Written by Jarle Johansen onMarch 19, 2024
More in Anti-Christ kingdom:
- Impressive edifice, for corrupt clergy – Hell abolishedApril 1, 2024
- Mike Adams & David Sorensen important update on false IsraelitesDecember 7, 2023
- The Giske clan shares ancestors with Donald Trump and 42 US PresidentsDecember 1, 2023
- https://janerik.substack.com/
I am working on my next book; ‘ The Story of the Babylonian Whore; Gro Harlem Brundtland’ . The satanic Jewish humanist mother of the feminist movement in Norway. She offered women «sexual liberation» and made millions of women by that into public whores. That is how Satan operates, deceit, to kill & destroy (people and societies).
Divide, conquer & rule, divide women from their husbands and children, and side with the satanic bitch. Women of the Harlem Cult against the rest of humanity. Women AGAINST their husbands and children. The Babylonian Whore established misthrust and HATE between the sexes, unheard of in a Christian society. Only a Jew can invent such evil.
I know from experience that my writing is a little too advance for most, and most might be afraid to touch the Jewish-Question, but I write for the leadership of the nation, I write to the Intelligence agencies, I write to the Jewish bernadotte king and prime minister, that ONE PERSON knows what they are doing; Me… Christ in me ( Galatians 2:20 ). First in ten years time ++ all will know I was right. It has always been like that for the best writers. The Jews are from Edom/Esau, those who are not of mongolian Khazar askeNAZI’s stock, the white race are the Israelites, read from my bookstore here; norvision.no
The only and best military defense a small nation can have is to hold a moral «high ground» which we have always held in Norway when we were Christian, but which the Talmudics who have seized power today have taken away from us. For their own purposes, they make of us a nation of perpetual war for perpetual imagined peace, as their terrorist state in the Middle East; Is-Ra-El. They actually misuse power, because they never have support in the people for their agendas and evil deeds. They will have peace when they have murdered all and everybody around them, not worshiping them as they aspire to be. Like in Soviet’s 2nd Law the Jews Lenin and Bronstein (Trotsky) made; Death sentence for Antisemitism. With that law they industrially exterminated 66 million of the RUS-People «legally» ( RUS means «Scandinavian «).
The Edomite Talmudic Jews – the Babylonians – hate us Nordics (and all other whites) with a passion.
Inverting and perverting Christian civilizations, that is the Jewish menace. I wrote in the last article how Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson warned against the Bernadotte-Jews as regents for Norway; https://www.riksavisen.no/malaysia-king-harald-rex-bernadotte-jewish-vs-the-fairhair-viking-israelite-goodwill-victory-10/

In 2024 Norway celebrate 1000 years as a CHRISTIAN nation, «Kristenretten» at Gulating 1024. Our Varangian Guards of my forefather Rurik secured the longest living christian civilizationPage:
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In this year of Jubilee 2024 , 1000 years of ‘Kristenretten’ (Christ’s Laws, at Gulating at Moster 1024), I will expose how the Peace Nation of Norway under the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ ( Isaiah 9:6 ) is DEAD, and the War Machine Nation under the Jews live «happily ever after» (not according to the Bible, they will loose). Saturday 16th of March 2024 the nespaper Aftenposten reports «Europe is gearing up investment in arms, ammunition and explosives New investments in Norwegian arms and the munitions industry accounts for at least five billion kroner in a short time. The EU is betting, but is far from the target».
We realize how important Norway is for EU arms production – Chemring Nobel has large explosives stores at Hyggen gård, plus a deep-water jetty for shipping explosives at Hyggen gård – see also (in Norwegian language : Hyggen og de skurte sejärten , such activities are under the succession and under the command of the Jewish Stay Behind (Gladio) apparatus which was established all over Europe after the Second World War, for the benefit of the Jews who won the war, over all the rest of us ; www.riksavisen.no/deepstate-norway-1945-2023-from-nazi-occupation-to-askenazi-occupation/
Aftenposten continues: «Chemring Nobel, who has been in the news recently due to nitrogen emissions to Oslo-fjord, is a major player in Europe. The Norwegian and European arms industry is completely dependent on this and a few other producers of explosives. Chemring Nobel can with the support from the Government which is now given multiply many times the production of certain types of explosives.»
The Jews in power of Norway, is excited to transform Norway from a Nation of Peace under Jesus Christ’s kingship ( Isaiah 9:6 ) who is responsible for the Peace Price, to transform our nation into a Jewish war machine..
«Norway is to be the leader in this arms race» , says Gro Harlem Brundtland’s errand boy jewish jesuit Jonas GAHR Støre, in the same article under ASAP (Act in Support of Ammunition Production), and give lots of money to the arms manufacturers who are busy helping their Jewish family doing coup d’etat of Ukraine; New Khazaria for their Jewish brothers and sisters; https://www.riksavisen.no/ukraine-new-jewish-promised-land-new-khazaria/
Not in my name. I have not approved a dime of my nation’s money to this Jewish war machine for their New World Order. I am just sitting here waiting for the House of Cards of the Nephilim Jews come Tumbling Down https://www.riksavisen.no/when-the-house-of-cards-of-the-nephilims-come-tumbling-down/
Today you all see what and why Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson warned about it, them; The Bernadotte-Marrocan-Jews, as he called them. The jewess Gro Harlem Brundtland have changed the main fabric of our society. Even started a gender war, which has extreme consequences.
This is my advice to young boys. If any girl you meet adore Gro Harlem Brundtland, run in shelter, run as hell, DO NOT copulate with them. If you make a baby on them your life is destroyed for 30+ years. See below, first a little why you can not thrust public babylonian whores for Satan as Gro Harlem Brundtland, the Bible warns STRICTLY, stay away from all babylonian evils…
The Communist vision is the vision of Man without God.
(Whittaker Chambers)
All communist perverts WOKE can kiss themselves a place the sun never reaches. The Jewess Gro Harlem Brundtland will tell you all kinds of lies to hook you up with the Satanic spirit of communism. Jesus is in reality the only one who can liberate us from Harlem’s «freedom» satanism, or other forms of depraved mentalities, we all have from the Adamic curse…
My advice to young men is never lay your eyes on girls that is having any Women Empowerment and belongs to Harlem’s satanic sect. Everything that Jewish women have done is satanic, and built on lies, will be documented. Look for Family Empowerment christian girls, as shown examples of below. It is easy to spot who has the Christian Spirit inside.
«Erica Jong, feminist writer who in her debut novel from 1973 calls on kvinnor till skilsmässa och att ligga runt, tells in the clip about her completely unexpected ethnic background» :
Video player
And after the Witch Queen have made all women public whores, she offers them abortion until 18, blood sacrifices to her god Satan, Baal & Molech, for life, as a «womans right», women can murder their babies without punishment, alike the pagan nature 1500 years ago, women put their children in the woods to die. They cant be expected to control their most basic hedonistic urges, before they are married, satanism is like this from Jewish leader of Church of Satan; Anton LaVey:
That is what Gro Harlem Brundtland promotes, «natural desires» for women’s rights. No control of desires as in Christianity.
Choose a girl that is 100% loyal to the family, you and your future common children, and will not sacrifice that loyalty to any other movements or Jewish-isms. All satanic. I call them Climate – Covid – Conflict (War) Inc. It is imperative to stop worshiping those who promote this war between the sexes, even lying that they are ‘God’s people’, while they live from all kinds of wars, war against climate , covid…(all lies). God’s People are the people of the Prince of Peace, of peace people… , not creators of satanic wars between the sexes, war on cancer, war on terror, wars on Covid, wars that always make the world worse, never better, they NEVER manage to solve any problems with their wars…. NOT one problem have the Jews solved, with all their murder, theft of our moneys, their evil agendas, nothing, the only they always achieve is profit for themselves:
Everything the talmudic Jews as Gro Harlem Brundtland do is
- War on Family, a Christian (why do you think they need States Child «Support» Agency – child protection – for?)
- War of the Sexes (Gender-War).
- War against Nationalism (as Satan’s kingdom is Universal, global).
- War against Terror (the biggest terrorists are themselves)
- War against Climate (a Christless religion for the Jewish antichrist New World Order).
- War against Cancer (they forbid everything we know to cure it).
- War on Drugs. And then start a war to protect the opium fields in Afghanistan.
- War against his brother Jacob-Israel, the White race ( Genesis 27:40 , 41 ).
- War against Jesus Christ and Christians ( John 15:20 ). Just like they persecuted him, they will do to us.
- War against this and that. There is not an CHRISTIAN issue and value under the sun the JEWS have not declared war on.
You will ALWAYS note, that even after 50 years of war against anything, the Jews have never solved anything with their wars. They have always made the world a bigger Hell than before their wars. That is because they do not have the Spirit of the King & Prince of Peace; Jesus Christ. That is because Isaac’s wife Rebecca chooses Jacob-Israel as the recipient of the blessing, and leader, NOT Esau, who was Isaac’s favorite. Rebecca knew from the war in her womb, that Esau was the evil one, and Jacob the good one. Jacob-Israel’s wife was Rachel .

Death doctor Gro Harlem Brundtland’s biggest accomplishments, she and her partner in crime Karin Stoltenberg are most of all proud of:
(stupid doctors on gender quotas in politics can make a lot of damage, and killings).
- Killing of babies (abortions)
- Killing of peace between the Genders (sexual «liberation» of women, make them public whores, as the Serpent/Snake in Eden offered «freedom»).
- Killing of families (Christian value), have you heard how they promote DV. domestic violence lately ? only in their imaginations)
- Killing of the Christian success societies (God’s example nations, Light to the World), by the war on the climate.
- etc., etc.
In 2009 I wrote about how the satanic Gro Harlem Brundtland was in front of making a fake religion; The Climate religion .
«The threat of environmental crisis is the ‘international disaster key’ to unlock the New World Order.»
Jewish Mikhail Gorbachev
She herself an atheist satanist said to belong to secular Humanism (Human Etisk Forbund in Norway).
She is the Chief Witch Priestess of the satanic Utøya summer camp political brainwashing institution, where there is NEVER said a Christian prayer, due to this;
The Jewish leader of Arbeiderpartiet (Communist Workers Party in Norway), the Jewish Edvard Hambro Bull said 100 years ago, deputy leader of the Labor Party, wrote the following: « We shall make the school secular, just like nursing and funerals and marriage and birth registration. We must fight irreconcilably with the existing official Lutheranism – as with other stultifying sects. We must have an ongoing and ruthless church policy, because we believe that religion is a private matter.”
What is not mentioned here, is that the Frankfurters are all Jews:
«The Frankfurter Marcuse added a little later: «Tolerance for us, but not for them.» The Frankfurt School had its hearth in the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow around 1923. On the initiative of Lenin (1870-1924) a meeting was held where an international Marxist cultural revolution was established. Among others present were the Hungarian Marxist Georg Lukacs (1885-1971), who developed the idea of »revolution and eros», where he described how sexual instincts could be used as destructive political instruments. Anyone familiar with sex education in kindergartens, pride etc.? To break down the Christian soul, over time, became the main goal!
The bloody revolution of 1917 in Russia would not work in the West, they believed, because the Word of God stood so strongly in these countries. Then they chose the cultural revolution. That is why Anette Trettebergstuen was in the Ministry of Culture and Tonje Brenna is in the Ministry of Knowledge, with the children in kindergarten, primary school and their curriculum and responsibility for the Private Schools Act.
Father of the country Einar Gerhardsen, we know, was so eager to hear the speeches of Vladimir Lenin, that he spent 3 weeks, including in a cow cart, to get to Moscow!
Trettebergstuen was so spiritually motivated towards God that she had to travel to the Eidsvoll building on 21 April 2022 and raise the pride flag – with full press coverage including the association FRI and Skeiv Ungdom – on the «1814 Flaggstangen», which carried the cross- market flag. Then she began to practice politics according to the principle «Tolerance for us, but not for them» – perhaps counting on her «powerful friends» to shield her crimes?»
On 21 May 2012, the Storting adopted the final break with our nation’s values and traditions, we went from being a CHRISTIAN «Nation of Peace» to a Jewish «War Machine» of the Harlem – Stoltenberg – Bernadotte clan; On 21 May 2012, our Christian cultural heritage (Protestantism) ceases to exist in the Constitution https://www.riksavisen.no/den-21-mai-2012-opphorer-var-kristne-kulturarv/
Norway and our Viking kings from year 850 were PROTESTANTS. WE taught Martin Luther Protestantism, not the other way around.
“ Further global progress is now possible only through a quest for universal consensus in the movement towards a New World Order. ” – Mikhail Gorbachev, in an address to the United Nations, December 1988
In 1992, the CoR published a report entitled «The First Global Revolution». Here is a final statement from that report, that is HARLEM’s new humanist religion:
«It would seem that humans need a common motivation, namely a common adversary to organize and act together in the vacuum; such a motivation must be found to bring the divided nations together to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one imagined for this purpose».
At the same time they change our constitution and say our traditions and values for 1000 years have been «humanistic», in § 2. That is CHRISTIAN humanistic, not satanic atheist «humanistic». A Study on the influence of humanism upon the characterization of satan in John Milton’s Paradise Lost, by Dewi, Christina (1998) A Study on the influence of humanism upon the characterization of satan in John Milton’s Paradise Lost . Bachelor thesis, Petra Christian University.
«Using the theory of characterization, the thesis writer analyzes Satan through a literary approach to find out the ideas of Humanism reflected in Satan’s speeches. The ideas of self-confidence, self-reliance, resilience, supremacy of mind and freedom are among humanistic ideas which Milton exposes in the characterization of Satan. In juxtaposing Satan alongside Humanism, Milton reveals his own resolute verdict on the philosophy and warns against the danger of Humanism.” https://repository.petra.ac.id/2707/
Paradise we have lost. After 45 years of the gender quoted in politics running our nation, we are in ashes. Because they do not heed God’s words:
«As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.”
According to John Milton in «Paradise Lost» the Gro Harlem Brundtland’s atheist secular «humanism» is pure satanism. I know. That is why we always loose the CHRISTIAN Paradises, IF we let the Jews in.
I have studied that women for 25-30 years, she destroyed a child of mine, under the feminist slogan my daughter was sacrificed to Ball and Molech, forever condemned to hate her father, all half of her family, and adopt HARLEM as her « country mother» (mother). She can never get out of the state of mind the satanic ‘ Sect of Harlem ‘ put her in.
God paid Harlem partly back for that, I learned that «an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth»;
A few years after she lost her son Jørgen to suicide. Karin Stoltenberg lost his daughter Ninni to narcotics (it was Stoltenbergs who saved the opium in Afghanistan, the Taliban was about to destroy all of them, Jewish Stoltenbergs could nopt risk that, bad for their business, so we had «WAR ON TALIBAN» – for destroying OPIUM!).
And finally Gro Harlem Brundtland’s useless idiot the Judge Bjørn Inge Rørstad in charge of the mistreatment of children, died of cancer. I saw God’s justice in action. The only thing the poor girl and mine wanted, was to live with her father (me) not the mother. It took them 3-4 months during the trial to brainwash her to the opposite.
Global warming is still a created conflict. The Club of Rome talked about years ago that they needed a ‘manufactured enemy’. Cf. «The Vacuum» in «The First Global Revolution» from 1991 by Alexander King.
«In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”– Club of Rome, «The First Global Revolution», consultants to the UN.
In 1972, the Club of Rome, together with an MIT team, published a report called ‘Limits to Growth’. («Boundaries for growth)», by, among others, Norwegian Jørgen Randers (head of BI). Gro Harlem Brundtland’s errand boys, together with Jonas GAHR Støre and Jens Stoltenberg, all askeNAZI Jews.
The Club of Rome has said in its statutes: «The world has cancer, and the cancer is the people» . Some people really are of the opinion that the Jews are the Cancers of the World….
«The United Nation’s goal is to reduce population selectively by encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control human reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day.» – Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, November 1991
I wrote recently how they did the coup d’etat in Norway, started in 1856 when Norway lifted the ban on Jews on in our nations, the Jewish movement gained traction from 1915: https://www.riksavisen.no/deepstate-norway -1945-2023-from-nazi-occupation-to-askenazi-occupation/ §§§ https://www.riksavisen.no/malaysia-king-harald-rex-bernadotte-jewish-vs-the-fairhair-viking- israelite-goodwill-victory-10/
«My final conclusion after forty years or more in this business (medicine) is that the unofficial policy of the WHO and the unofficial policy of the ‘Save the Children Fund’ and …. (other vaccine promoting ) organizations is one of murder and genocide” – Dr. Archie Kalokerinos MBBS, PhD FAPM
The talmudic Babylonian Whore is everywhere, where lies and deception is (MOSSAD’s slogan): Gro Harlem Brundtland has of course also made his influence felt in that organization; as Director-General of the WHO .
‘Climate quotas’ to Jewish Al Gore et al.?
The Chinese flag: The large star represents Communism, while the four smaller stars represent the Chinese people’s social classes. These four classes are peasants, workers, petty bourgeoisie, and patriotic capitalists.
See the last mentioned group; PATRIOTIC CAPITALISTS A PROTECTED CLASS IN COMMUNISM! What? Why? Because it was the class of PATRIOTIC CAPITALISTS Jews that financed both Marx and Lenin/Trotsky Bronstein. Checkmate!
NOTHING is going to end up in the pockets of ‘the poor’. They line up the pockets of the Rothschilds, Al Gore (of the family Schiff) and Rockefeller, George Soros and Bill Gates and their ilk. The patriotic protected class in communism, is JEWS. GUARANTEED!
This is just another variation of the vaccine fraud.
«The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in history.» -David Rockefeller.
1973. After a trip to China, David Rockefeller praised Mao Tse-tung who had slaughtered over 40 million people. His report, «From a China Traveler,» highlights the goals presented in UN reports such as «The Commission on Global Governance» and UNESCO’s Our Creative Diversity. Both focus on lofty ideals such as peace, harmony and unity in the communitarian «global» village — a vision that demands absolute control and universal participation in facilitated small groups (modeled by the hierarchy of «soviets» or councils in Communist countries):
«One is impressed immediately by the sense of national harmony…. Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution it has obviously succeeded… in fostering high morale and community purpose. General social and economic progress is no less impressive….The enormous social advances of China have benefited greatly form the singleness of ideology and purpose…. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in history.» New York Times, 8-10-1973.
“China will be the leader of the New World Order. American citizens better not resist.”
– George Soros
Impressive. The Jews favorite world, AFTER they have industrially murdered all who do not share their perversities an d antiChristian aspirations for the World.
Around year 1916 where Gro Harlem Brundtland’s father hosted the Jewish mass murderer Lev Bronstein in a cottage close to Gjøvik, also called Trotsky, before he and Lenin went to Russia and industrially murdered 66 million of Scandinavians aka «RUS-People». Scandinavians after Rurik are the RUS-People. The Bolshevik Jews made it «legal» to murder 66 million, under the second law they made; Death sentence for antisemitism. Anyone saying against the evil murderers had to die. And Rockefeller’s New World Order is realized by murdering all who do not fit into their « high morale and community purpose. «.
What will God do, is all we can ask.

The report stated that we would achieve an environmental holocaust by the year 2000, due to overpopulation and other environmental problems. Support for their conclusions was gathered using the results of a computer model. Aurelio Peccei, one of the founders of the Club of Rome, later confessed that the computer program had been written to produce the desired results. Similar claims have been made about global warming, and other scares. See the list of members of the Club Of Rome (CoR) here:
Gro Harlem Brundtland – United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Change, former Prime Minister of Norway, is the woman behind the term «sustainable development» , in a report that the Club of Rome had probably written for her, which built on «Limits for Growth », for which Gro Harlem Brundtlant took the honor and credit, through the UN Commission called the Brundtland Commission. Even if the lady is gender-quoted, stupid as a bread and probably hasn’t even written the headline.
HARLEM’s love this fact, she has come a long way from what her father started:
My book is soon released . How Esau’s children (The Jews) in 1897-8 at the Zionist Congress in Basel broke free from the «yoke» of Jacob-Israelite ( Gen. 27:40 ), and decided they will take the lead, contrary to God’s instruction. Yes, they are in opposition to God’s clear instructions today.
Gro Harlem Brundtland is also the daughter of Oddmund Harlem, who was central to the communist movement in Norway in the 1920s, through, among other things, the organization Mot Dag. The apple rarely falls far from the tree.
As Al Gore, Mr. Environmentalist, is a Schiff and member. Also note Mikhail Gorbachev is there, quote:
«In October, 1917 we parted with the Old World, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving towards a New World, a world of Communism. We shall NEVER turn off that road.” -Mikhail Gorbachev at the Kremlin in Moscow, Nov. 2, 1987
My advice to young boys, NEVER hook up to girls who like and adore Gro Harlem Brundtland. The feminist may be beautiful outside, and you may like to get them in bed, but stay away, do not fall in love with them, they will take your heart and all your money, and run off, and run off with your children they sacrifice easily to Baal and Molech, they are a road to misery. You can be sure I speak from experience.. 🙂
There are women of God available, if you look carefully enough, hunting high and low, and like Angela and Angelic look with honest eyes on themselves, in the video;
Ex, Stripper Tells All. The sexual liberation lie.
How can we know who we fit with, if we don’t know ourselves?
All who had ever stayed before the Throne of God, and been judged, their lifestyles scrutinized, knows that total HONESTY is the only thing that is sure you will need. The opposite is not possible before the Throne, when you are at the point in your life you are so low you need to meet your Maker, because you hate yourself, as the one the World of Satan have made you to be, than it is high possibility this will happen. Jesus is there for all who ask for help.
HONESTY is also the way you can recognize who is of God, and the liars who are always from Satan ( John 8:44 ).
If people are more loyal to the Jews and Israel than to their own race and nation, than something is wrong with them. Stay away from them also, they are of the LIE, who is Chosen by God.
Better to stay alone, than in bad company, like Layla in the Ministry of the Lamb says below.
The Jewess Harlem B. is Climate – Covid – Conflict (war) Inc. The Queen of Hell. The first war she started was the war of the Sexes, and than she progressed, in divide and conquer, until today when she has led the World to the brink of World War III. No Jews can make Peace, because the Spirit of Christ is void in them. Only the Prince of Peace can make Peace. Talmudic Jews will always create war, of everything they do.. because they do not have Christ. They will destroy any harmonious nation built on Christian principles.
God’s people are not to be friends with or mate with satanists and perverts. This is the girls to look for. They are a blessing to the world and humanity.
At this moment Jesus will raise up thousands of these beautiful girls, every day, and, I assure you, these girls will ONLY hook up with men of the same standard, TOTAL HONESTY. Cowards and liars as Peter denying Jesus (zionists) to please the evil Babylonian Jews will not be mated by these CHRISTIAN girls. Be sure perverts will not be able anymore to mate with such as these girls. They have and live by another standard now. That is God’s mark on His Chosen People.
Young boys. In godly women you’ll find your sisters in Christ, you share the same Spirit, because Christ lives in you both, you know each other before you mate and connect. Go for it.
He is standing on the door and knocking, it WILL be opened up, for all who ask.
The freedom of religion we had in § 2 of the Constitution, which disappeared in 2012 – is being removed more and more. The plan is to punish and imprison people who have different beliefs and protect human dignity, creation and take the Fall from Grace in Eden seriously, and therefore must preach about the Way to Life and away from neo-paganism for the good of us humans. Among other things, there are a number of diseases, including mental problems, which can affect people who do not live according to God’s Word, also regarding sexual cohabitation.
How close are we to a North Korean/Russian society? Briefly, I would like to mention the brilliant book by Sigurd Opdahl from 1947, The Battle for Human Rights.
Quote from the book: «What people first fought for was the freedom of the inner life. It was the right to worship God in accordance with one’s own conscience, ie freedom of belief and conscience.» (p. 12) Then, very briefly, came the demand for freedom of speech and freedom of the press and other rights followed. But the rights were derived from freedom of belief and conscience.
For the same reason much of my family ran off to America, for this freedom of conscience. But today the Jews control America as well.
Bush I or II (Jews), actor Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Donald Trump or Joe Biden, both and all of them equally controlled by the Jews, by the Babylonian People of the Beast nature.
See also here. Short translated film « Forward to the past » (http://www.lt90.narod.ru/video/vpered.html) starts with a quote:
«We will turn Russia’s population into white niggers. We will create a red tyranny, not from the right, but from the left. Rivers of blood shall flow. Bankers from abroad will help us drown Russia’s consciousness in bloodbaths. We will run bloody terror the likes of which no one has seen. With the help of terror, we shall reduce the intellectuals to an animal state. If we win the revolution, we will gain such power that the whole world will kneel before us.”
(Leo Trotsky Bronstein, Lenin’s homosexual lover).
That is the destiny awaiting Gro Harlem’s enemies, the Christians, the ONLY people we can expect to stand up against evil. Bankers from abroad. The protected class, – in Communism. They are clever these people.
The Club of Rome’s plan ‘Global 2000’ was adopted by President Carter in 1979. Former World Bank chief Robert McNamara said, “One must take draconian measures of demographic reduction against the will of the populations. .. One must therefore increase the mortality rate. How? By Famine and sickness.”
Deathdoctor Gro Harlem Brundtland must just enthusiastically love that guy; Climate-Covid-Conflict (War) Inc. of askeNAZI Klaus Schwab and its stakeholders will take care of it. Imagine how many white Israelite boys she may exterminate with that kind of hate… For sure.
There is nowhere to run for us. But God is still on his throne, God still made Jesus Christ who is still the King of our earthly domain ( Isaiah 9:6 ). Only thing we Christians can do now is to wait, we must wait and see – Jesus warned as (((they))) persecuted him, so will the Jews to us ( John 15:20 ), nothing we can do. The Jews have all the weapons, they control the State, they own the Police, the Military, the Stay Behind (Gladio), the Intelligence Agencies, all work all for them.
Amalek of Esau is today’s Jews (Edomites of Idumea)
Esau could not do what he does, if we are not of the same blood, and they look like us, although Esau a bastard married Canaanites and Ishmaelites against his father Isaac’s CLEAR instructions not to ( Genesis 28:8 , 9 ). God don’t like bastards of his special people. For all others it is ok. Jesus can save bastards as well… https://www.riksavisen.no/caucasian-israelites-the-people-who-shall-dwell-alone/
But for us Israelites is not allowed as jewess Martha Lovise of the Bernadotte Jews are doing. The Jews of Edom could not hide in the House of Jacob-Israel (the white race)….. if not they look like us. Jesus said we will » know them by their fruits » (what they do and opinions).
I have studied the Babylonian Bitch for 30 years, the whole world worships the people of the Talmudic Babylonian Beast ( Revelation 13:8 ), and all I see we can do now, is to ask ;
What will God do?
(will God support to extinguish the last person of my race of Israelites, so be it. There is none other options available for the good people, when evil people have hijacked 100% power in our nations)
If I will bet, I put 100% of my available capital, —– on God, and as we have seen, the Edomite Talmudic Jews are NOT on God’s side in their aspirations for unlimited powers over all the World, they are on their own ( Genesis 27:41 , Malachi 1:4 ), that is why God hates Esau ( Obadiah 1:10 , 18 . Ezekiel 25:12 , 35:5 , Malachi 1:2-3 , 4:1 , Romans 9:13 ) :). The Old Testament’s LAST BOOK, the end of that last endtimes eon in the Story of the Jews, says in Malachi 1:4 – their final eternal WARNING ;
« Though Edom may say, «We have been devastated, but we will rebuild the ruins,» this is what the LORD of Hosts says: «They may build, but I will demolish. They will be called the Land of Wickedness, and a people with whom the LORD is indignant forever.”
They are given a test of leadership skills today, 100 years to their disposal, what kind of leadership they will offer; 66 million Christian Scandinavians of the RUS-Peple murdered in USSR , how many will be in USSA? and EUSR? In Norway? They prove they are the evil People of Wickedness, in ANY Land of Wickedness they camp. Like Harlem sacrificed my lovely daughter to Baal and Molech 25 years ago. Have you forgotten? No. Will you ever? No. Every day they manifest their evil, «the people with whom the LORD is indignant forever .»
It says FOREVER. FOREVER is forever. They have NEVER been able to build anything we Israelites have not been in leadership of, from our Israelite Joseph in Egypt to Assyria > RUSSIA, and to Europe, or USA —- >>> all Jews can do is talmudic tikkun olam, creative destruction ….especially in all christian, they are always successfull in that.. « wars, pestilence, famines » ( Jer. 14:12 , Matt. 24:6-7 , Ez. 5:12 ), as will be when Jesus returns , they are always EXPERTS to make and create misery in the world of Synagogue of Satan ( Rev. 2:9 , 3:9 ).
We can adjust our watches after that, if we have « wars, pestilence, famines » than the talmudic Jews are in power, like they were in Holodomor in Ukraine 1932-1933, starving 10 million people to DEATH! Guaranteed. If God sends the earthquakes to punish them for their evils, they will lie and tell the earthquakes are because of the «climate crisis». Satan’s own people ( Rev. 2:9 , 3:9 ) have learned the art of lying through thousands of years, Jesus told us NEVER to believe ANYTHING they say ( John. 8:44 ).
Abba «The Winner Takes It All»
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