More recent exploration of the swabs shows same kind of activity as seen in David Nixon’s injectable explorations. Robots seen zooming outside the liquid area.

31. OKT. 2023

It looks exciting, and beautiful, but also really scary. Be prepared for some unbelievable footage that will raise eye brows.
Above video: Swab droplet on slide. Swab agitated in supplied buffer tube and then droplet smeared or dropped on slide.
Several separate drops were applied in order to see the reaction consistently repeated. It was rather shocking to see that the visual observation was like the Pfizer vaccine. David Nixon pointed out this resemblance since he has droplet tested Pfizer vaccine’s among other injectables many times. The particles here were huge and moving very fast. Bubbles appeared, and the ring begun to close rapidly while the reaction was occurring and the outside then started to crystalize. After a while the mass of particles in the center had turned to a furning or sediment type fractal pattern.
What was even more striking was the moving particles on the outside of the sample droplet for which I can only think could of been describable as robots of some kind. They move very fast, flying from the center outwards and in other directions too. They then take resting ground on the slide where they take on the appearance of orange dots after landing, at this point they look like orange Q-dots. Watch the video below very carefully and preferably on a big screen.
Above: Slow replay of robot like entities moving across the swab slide.
It was notable that the movement was certainly not random. The flying dots were observed sometimes flying in tandem, taking right angle turns away from each other at times, and generally moving as if tasked.
Above: Sped up video of Robot like entities flying around swab slide franticly.
I think David, Shimon, and myself were all stunned by what we were seeing. It is extremely hard to think what these microscopic UFO (humour) like objects might be at the moment. I had done swab tests and seen similar but smaller metallic looking ones in 04 of 2022 (see my other articles). It would appear that this complex material being found on the swab gels would imply that those of us who believed it was okay to take the test were actually participating in the vaccine anyway. This is assumed by the fact that most of us deem the reactions and complex structures that form to be in line with highly advanced nanotechnology that we were not informed about being subjected to us. This is my own opinion, which I am entitled to, and believe is fairly obvious using ones eyes and their common sense.
What was most worrying was the fact these moving objects could move in the dry area. I saw them even flying around under the slide when focusing deeper, and the next slide was blank, I laid it down on the microscope and now they were flying there too now. It seems they may have swarmed out and into the air. These definitely came from the material on the swab. It raises concerns as to how much care should be taken when viewing these in future.

Above: Material furning out, from the center of the droplet on slide after a short period of time.

One fiber appeared each time a drop was applied. They formed so rapidly it was hard to capture. Interestingly the swab type was the foam type with hexagonal mesh pattern, not the spikey fiber type.

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