To; The International Criminal Court
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands

Lars-Hovard Fritzson Widding – Norwegian
Anders Brunstad – Norwegian
Lisbeth Lamey – Norwegian
Runar Lorgan – Norwegian

Subject of complain; The Government of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Poland, included
ALL national and international “stakeholders” listed in “ICC CLAIM of MAY 8. 2021”.
This script is for NORWAY, all other countries listed will be merged to this case with a
separate appendix marked each countries name. (Appendix Denmark, Sweden, Poland).
We address you in the name of the “Ad hoc Covid Fellowship”, a fellowship under establishment, in
which the members are jurists, physicians, doctors, business owners, public and general activists and
whistle blowers, who made a choice to exercise their democratic right not to receive the
experimental medical treatment (Corona immunization), and who feel that great pressures, hard and
illegal, are exerted upon them on behalf of the above mentioned government, members of
Parliaments, local authorities, ministers, health authorities, doctors and nurses, and by an ongoing
psychological warfare by the state and main stream media.
We have tried to raise this case through both local Norwegian police and the centralized KRIPOS
without any success, we don’t even get the case registered after several attempts.
The statute for the ICC declares that “The ICC is intended to complement, not to replace, national
criminal systems; it prosecutes cases only when States do not or are unwilling or unable to do so
genuinely. (article 17-1-a). This is such a case, that is why we address the ICC directly.

With reference to Article 21 C, we humble ask the prosecutor of ICC to use the Norwegian
Disputes Act, chapter 34, §34-1 b, for temporary injunction, to INSTANTLY STOP all
measures, vaccines included, to prevent more deaths, injured, forclosures, and human
suffering in general during the time needed for ICC to investigate the case.
Page 2 – ICC CLAIM – NORWAY – MAY 8 – 2021
We wish to begin with the basic knowledge on the subject matter:
The “Corona Vaccine” is an innovative medical treatment, which has only recently obtained
FDA Approval in the (in an emergency use procedure only), an approval that is not
final, and with details of 22 side effects to the vaccine. Additionally, it is clear to all the medical
factors that the subject of the long-range effect and safety of the treatment on its recipients are
unknown. It is important to state that never until now, were administered in the entire world
immunization by this medical of introduction of a synthetic M-RNA to the body, and all
the previous immunizations operated in a totally different manner, by the introduction of a
deactivated or weakened virus and natural arousal of the immunity system against it. As declared by
3 senior virologists, the risks anticipated by this innovative medical treatment are hereby enclosed as
ICC CLAIM – page 8 § b.
“Nuremberg Code” – A medical ethics code issued based on under which the Nazi criminals
were judged for conducting horrible medical experiments during the Second World War, in the
physicians’ trial known by the Nuremberg Trials. The Nuremberg Code later constituted the base for
the Helsinki Declaration Legislation, as well as the base for the Patient’s Rights laws in all countries.
It is our intention to present to you and detail how in the State of Norway, the Government of each
country with its ministers, health authorities and local authorities, additional senior’s factors, violate
the Nuremberg Code in an unlawful manner, blatant and extreme, and to our regret, not only in a
single aspect, but many, too many!
a. Informed consent to participate in a medical treatment – a first principle of the Nuremberg
Code, is a willingness and informed consent by the person, to receive treatment and participate
in an experiment. The person is supposed to activate freedom of choice without the intervention
of a factor implying force, deceit, fraud, threat, solicitation, or any other type of binding or
coercion. When the heads of the Ministry of Health as well as the Prime Minister of each
country, presented the vaccines in each country, and began the vaccination of citizens of each
country (December 27.2020), in which the vaccination were not advised, that in practice, they
are taking part in a medical experiment, and that their consent is required for this under the
Nuremberg Code/Helsinki-declaration, and only when it became apparent that indeed the Prime
Minister signed an Agreement with the EUs EMA, (European Medicine Agency) and the EU
Commission, that it indeed a medical experiment, and that his was the essence of the
agreement. This, as a matter of fact, is a genetic medical experiment on human beings,
performed without the informed consent and under a severe and blatant offense of the
Nuremberg Code.
Informed consent is NOT possible since relevant information is not available, not even on direct
demand to the health authorities. The reply given, is sending us back to the same webpages
where the info requested DONT exist, and they also reject any responsibility to inform
«humans/living being» when they say they only reply with this info to other legal fictions like
other governmental entities, but none of them is subjects for this vaccine project. (a1)
We also need to bring to the courts attention, that FOLKEHELSEINSTITUTTE (FHI) made a survey,
asking the public WHY they wanted to take the vaccine. 3 major arguments was given, but NON
OF THEM APPLY to “the real world” since none of them is valid and can be meet by taking the
vaccine. Translated, the publics YES to the vaccine is based on the BELIVE that:

  • Taking the vaccine will reduce the number of Covid infection in the society. – 79% (not valid)
  • Taking the vaccine will protect their family and elders. 78% (not valid)
    Page 3 – ICC CLAIM – NORWAY – MAY 8 – 2021
  • Taking the vaccine will give them the normal way of life back to like it was before Covid. 69%
    (not valid)
    NO Governmental entity (or media) has done anything to clear out this false believes and
    misunderstandings made by MSM propaganda, who means NON of the participants to this
    experimental vaccines has given their TRUE informed consent when it’s all based on
    misunderstandings, misleading propaganda, and the TOTAL lack of actual TRUE information (a-5).

The practice mentioned is in direct violation of the Treaty of Rome chapter 8 Paragraph 2
(i) Wilful killing (ii) Torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments, (iii)
Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health.
(i) Elders in Norway died in large numbers short time after being injected with this experimental
vaccine, but they did NOT stop the project. Our authorities claimed this people was very old with
a short lifetime left anyway, but it does NOT give anyone the right to kill them with these
injections like they did. Norway made it to the frontpage globally for this practice.(a-2)
(ii) The project is clearly a “Biological experiment” using CRISPR gene scissors and mRNA.
(iii) The numbers for dead and seriously injured tells us that the experimental vaccine causes
more dead and seriously injured than MEDICALLY UN-TREATED (a-3)

  • However, AstraZeneca is put on hold with the argument that the risk of death is higher from the
    vaccine than from Covid, but the numbers from LEGEMIDDELVERKET shows us, that AstraZeneca
    is one of the “vaccine” with the LOWEST death toll, so it makes no sense that they stop on of the
    least deadly option, but keeps up the program for the others where death toll is way higher. (a-3,
    (a-1) The yellow marked line say (translated)
    Unfortunately, we don’t have capacity to reply to questions from private persons.
    (a-2) The numbers of elders who died from the vaccine in Norway became Global headlines
    Page 4 – ICC CLAIM – NORWAY – MAY 8 – 2021
    (a-3) is by far the most deadly option in Norway, but it was AstraZeneka that was put on hold.
    (a-3) Source to the Number in the chart above (April 28 )
    (a-4) AstraZeneca put on hold (Apr.15), due to higher risk of death from the vaccine vs COVID-19.
    (a-5) FHI survey for WHY the public will take the vaccine, page 13.
    tisk/Koronavaksinasjon%20status%207%20januar%202021%20%20Folkehelseinstituttet.pdf//attachment/inline/9a06 eb1b-0b2d-4e45-b7bce46d4fdcb93b:f5305b2fe8cfceeeca08a19a1a5e1118c4bf856e/Koronavaksinasjon%20status%207%20januar%202021% 20%20Folkehelseinstituttet.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3NpYVaZeIp9KKBxN5MqwLHwHiXTk7v9KKsBw-PokRpMGJK3tPnjnUz23M Page 5 – ICC CLAIM – NORWAY – MAY 8 – 2021 The EU Commission/EMA/-Pfizer Agreement. Post factum it became clear that the Prime Minister of Norway has signed an agreement with the Pfizer Company and 3 others (the manufacturer company), under which he will receive a huge quantity of millions of vaccine portions, and in consideration, the vaccinated (Citizens of Norway, will serve as “Experimenters” for the pharmaceutical company. It was agreed the pharmaceutical company would receive each state all their medical, personal secret information, without their knowledge or consent in advance. Additionally, we must state that each citizens of Norway, that until this moment, the contents of the agreement related to most of the citizens of these states, was not published, which is the transparency obligating under the law, and it was published without “blackout” / concealment of a great deal of information included in this agreement. It is worthy to state and recall that we do not live in a dictatorship country, so that clearly, such an agreement must be subject to total transparency towards the wide public. Norway has 4 vaccine options, Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen Cilag. For Norway a project called, NorCRIN, a project similar to Denmark’s, «National Experimental Therapy Partnership (NEXT)» and «Trial Nation» was established late 2019. This project is merging private medical companies with different Governmental entities, so it’s clear that the citizens of Norway has been ”sold and delivered as lab rats” to private interests without public knowledge of this facts. (b-1) (b-1)

Page 6 – ICC CLAIM – NORWAY – MAY 8 – 2021
c. Alternative treatments. – On the subject of informed consent for medical treatment, and based on
the Nuremberg Code principles, a obligations exists to detail and suggest to a patient several
treatment alternatives, detailing the medical process (and all that is included in it), as well as the
advantage and the disadvantages, benefits vs risks, existing in every treatment, to enable him to
make an intelligent personal decision, regarding the treatment he prefers. As stated, this must be
done without exerting any pressures and freely, as a free person.
Despite all the above-stated, the State of Norway, and the Ministry of Health, failed to present to the
citizens of Norway, the currently existing alternatives for the treating of the Corona disease, proven
to be efficient and with few side effects, and not dangerous. They solicit the citizens and pressuring
them (while blatantly violating the informed consent process), concealing the information regarding
the immunization, and creating a severe atmosphere of fear and coercion.
Relevant Governmental entities still denies the fact that both precautionary treatment (Vitamin D, C,
Zink) exists, but they have also made AVIGAN (Japanese antiviral product) illegal for use against Covid
even if this product was available and in use in Norway as late as Mars 2020 when the pandemic
started (NORWAY c-1). Vitamin D (Nobel prize winner in 1928) is also beneficial for treatment of
Covid, but even such easily accessible treatment who according to BMJ (British Medical Journal) can
reduce the death toll by 25 X, is NOT delivered as part of medical treatment. (NORWAY c-2 – c-3).
IVERMECTIN studies from around the world show a reduction in mortality from 80 to 96% , and our
claim is that denial of this medical treatment shall be judged equal to murder. Norwegian Doctors
who prescribe any of the above-mentioned medical treatments for Covid will lose their medical
license. (c-6)
(c-1) AVIGAN Prohibited for use against COVID in Norway Mars 2020
(c-2) 40 studies about Vitamin D as precautionary and medical treatment October 2020
(c-3) FHI – DON’T Advocate using Vitamin D, January 2021
(c-4) FHI – No advice about boosting your immune system with vitamin D, C and Zink.
(c-5) IVERMECTIN – 54 studies worldwide – 80 to 96% reduction in mortality
(c-6) Statement from the Norwegian GP Doctor Kjetil Johansen – Date; 6.5. 2021.
As a physician doctor in Norway, I am NOT allowed to prescribe any of the known and effective
medicines against a diagnosis. instructions from WHO, via EMA to the Norwegian medicine
agency, “Legemiddelverket”, who issues the “Felleskatalogen”, the catalogue of approved medicine
connected to a specific diagnoses. We are NOT allowed to prescribe HCQ, hydroxychloroquine like
“Plaquenil 200 mg”, for Covid, even though it is approved for other diagnoses like RA,
Rheumatoid Arthritis. Neither can we prescribe Ivermectin for Covid, even if it is substantial medical
drug, which suggest that it is very effective. The only treatment we are allowed to issue is for
Azitromax 500 mg, (antibiotic) for treatment of lung inflammation.
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Related to this, but not related to COVID, is a now 40-year-old fraudulent practice (starting 1981)
with documentary fraud made by HELSEDIREKTORATET, about the positive effects of psychopharma, where the claims made is an effect of 90%, while peer reviewed research shows that the
effect is only 20%. The peer reviewed research also show that the lifespan of each patient is
reduced with 10 to 30 years from using these non-working medications, but WITHOUT this info is
given to anyone where this medication is prescribed. Both the former High court judge Kjetil Lund,
and the Norwegian OMBUDSMANN has tried to stop this fraudulent behaviour for many years
without success. Many thousands psychiatric patients have been FORCE TREATHED against their
will for this reason, and many thousands of others have had their life quality destroyed, and their
life span reduced by 10 to 30 years as the effect of this fraud. Since HELSEDIREKTORATET is deeply
involved in the COVID case, we saw the need to bring this subject to attention for the court.

  • This fraud constitutes a clear violation of the Treaty of Rome. (c-7)
    All the above mentioned under (c), is in direct violation, but not limited to Article 7, (a) Murder,(f)
    Torture (k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or
    serious injury to body or to mental or physical health, (and is overlapping with chapter 8 Paragraph
    2), (i) Wilful killing (ii) Torture or inhuman treatment, (with the intention to indirectly force its
    citizens to take part in a) biological experiment (the vaccines), (iii) Wilfully causing great suffering,
    or serious injury to body or health.
    A more detailed argumentation for all violations of the Treaty of Rome, and the involved
    “stakeholders” on national and international level follows as “ICC CLAIM – MAY 8. 2021”.
    (c-7) the now 40-year-old documentary fraud practice who continues by HELSEDIREKTORATET where not even the
    Norwegian OMBUSDMANN has been able to stop it. (2019)
    Page 8 – ICC CLAIM – NORWAY – MAY 8 – 2021
    b. A fourth principle is that the experiment will be conducted to prevent suffering of physical
    injury. It is known that the treatment caused the death of many, injury, and severe damages
    (including disablement and paralysis) after the vaccine was administered. Despite this fact, the
    Governments did not instruct the initiation of an investigation on the matter. It is well
    documented that there is a large number of deaths and seriously injured related to taking the
    vaccine. (a-2)
    c. A fifth principle is that the experiment must be aborted when there is reason to assume that
    death or real injury will occur. Regarding the violation of this principle, see above. (a-2)
    d. An additional principle is that responsible factory will be ready to stop it at any stage, if there
    is reasonable cause to assume that it will cause injury, disability, or death of the experiment
    participant. It has already been proven that many and healthy persons died from the
    treatment, were injured, became disabled, and paralyzed; However, the Governments of
    Norway continues to compel this dangerous experiment on its citizens, but have stopped on of
    the least deadly option (AstraZeneca) (a-2)
    e. The following are recent publications, which demonstrates the blatant and criminal violations of
    the Nuremberg Code on behalf of the Governments, the Ministers, and the Members of
    Parliaments, the mayors, and doctors, and senior public factors, as well as employers.
    f. Below are some examples (out of many) of the Nuremberg Code Violations.
    Exert economic pressure; (focus on health care workers).
  1. Within the health care sectors, backed by a legal opinion of FHI, threatens to send to other posts,
    or on unpaid leave every employee, who will not be vaccinated. (f-4)
  2. – Norwegian law about “SMITTEVERN” (Law of infection control) opens for FORCED VACCINATION,
    for COVID, in violation with the Treaty of Rome like described under (c) (f-1)
  3. – Minister of health in Norway is “warning” those who don’t participate. (f-2), and the Prime
    Minister is questioning if workers can be denied access to their jobs (f-3)
    (f-1) Law – forced vaccination
    (f-2) Minister of health with a clear “warning” to “vaccine deniers”
    (f-3) Corona passport to enter a grocery store – “Covid Apartheid”
    (g-4) Letter – healthworker in Norway beeing fired for not taking the vaccine. (google translate from Norwegian)
    Have been somewhat frustrated after you called me on Wednesday 14 April. Is it really so that you
    are considering dismissing me because I am unable to wear a mask? I was completely put out as you
    can see, as I have no other job to go to. I got the understanding that this mask case is also the basis
    for the fact that I have been assigned a few guards lately, which has a very negative effect on me as I
    basically only have 21% «call-up substitute position».
    Page 9 – ICC CLAIM – NORWAY – MAY 8 – 2021
    Possibly I misinterpreted you when you based the possible dismissal that I did not follow the
    guidelines for the coronary measures, and that I represent an infection bomb among the users? You
    also mentioned that I could be placed in another department, but I also have little understanding of
    the purpose of this. As an unvaccinated and mask-refuser, will I be considered a potential danger no
    matter where I am placed? I thrive very well in the department I work at now, and the users give the
    impression that they really appreciate me, something they often show.
    In a closed ward like this, closeness, contact and care are especially important, and it gets wrong
    when the residents instead feel fear and distance when we wear a mask.
    I understand that you as a leader have a great responsibility in these difficult times, but I just had to
    air this with you.I think you are a super boss, but that you sometimes have to make difficult decisions
    that those at the top so easily get away with. Wish you a nice day. .
    Sincerely, G.
    The Exertion of social pressure
  4. A threat to prevent entrance to entertainment, leisure, travel, receipt of services from the
  5. Artists, opinion leaders, and public representatives, who in every corner elect to make
    propaganda, and aggressively and insulting manner even propose punishment and sanctions
    against those who don’t “take their part of the burden”.
    It shall hereby be emphasized that the means currently activated against citizens, including
    legislations proposals, and directives, against whoever was not vaccinated, contradict not only the
    Nuremberg Code and the individual’s autonomy over his body, but also the existing legislation in
    each country, including Persons Dignity, and Freedom basic law, the freedom of occupation law, the
    Patient’s rights law, the Work equal opportunity law, the Prohibition of Discrimination in Product,
    Services, the Entrance to Entertainment and Public Places law, and other laws.
    Therefor, and considering the stated above, we address your honour with two main demands;
  6. WE STRESS THE NEED – To take actions for a EMIDIATE STOP of the medical experiment and
    the administration of vaccinations, and ALL other measures, using Norwegian law
    Disputes Act, chapter 34, §34-1 b, for temporary injunction.
  7. To instruct the Governments to stop all the legislative proceedings which infringe on the
    principle of Informed Consent by a person to receive the above-described medical
    treatment, and which negates the legal status in Norways democracy, including the
    avoidance to legislate Green Passport, delivery of names of those who are not vaccinated, to
    the local authorities, or any other harming legislature.
  8. To act in the most required severity against any public, business, employment entity, which
    violates the laws of the State on subjects of employment, or the other subjects required to
    prevent compulsion, coercion or solicitation to vaccinate, as well as the subject of
    discrimination, against those who made a choice not to receive the above-stated innovative
    medical treatment.
  9. We ask to bring to your attention that a copy of this document will also be forwarded to the
    media channels worldwide, because the Nuremberg Code violations and violations of the
    treaty of Rome, is relevant in all countries of the free world.
  10. And as a final note, it shall be stated that only recently, a decision was reached in the
    European Parliament on 77/1/21, instructing all the authorities, not to activate any pressure
    or solicitation on person to take the Corona vaccina in any way. Therefore, whatever is good
    Page 10 – ICC CLAIM – NORWAY – MAY 8 – 2021
    for the advanced European States, certainly is also good for Norway, (and Denmark and
    Consequently, all subsequent correspondence should be sent only to the mailing and / or email
    address given below. Any notification within the meaning of the Statute of the Court addressed in
    this way will be considered valid ONCE FILED AND PROCESSED.
    The application will be represented for the purpose of this procedure by:
    Lars-Hovard Fritzson Widding – Norwegian citizen and resident
    Anders Brunstad – Norwegian citizen and resident of Poland.
    Lisbeth Lamey – Norwegian citizen and resident of Sweden.
    Runar Lorgen – Norwegian citizen and resident of CA, USA.
  • Lars-Hovard Fritzson Widding
    Me the underwriter of the claims against both Norway and Denmark, were born in Norway with
    Norwegian citizenship and passport. I moved to Denmark in 2001 with my wife and 2 kids who was
    born in 1998 and 1999 in Norway. Since October 2000, Ive owned my own real estate in Denmark
    and both my kids (now young adults) live and work in Denmark.
    I no longer live in Denmark, but should have been back to Denmark medio January 2021 due to a 3
    day court case in Marts 2021, but PCR requirements (less than 24 hours old at entry), has made
    it impossible to return like planned, and for that reason my real estate was totally damaged in the
    coldest February for more than 20 years. No insurance covers this, and the damage would never
    occur if I were not prevented from entering Denmark like planned, and today today May 8. 2021 I’m
    still not able to return, so Danish measures has in reality confiscated my whole property and
    prevented me from being with my own family. That means I’m one of the many victims to policies
    and meaningless measures, where my whole fortune, my real estate in Denmark is lost.
    Lars-Hovard Fritzson Widding
    Jurist & Advocate of Human Rights and Natural law.
    ICC CLAIM of MAY 8 – A detailed description of all violations of the Treaty of Rome, and the National
    and international “stakeholder” we mean is responsible for each violation. – Attached.
    APPENDIX – DENMARK – Similarities to Norway with legal standing – Attached.
    APPENDIX – SWEDEN – Similarities to Norway with legal standing – Will be forwarded May 10.
    APPENDIX – POLAND – Similarities to Norway with legal standing – Will be forwarded May 10.

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