeping sheep into full control
  • Right now you were seeing the full disruption of the top fertilizer producers in the world being halted!
  • This Near Death Civilization Event will go deep, but there is Light at the End. Buckle up, Butter Cups. …Q

Hidden High Profile Trials and Tribunals:

  • Many high profile case Trials and Tribunals were taking place throughout the US, EU and Canada connected to human and sex trafficking. These hidden courts and prosecution were not to be reported, like the Hunter Biden trial in Delaware.
  • The White Hats were making sure details of the cases are kept hidden due to the fact that the MSM and other Elite Entities keep creating chaos and misinformation around the trials. They try to get to the jury and purge them, taint the trials.
  • As Q told us, only 20% of the operation will be visible and the other 80% will be covert.

Attention: Sterling Currency Group Victims:

  • The Attorney’s Office has filed two separate forfeiture actions related to Sterling Currency Group, LLC and investments in foreign currency: United States v. Real Property Located at 225 Valley Road, N.W., et. al. (Civil Action Number 1:15-CV-2032) and United States v. Approximately 8,671,456,050 in Iraqi Dinars, et. al. (Civil Action Number 1:15-CV-2677). Additionally, there is a related pending criminal matter: United States v. Rhame, et al., Criminal Action No. 1:16-CR-067.
  • If the government prevails in the forfeiture actions, it will distribute information regarding the ability of individual victims to file a petition of remission. You may visit https://www.justice.gov/criminal-mlars/victims
  • United States v. Tyson Rhame, et. al., 1:16-CR-67-SCJ-CMS: On October 9, 2018, the defendants TYSON RHAME, JAMES SHAW, and FRANK BELL were convicted of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud. The defendants RHAME and BELL were also convicted of making false statements to federal agents.
  • For Criminal Case Inquiries only please contact MCAP: 1-844-527-5299 and USAEO.MCAP@usdoj.gov
  • For Civil Case Inquiries only please contact: Usagan.sterling@usdoj.gov
  • If you have not received notifications from our office from the Victim Notification System which provides you with upcoming hearing dates on this case, it is your responsibility to contact Christie Jones at 404-581-6102 or Oretha Mobley at 404-581-6041 so you can be added to this system. We will need your name, email address, phone number, and mailing address to add you to the system for notification purposes.

Read Full Report (Doc):Special-Restored-Republic-via-a-GCR-4-18-2022Download

Read Full Report (PDF):Special-Restored-Republic-via-a-GCR-4-18-2022Download

Updates for the Week Prior:

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 18, 2022

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 17, 2022

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 16, 2022

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 15, 2022

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 15, 2022

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 14, 2022

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 14, 2022

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 13, 2022

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 13, 2022

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 12, 2022

Restored Republic via a GCR : Update as of April 12, 2022

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 11, 2022

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 11, 2022

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