Geoengineering Climate Clock Countdown to 2030!

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View in browser   Geoengineering Climate Clock Countdown to 2030! The clock is ticking, and the stage is set. Blocking the sun is the threat, when unattainable goals are not met.
ClimateViewer Feb 19     READ IN APP  

The Climate Clock will run out July 21st, 2029. The likelihood that emissions reduction goals will be met are ZERO. What purpose could these clocks serve? Could it be that the technocrats are tired of waiting for capitalism and freedom loving citizens to embrace the ‘s (WEF) “Great Reset,” the Intergovernmental Panel on (IPCC) warnings, the United Nations (COP 21 Paris Agreement), and Agenda 2030? Whether you believe in CO2-based global warming or not, by hook or by crook the believers are hell bent (pun intended) on blocking out the sun to cool the planet. It is my firm belief that the Climate Clocks are a countdown to Geoengineering and serve as a warning from the technocrat world order: submit or we will control the sun! SATAN and a lack of TRANSPARENCY Last year, Andrew Lockley launched a secret solar deployment experiment dubbed SATAN (Stratospheric Aerosol Transport and Nucleation). When news leaked to the press, he was livid: “Leakers be damned!” he wrote in an email to MIT Review. “I’ve tried to follow the straight and narrow path and wait for the judgment day of peer review, but it appears a colleague has been led astray by diabolical temptation.”  “There’s a special place in hell for those who leak their colleagues’ work, tormented by ever burning sulfur,” he added. “But I have taken a vow of silence, and can only confirm that our craft ascended to the heavens, as intended. I only hope that this plays a small part in offering mankind salvation from the hellish inferno of climate change.” Even colleagues from the geoengineering world flamed him on his own Google Geoengineering Group: Glad you had fun, Andrew. For me, this is clear proof of your unseriousness and childishness – not to mention the overall threat you pose to this research field as a whole towards any kind of legitimacy. I personally don’t want to be associated even remotely with anything you do now or in the future, so this will be my last message on this group before I unsubscribe. Lockley’s biggest crime: violating public trust in honest dialogue and transparency from geoengineers. Shame on you sir. Pete Irvine nailed it in this tweet: Make Sunsets: In Your Face Two yahoos are selling cooling credits, throwing sulfur-filled balloons into the sky, and getting geoengineering banned in Mexico due to their antics. Luke Iseman and Andrew Song from Make Sunsets are ignoring all of the rules but you have to at least give them credit for being completely transparent. Make Sunsets, Inc. was founded in October 2022 by Luke Iseman and Andrew Song and is based in Box Elder, South Dakota. The company aims to “create reflective clouds in the stratosphere” by releasing sulfur particles and claims that “1 gram of our clouds offsets the warming that 1 ton of CO₂ emissions creates for a year. After ~2 years, our clouds compost and settle back to Earth.” Balloons filled with helium and a small amount of SO2 are supposed to rise into the stratosphere, burst and release the SO2 particles. Make Sunsets aims to sell ‘cooling credits’ based on these flights, but the company admits that it has no way of knowing whether the balloons have reached the stratosphere and/or whether they have released the sulfur particles. Make Sunsets has conducted (unauthorised) test flights with helium weather balloons and SO2 from Baja California (near La Ventana, Mexico), Reno (Nevada, USA) and in California, including San Francisco Bay. In January 2023, a month after the Ventana experiments became public knowledge, the Mexican government banned them. Since then, Make Sunset has been planning/conducting the experiments in the USA. [Source] While Andrew Lockley and Make Sunsets are doing small scale solar geoengineering experiments, the Darth Vader of the sun-screen world has set his own deadline for climate control. : Subscale Geoengineering in 5 Years Just in time for the Climate Clock to run out, David Keith from Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program, backed by , has a five year plan to circumvent his past failed deployments. In 2018-2021, Keith attempted to launch the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) StratoCruiser from Tuscon, Arizona and Kiruna, Sweden but was stopped by pressure from the ETC Group. Their funding will come from Harvard internal funds and likely Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Program, which has raised money from Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, the Hewlett Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and other philanthropists. SCoPEx follows in the wake of several other solar geoengineering collaborations that have failed to pick up momentum, such as at the 2011 E-PEACE experiment out of the University of California, San Diego, and the SPICE collaboration in the U.K., which stalled in 2012. [Source] In an MIT Technology Review article released on February 5, 2024, Keith proposes: “a country or group of countries could conceivably start a subscale solar geoengineering deployment in as little as five years.” He describes a subscale deployment as “mere kilograms of aerosol material” versus a full scale deployment which would “involve millions of metric tons.” He recognizes that even a subscale deployment of solar geoengineering could be disastrous: While the climate impact of such a subscale deployment would be small (and most likely beneficial), the political impact could be profound. It could trigger a backlash that would upend climate geopolicy and threaten international stability. It could be an on-ramp to large-scale deployment. And it could be exploited by fossil fuel interests seeking to slow the essential task of cutting emissions.  Then he switches to the typical lobbyist approach… but I’m not advocating this thing I am currently writing about and suggesting, with a timeline and suggesting which planes to use and how many. REALLY?!? We oppose near-term deployment of solar geoengineering. In accord with the Climate Overshoot Commission, the most senior group of political leaders to examine the topic, we support a moratorium on deployment until the science is internationalized and critically assessed, and until some governance architecture is widely agreed upon. David Keith suggests that a full scale deployment would take several hundreds of specially designed aircraft to loft chemicals into the stratosphere at the equator, but a subscale deployment could be done near the poles with as few as 15 business jets: Private Jets for “Subscale” Geoengineering Using assumptions confirmed with Gulfstream, we estimate that any of its G500/600 aircraft could loft about 10 kilotons of material per year to 15.5 kilometers. If highly mass-efficient CS2 were used, a fleet of no more than 15 aircraft could carry up 100 kilotons of sulfur a year. Aged but operable used G650s cost about $25 million. Adding in the cost of modification, maintenance, spare parts, salaries, fuel, materials, and insurance, we expect the average total cost of a decade-long subscale deployment would be about $500 million a year. Large-scale deployment would cost at least 10 times as much. Keith’s definition of “subscale” just went from “mere kilograms” to “10 kilotons” in the same article. SMH. In 2013, David Keith admitted that his plan to block sunlight by spraying sulfur into the stratosphere “would kill many tens of thousands of people.” (Time stamp – 1:10:17) He makes the same argument that Robert Oppenheimer made when justifying the creation of the atomic bomb: we hoped that it (the bomb) would save more lives than it took. We all know how that ended up. Geoengineering is Already Happening Chuck Long from NOAA’s Earth Systems Research Lab concluded that aircraft emissions are already making the sky brighter and called this “accidental geoengineering.” So the scientists dug deeper, and in a provocative new analysis, not yet published, Long suggests that a high-altitude “ice haze,” created by water and other emissions from aircraft, is responsible. “I’m talking about a sub-visual contrail-generated haze of ice, which we do not classify as a cloud but gives blue sky more of a whitish tint.” Long said. The Indian Institute of Science and ISRO’s Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre determined that black carbon from jet exhaust (which carries sulfur, graphene, and nano-metals) was found at 18 kilometers in the stratosphere : evidence of such particles existing up to 18 km into the stratosphere and there are about 10,000 of them in every cubic centimetre. Given the shape and location of these particles, they argue, it could only derive from emissions from aviation fuel [SOURCE] Govardhan, Gaurav, et al. «Possible climatic implications of high-altitude black carbon emissions.» Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17.15 (2017): 9623-9644. In Summation I previously told you about the airline industry’s plans to make clouds by day and none by night in Geoengineering with Contrails. With all the “accidental geoengineering” already happening and the uncertainty of climate models, why won’t the technocrats explain how much geoengineering is enough before we reach a tipping point where “many tens of thousands of people are killed” from legalized, globally controlled, full scale geoengineering deployment? Please subscribe to this , share this article, and visit to visit my websites and social media. Subscribed Thanks for reading The ClimateViewer ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. Subscribed   Share     Like Comment Restack   © 2024 James Franklin Lee Jr. of ClimateViewer News LLC.
25 Tripp Drive, Sumter, South Carolina 29153
View in browser   Geoengineering Climate Clock Countdown to 2030! The clock is ticking, and the stage is set. Blocking the sun is the threat, when unattainable goals are not met.
ClimateViewer Feb 19     READ IN APP  

The Climate Clock will run out July 21st, 2029. The likelihood that emissions reduction goals will be met are ZERO. What purpose could these clocks serve? Could it be that the technocrats are tired of waiting for capitalism and freedom loving citizens to embrace the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Great Reset,” the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warnings, the United Nations (COP 21 Paris Agreement), and Agenda 2030? Whether you believe in CO2-based global warming or not, by hook or by crook the believers are hell bent (pun intended) on blocking out the sun to cool the planet. It is my firm belief that the Climate Clocks are a countdown to Geoengineering and serve as a warning from the technocrat world order: submit or we will control the sun! SATAN and a lack of TRANSPARENCY Last year, Andrew Lockley launched a secret solar geoengineering deployment experiment dubbed SATAN (Stratospheric Aerosol Transport and Nucleation). When news leaked to the press, he was livid: “Leakers be damned!” he wrote in an email to MIT Technology Review. “I’ve tried to follow the straight and narrow path and wait for the judgment day of peer review, but it appears a colleague has been led astray by diabolical temptation.”  “There’s a special place in hell for those who leak their colleagues’ work, tormented by ever burning sulfur,” he added. “But I have taken a vow of silence, and can only confirm that our craft ascended to the heavens, as intended. I only hope that this test plays a small part in offering mankind salvation from the hellish inferno of climate change.” Even colleagues from the geoengineering world flamed him on his own Google Geoengineering Group: Glad you had fun, Andrew. For me, this is clear proof of your unseriousness and childishness – not to mention the overall threat you pose to this research field as a whole towards any kind of legitimacy. I personally don’t want to be associated even remotely with anything you do now or in the future, so this will be my last message on this group before I unsubscribe. Lockley’s biggest crime: violating public trust in honest dialogue and transparency from geoengineers. Shame on you sir. Pete Irvine nailed it in this tweet: Make Sunsets: In Your Face Two yahoos are selling cooling credits, throwing sulfur-filled balloons into the sky, and getting geoengineering banned in Mexico due to their antics. Luke Iseman and Andrew Song from Make Sunsets are ignoring all of the rules but you have to at least give them credit for being completely transparent. Make Sunsets, Inc. was founded in October 2022 by Luke Iseman and Andrew Song and is based in Box Elder, South Dakota. The company aims to “create reflective clouds in the stratosphere” by releasing sulfur particles and claims that “1 gram of our clouds offsets the warming that 1 ton of CO₂ emissions creates for a year. After ~2 years, our clouds compost and settle back to Earth.” Balloons filled with helium and a small amount of SO2 are supposed to rise into the stratosphere, burst and release the SO2 particles. Make Sunsets aims to sell ‘cooling credits’ based on these flights, but the company admits that it has no way of knowing whether the balloons have reached the stratosphere and/or whether they have released the sulfur particles. Make Sunsets has conducted (unauthorised) test flights with helium weather balloons and SO2 from Baja California (near La Ventana, Mexico), Reno (Nevada, USA) and in California, including San Francisco Bay. In January 2023, a month after the Ventana experiments became public knowledge, the Mexican government banned them. Since then, Make Sunset has been planning/conducting the experiments in the USA. [Source] While Andrew Lockley and Make Sunsets are doing small scale solar geoengineering experiments, the Darth Vader of the sun-screen world has set his own deadline for climate control. David Keith: Subscale Geoengineering in 5 Years Just in time for the Climate Clock to run out, David Keith from Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program, backed by Bill Gates, has a five year plan to circumvent his past failed deployments. In 2018-2021, Keith attempted to launch the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) StratoCruiser from Tuscon, Arizona and Kiruna, Sweden but was stopped by pressure from the ETC Group. Their funding will come from Harvard internal funds and likely Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Program, which has raised money from Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, the Hewlett Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and other philanthropists. SCoPEx follows in the wake of several other solar geoengineering collaborations that have failed to pick up momentum, such as at the 2011 E-PEACE experiment out of the University of California, San Diego, and the SPICE collaboration in the U.K., which stalled in 2012. [Source] In an MIT Technology Review article released on February 5, 2024, Keith proposes: “a country or group of countries could conceivably start a subscale solar geoengineering deployment in as little as five years.” He describes a subscale deployment as “mere kilograms of aerosol material” versus a full scale deployment which would “involve millions of metric tons.” He recognizes that even a subscale deployment of solar geoengineering could be disastrous: While the climate impact of such a subscale deployment would be small (and most likely beneficial), the political impact could be profound. It could trigger a backlash that would upend climate geopolicy and threaten international stability. It could be an on-ramp to large-scale deployment. And it could be exploited by fossil fuel interests seeking to slow the essential task of cutting emissions.  Then he switches to the typical lobbyist approach… but I’m not advocating this thing I am currently writing about and suggesting, with a timeline and suggesting which planes to use and how many. REALLY?!? We oppose near-term deployment of solar geoengineering. In accord with the Climate Overshoot Commission, the most senior group of political leaders to examine the topic, we support a moratorium on deployment until the science is internationalized and critically assessed, and until some governance architecture is widely agreed upon. David Keith suggests that a full scale deployment would take several hundreds of specially designed aircraft to loft chemicals into the stratosphere at the equator, but a subscale deployment could be done near the poles with as few as 15 business jets: Private Jets for “Subscale” Geoengineering Using assumptions confirmed with Gulfstream, we estimate that any of its G500/600 aircraft could loft about 10 kilotons of material per year to 15.5 kilometers. If highly mass-efficient CS2 were used, a fleet of no more than 15 aircraft could carry up 100 kilotons of sulfur a year. Aged but operable used G650s cost about $25 million. Adding in the cost of modification, maintenance, spare parts, salaries, fuel, materials, and insurance, we expect the average total cost of a decade-long subscale deployment would be about $500 million a year. Large-scale deployment would cost at least 10 times as much. Keith’s definition of “subscale” just went from “mere kilograms” to “10 kilotons” in the same article. SMH. In 2013, David Keith admitted that his plan to block sunlight by spraying sulfur into the stratosphere “would kill many tens of thousands of people.” (Time stamp – 1:10:17) He makes the same argument that Robert Oppenheimer made when justifying the creation of the atomic bomb: we hoped that it (the bomb) would save more lives than it took. We all know how that ended up. Geoengineering is Already Happening Chuck Long from NOAA’s Earth Systems Research Lab concluded that aircraft emissions are already making the sky brighter and called this “accidental geoengineering.” So the scientists dug deeper, and in a provocative new analysis, not yet published, Long suggests that a high-altitude “ice haze,” created by water and other emissions from aircraft, is responsible. “I’m talking about a sub-visual contrail-generated haze of ice, which we do not classify as a cloud but gives blue sky more of a whitish tint.” Long said. The Indian Institute of Science and ISRO’s Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre determined that black carbon from jet exhaust (which carries sulfur, graphene, and nano-metals) was found at 18 kilometers in the stratosphere : evidence of such particles existing up to 18 km into the stratosphere and there are about 10,000 of them in every cubic centimetre. Given the shape and location of these particles, they argue, it could only derive from emissions from aviation fuel [SOURCE] Govardhan, Gaurav, et al. «Possible climatic implications of high-altitude black carbon emissions.» Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17.15 (2017): 9623-9644. In Summation I previously told you about the airline industry’s plans to make clouds by day and none by night in Geoengineering with Contrails. With all the “accidental geoengineering” already happening and the uncertainty of climate models, why won’t the technocrats explain how much geoengineering is enough before we reach a tipping point where “many tens of thousands of people are killed” from legalized, globally controlled, full scale geoengineering deployment? Please subscribe to this Substack, share this article, and visit to visit my websites and social media. Subscribed Thanks for reading The ClimateViewer Report! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. Subscribed   Share     Like Comment Restack   © 2024 James Franklin Lee Jr. of ClimateViewer News LLC.
25 Tripp Drive, Sumter, South Carolina 29153

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