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  • Operation Warp Speed (OWS), a joint operation between U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Defense, continues to be shrouded in secrecy
  • OWS is a public-private partnership tasked with producing therapeutics and a fast-tracked vaccine — 300 million doses’ worth that are intended to be made available starting in January 2021
  • OWS has plans to engage an “active pharmaco vigilance surveillance system” to track Americans for 24 months following vaccination
  • One of OWS’ four key tenets is “traceability,” which includes confirming which of the approved vaccines were administered regardless of location (public or private), reminding recipients to return for a second dose and ensuring that the correct second dose is administered
  • Google and Oracle, a multinational computer corporation headquartered in California, in the heart of Silicon Valley, have been contracted to “collect and track vaccine data” as part of OWS’ surveillance systems
  • OWS, rather than being directed by public health officials, is heavily dominated by military, technology companies and U.S. intelligence agencies, likening it to a successor for Total Information Awareness (TIA), a program that sprang up after the 9/11 attacks but was quickly defunded following public backlash over privacy concerns

Operation Warp Speed (OWS), a joint operation between U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Defense, continues to be shrouded in secrecy, but little by little information is emerging that long-term monitoring of the U.S. public is part of the plan.

At face value, OWS is a public-private partnership tasked with producing therapeutics and a fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine1 — 300 million doses’ worth that are intended to be made available starting in January 2021.2

But it appears the involvement doesn’t end there. Rather than just ensuring a vaccine is produced and made available for those who want it, Moncef Slaoui, the chief scientific adviser for Operation Warp Speed, dubbed the coronavirus vaccine czar,3 said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal that the rollout will include «incredibly precise … tracking systems.»4,5

Their purpose? «To ensure that patients each get two doses of the same vaccine and to monitor them for adverse health effects.»6 In an interview with The New York Times, Slaoui described it as a «very active pharmaco vigilance surveillance system.»7

What Will the Vaccine Monitoring System Entail?

This is the No. 1 question, and one that hasn’t been answered, at least not officially. «While Slaoui himself was short on specifics regarding this ‘pharmacovigilance surveillance system,'» Whitney Webb, professional writer, researcher and journalist writes, «the few official documents from OWS that have been publicly released offer some details about what this system may look like and how long it is expected to ‘track’ the vital signs and whereabouts of Americans who receive a Warp Speed vaccine.»8

One of the documents, titled «From the Factory to the Frontlines: The Operation Warp Speed Strategy for Distributing a COVID-19 Vaccine,» was released by HHS.9 It also mentions the use of pharmacovigilance surveillance along with Phase 4 (post-licensure) clinical trials in order to assess the vaccines’ long-term safety, since «some technologies have limited previous data on safety in humans.»10

The report, which lays out a strategy for distributing a COVID-19 vaccine, from allocation and distribution to administration and more, continues:11

«The key objective of pharmacovigilance is to determine each vaccine’s performance in real-life scenarios, to study efficacy, and to discover any infrequent and rare side effects not identified in clinical trials. OWS will also use pharmacovigilance analytics, which serves as one of the instruments for the continuous monitoring of pharmacovigilance data.

Robust analytical tools will be used to leverage large amounts of data and the benefits of using such data across the value chain, including regulatory obligations. Pharmacovigilance provides timely information about the safety of each vaccine to patients, healthcare professionals, and the public, contributing to the protection of patients and the promotion of public health.»

Similar language was reiterated in an October 2020 perspective article published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), written by Slaoui and Dr. Matthew Hepburn.12

Hepburn is a former program manager for the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (), where he oversaw the development of ProfusA,13 an implantable biosensor that allows a person’s physiology to be examined at a distance via smartphone connectivity. ProfusA is also backed by Google, the largest data mining company in the world.

Writing in NEJM, the duo writes, «Because some technologies have limited previous data on safety in humans, the long-term safety of these vaccines will be carefully assessed using pharmacovigilance surveillance strategies.»14

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‘Traceability’ a Key Tenet of Operation Warp Speed

Webb also references an OWS infographic,15 which details the COVID-19 vaccine distribution and administration process. One of the four key tenets is «traceability,» which includes confirming which of the approved vaccines were administered regardless of location (public or private), reminding recipients to return for a second dose and ensuring that the correct second dose is administered.

That word — pharmacovigilance — is used again, this time as a heading inferring that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will be involved in «24-month post trial monitoring for adverse effects/additional safety feature.» Pharmacovigilance, also known as drug safety, generally refers to the collection, analysis, monitoring and prevention of adverse effects from medications and other therapies.16

Passive reporting systems for adverse events, like the Vaccines Adverse Event Reporting System, already exist and are managed by the FDA and CDC.

However, a report released by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Health Security suggests that passive systems that rely on people to send in their experiences should be made into an «active safety surveillance system directed by the CDC that monitors all vaccine recipients — perhaps by short message service or other electronic mechanisms — with criteria based on the World Health Organization Global Vaccine Safety Initiative.»17,18

What’s more, according to Webb, «Despite the claims in these documents that the ‘pharmacovigilance surveillance system’ would intimately involve the FDA, top FDA officials stated in September that they were barred from attending OWS meetings and told reporters they could not explain the operation’s organization or when or with what frequency its leadership meets.»19 STAT News further reported:20

«The Food and Drug Administration, which is playing a critical role in the response to the pandemic, has virtually no visibility into OWS — but that’s by design … The FDA has set up a firewall between the vast majority of staff and the initiative to separate any regulatory decisions from policy or budgetary decisions.

FDA officials are still allowed to interact with companies developing products for OWS, but they’re barred from sitting in on discussions regarding other focuses of OWS, like procurement, investment or distribution.»

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Health Security, by the way, has ties to Event 201, a pandemic preparedness simulation for a «novel coronavirus» that took place in October 2019, along with Dark Winter, another simulation that took place in June 2001, which predicted major aspects of the subsequent 2001 anthrax attacks.

Hepburn also reportedly «ruffled feathers» during a June 2020 presentation to the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices because he offered no data-rich slides, which are typically part of such presentations, and, STAT News reported, «Several members asked Hepburn pointed questions he pointedly did not answer.»21

Google and Oracle Contracted to Collect Vaccine Data

Google and Oracle, a multinational computer technology corporation headquartered in California, in the heart of Silicon Valley, have been contracted to «collect and track vaccine data» as part of OWS’ surveillance systems,22 a partnership Slaoui reportedly revealed in his Wall Street Journal interview.23 According to Webb:24

«If the Warp Speed contracts that have been awarded to Google and Oracle are anything like the Warp Speed contracts awarded to most of its participating vaccine companies, then those contracts grant those companies diminished federal oversight and exemptions from federal laws and regulations designed to protect taxpayer interests in the pursuit of the work stipulated in the contract.

It also makes them essentially immune to Freedom of Information Act requests. Yet, in contrast to the unacknowledged Google and Oracle contracts, vaccine companies have publicly disclosed that they received OWS contracts, just not the terms or details of those contracts. This suggests that the Google and Oracle contracts are even more secretive.»

In an interview with Webb (see Mercola hyperlink above under «Dark Winter»), it’s also revealed that Slaoui, a long-time head of GlaxoSmithKline’s vaccine division, is a leading proponent of bioelectronic medicine, which is the use of injectable or implantable technology for the purpose of treating nerve conditions.

The MIT Technology review has referred to it as hacking the nervous system. But it also allows you to monitor the physiology of the human body from the inside.

Slaoui is also invested in a company called Galvani Bioelectronics, which was cofounded by a Google subsidiary. «So, you have Google being contracted to monitor this pharmacovigilance surveillance system that aims to monitor the physiology and the human body for two years,» Webb says.

«And then you have the ties to the ProfusA project,» she adds, «which oddly enough is supposed to work inside the human body for 24 months — the exact window they’ve said will be used to monitor people after the first [vaccine] dose.»

The conflict of interest is massive, in part because Google owns YouTube, which has been banning our videos, a majority of which are interviews with health experts sharing their medical or scientific expertise and viewpoints on COVID-19, since June 2020. As noted by Webb:25

«With Google now formally part of OWS, it seems likely that any concerns about OWS’s extreme secrecy and the conflicts of interest of many of its members (particularly Moncef Slaoui and Matt Hepburn) as well as any concerns about Warp Speed vaccine safety, allocation and/or distribution may be labeled ‘COVID-19 vaccine misinformation’ and removed from YouTube.»

Is Total Surveillance Set to Become the New Normal?

OWS, rather than being directed by public health officials, is heavily dominated by military, technology companies and U.S. intelligence agencies, likening it to a successor for Total Information Awareness (TIA), a program managed by DARPA that sprang up after the 9/11 attacks.

At the time, TIA was seeking to collect Americans’ medical records, fingerprints and other biometric data, along with DNA and records relating to personal finances, travel and media consumption.26 According to Webb (again, refer to the Mercola hyperlink earlier, «Dark Winter»):

«We now know, for example, that the NSA and the Department of Homeland Security are directly involved in Operation Warp Speed, but they won’t really say exactly what parts they’re doing. But there are some indications as to what they could be involved with.

And the fact that Silicon Valley companies that have been known to collaborate with intelligence [agencies] for the purpose of spying on innocent Americans — Google and Oracle, for example — are going to be involved in this surveillance system … for everyone that gets the vaccine.

It’s certainly alarming, and it seems to point to the fulfillment of an agenda that was attempted to be pushed through or foisted on the American public after 9/11, called Total Information Awareness, which was managed, originally, by DARPA.

It was about using medical data and non-medical data — essentially all data about you — to prevent terror attacks before they could happen, and also to prevent bioterror attacks and even prevent naturally occurring disease outbreaks.

A lot of the same initiatives proposed under that original program after 9/11 have essentially been resurrected, with updated technology, under the guise of combating COVID-19.»

A key difference is that TIA was quickly defunded by Congress after significant public backlash, including concerns that TIA would undermine personal privacy. In the case of OWS, there’s little negative press and media outlets are overwhelmingly supportive of the operation as a way to resolve the COVID-19 crisis.

But what if it’s not actually about COVID-19 at all, but represents something bigger, something that’s been in the works for decades? As Webb puts it:27

«The total-surveillance agenda that began with TIA and that has been resurrected through Warp Speed predated COVID-19 by decades.

Its architects and proponents have worked to justify these extreme and invasive surveillance programs by marketing this agenda as the ‘solution’ to whatever Americans are most afraid of at any given time. It has very little to do with ‘public health’ and everything to do with total control.» Sources and ReferencesComments (38)Post your comment

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New Anal Swab Tests Deployed to Fight COVIDJanuary 28, 2021Chinese health authorities are taking COVID-19 testing to a new level, with the introduction of anal swabs that they say can more accurately detect the virus. Although the tests supposedly are reserved for “high-risk cases,” news reports…
Venezuela Is Treating COVID With Thyme ExtractJanuary 27, 2021The president of Venezuela says that an oral extract made from thyme can be used to successfully treat people with COVID. Even though naysayers from Brigham and Woman’s Hospital in Boston claim its therapeutic use is unsubstantiated and not…
Merck Scraps COVID Vaccines, Says It’s More Effective to Get the VirusJanuary 27, 2021In a surprising move, Merck has canceled its COVID-19 vaccine trials and is switching to finding a treatment for the virus. The company said their vaccine candidates did so poorly that it would be better to simply get the virus through natural…
Dr. Simone Gold Blows the Whistle on the COVID AgendaJanuary 26, 2021As a board-certified emergency room physician and a member of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), Dr. Simone Gold is blowing the whistle on the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the way mainstream health care organizations are approaching it…
Fauci Now Says ‘Double Masking’ Likely More EffectiveJanuary 26, 2021In another turnabout since the pandemic began Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, now says that doubling up your mask coverings “just makes common sense.” While Fauci believes the…
The Moderna and Pfizer COVID Jabs Are Legally Not VaccinesJanuary 26, 2021What would you say if you knew that the so-called “vaccines” that Moderna and Pfizer are rolling out are not vaccines at all? They may be labeled “vaccines,” and news agencies and health care leaders may be calling them…
Can COVID Spread Mom-to-Baby in Pregnancy?January 25, 2021A study of 64 pregnant women who were infected with coronavirus shows that no vertical — mom-to-baby — transmission of COVID-19 occurred with anyone in the study. While the position of the placenta may provide fetal protection in utero,…
WHO Says Keep Giving Elderly the COVID Vaccine Despite Numerous DeathsJanuary 25, 2021Despite the fact that 23 elderly people in Norway died after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, the World Health Organization is urging health officials to continue giving it to seniors. This comes after an “expert panel”…
Study: Keto Diet Could Benefit Elderly COVID PatientsJanuary 24, 2021A high fat, low carbohydrate ketogenic diet could be beneficial for elderly COVID-19 patients, according to a recent study at Yale School of Medicine, New York University Langone Health and Washington University School of Medicine. Researchers claim…
Poor Gut Health Connected to Severe COVIDJanuary 24, 2021In a new review, researchers examined emerging evidence suggesting that poor gut health adversely affects COVID-19 prognosis. While most people associate a COVID-19 illness with high fevers and respiratory problems, autopsies and other studies…
10 Minutes of Exercise a Day Will Help Your Brain LaterJanuary 23, 2021A new study finds working out may help the mind just as much as it helps the body. Researchers from Columbia University Irving Medical Center have discovered that just 10 minutes of physical exercise a day in middle age helps protect the brain from…
Drinking Coffee Could Reduce the Risk of Prostate CancerJanuary 23, 2021A recent study suggests that men who drink coffee every day could be protecting themselves against prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer and the sixth leading cause of cancer death in men. There were 1,276…
Baseball Legend Dies 2 Weeks After Getting COVID Vaccine and Dozens of Other Vaccine Horror StoriesJanuary 22, 2021BREAKING NEWS!!! We just learned of DOZENS of recently reported serious COVID-19 vaccine reactions. You simply MUST watch this and pass it around. We will write more next week. Additionally, to…
Newsweek Now Admits Virus Likely Leaked From a LabJanuary 22, 2021Growing evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was likely leaked from a Chinese lab is growing so compelling that a writer in Newsweek says it’s time “to come clean” and admit it. U.S. intelligence reports not only are showing that the…
It Is Nearly Impossible to Catch COVID OutdoorsJanuary 22, 2021A study estimating concentrations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in outdoor air determined that the probability of outdoor airborne transmission is very low. Researchers used aerosol samples collected outdoors in various settings in Wuhan, China, in…
Brain Fog, Fatigue, Dizziness Are Real Post-COVID Infection ProblemsJanuary 21, 2021Many survivors of COVID-19 experience lingering effects weeks and even months after their recovery. The most common effects include chronic fatigue, brain fog, dizziness and increased heart rate, according to a report by Johns Hopkins Medicine. Some…
Eggs as a First Food for Babies Enhances Brain DevelopmentJanuary 21, 2021The choline in eggs is so important for human brain development that the new U.S. dietary guidelines for babies now include eggs as a suggested first food for babies. The guidelines specifically recommend eggs as an important first food for infants…
Is the Pfizer COVID Vaccine an Unauthorized Experiment? Experts DisagreeJanuary 21, 2021In news releases issued just hours apart, experts with the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights appear to disagree on whether Pfizer is conducting unauthorized human experiments with its COVID vaccine, with the help of Israel’s government. At…
WHO Changes COVID Testing Procedures on Inauguration DayJanuary 20, 2021In an “inauguration” of its own while Joe Biden was being sworn into office, the World Health Organization initiated new rules regarding the PCR assays used for testing for COVID-19. Even though they’ve been widely used across the…
Scientists Say ‘Don’t Hug Your Kids Even After You’re VaccinatedJanuary 20, 2021COVID-19 vaccine experts are telling parents not to hug their children, even after they’ve been vaccinated. One warning comes from Janet Lord, director of Britain’s Birmingham University Institute of Inflammation and Ageing. In an…
Former FDA Chief Says Only a Third of Americans Want the COVID VaccineJanuary 20, 2021In an interview with CNBC, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former FDA chief, said he believes only a third of Americans — 120 million — will voluntarily take the COVID-19 vaccine. Roughly the same number got flu shots last fall — indicating to…
How About Some Cultured Fat Mix With a Layer of Lab Meat?January 20, 2021Canadian researchers are celebrating a new recipe they’ve cooked up for creating fake meat in a lab. Promising it adds more flavor and texture than other meat alternatives, the scientists say they adapted the process from one used to grow…
Would You Wear a 24/7 Monitor Testing for COVID?January 20, 2021A new wearable device currently under development has the potential to warn the wearers of the device if they are infected with the coronavirus. A remote-monitoring startup company has the go-ahead from the U.S. Army to develop a wearable monitor…
Ex-Pfizer Head of Research Says COVID Vaccine Could Sterilize WomenJanuary 19, 2021A former head of respiratory research at Pfizer and a former public health department head have filed a joint petition to the European Medicine Agency, asking for the immediate suspension of all SARS-CoV-2 vaccine studies. Dr. Michael Yeadon and Dr….
Peer-Reviewed Study Shows Lockdowns Didn’t WorkJanuary 19, 2021A Stanford University, peer-reviewed study led by one of Stanford’s associate professors of medicine shows no evidence that the U.S. lockdowns that destroyed people’s lives for the past year were effective. Not only that, the study found…
Lockdown Rulebreakers in Germany Will Be Sent to Detention CampsJanuary 19, 2021German refugee camps will be used as detention centers for citizens who don’t follow lockdown rules, or who refuse to self-isolate if they catch COVID, Summit News reports. If someone is deemed a COVID “denier” they, too, will be…
WHO Inspector Caught on Camera Revealing Coronavirus Manipulation in Wuhan PandemicJanuary 18, 2021One of the persons from the World Health Organization who is charged with investigating the origin of COVID-19 has been caught on camera talking about how he and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were manipulating coronaviruses before the…
Big Tech Pushes for Vaccination PassportJanuary 18, 2021Microsoft and other Big Tech entities are pushing hard for digital COVID vaccination passports that can be used to determine eligibility to board a plane or engage in other “normal life” activities. Dubbed the “Vaccination…
British Plumbing Company Plans ‘No-Jab, No-Work’ PolicyJanuary 18, 2021A British plumbing company, Pimlico Plumbers, has announced that it plans to implement a policy for all 400 or its workers to get the COVID-19 vaccine if they want to keep their jobs. Company lawyers are currently writing up contracts for the…
Study: COVID Antibodies Last for Months After InfectionJanuary 17, 2021Health care workers who had recovered from coronavirus retained antibodies that prevented reinfection for up to eight months, according to studies conducted in Australia and South Korea. Results of the Australian study suggest the immunity might…
Erectile Dysfunction Joins List of COVID-19 Side EffectsJanuary 17, 2021The number of possible side effects of coronavirus keeps growing and, now, erectile dysfunction (ED) has made the list. A Cleveland Clinic study shows that among men who have had coronavirus, three factors can lead to the potential onset of ED,…
Exercising in the Morning Can Lower Cancer RiskJanuary 16, 2021Even if you’re a night owl, getting up and exercising in the morning — taking a walk or riding a bike, for instance — could lower your risk of cancer, according to a recent study. Scientists from the Barcelona Institute for Global…
Coronavirus Capable of Entering the BrainJanuary 16, 2021A new study shows that COVID-19 is capable of breaking through the brain barrier just as HIV-1 does. Researchers from the University of Washington discovered the coronavirus’ spike protein has the ability to break through the blood-brain…
Communist China Criticizes US for Crackdowns on Freedom of SpeechJanuary 15, 2021In a move that could make some people wonder what kind of world we’re living in now, Communist China is taking swings at and Facebook for censoring U.S. President Donald Trump from their platforms. “U.S. democracy has died…
Norway Investigating 23 Deaths After Pfizer COVID-19 VaccinationsJanuary 15, 2021Norwegian health specialists are investigating the deaths of 23 people who passed away shortly after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccination program began in nursing homes December 27; over 25,000 Norwegians have been vaccinated so…
Vaccine Maker Says Virus Is Here ‘Forever’January 15, 2021For those counting on the COVID-19 vaccine to end the pandemic, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel has some sorry news: “SARS-CoV-2 is not going away. We are going to live with this virus, we think, forever,” Bancel said in a panel discussion…
Unexpected String of Allergic Reactions Causes Delays at ‘Vaccination Super Station’January 15, 2021Less than two weeks after opening, a “vaccination super station” in San Diego County, California, is experiencing so many delays due to allergic reactions that some people are being turned away. The county is using the Moderna vaccine,…
CDC Says Don’t Go to These 35 Places — Including OutdoorsJanuary 15, 2021Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases — and a person whom the CDC looks to for guidance on COVID-19 rules — has a list of things you need to do, as well as places you shouldn’t go,…
The Best Video to Understand How Lockdowns Are Harming KidsJanuary 15, 2021In less than three and a half minutes and with no dialogue, a young girl manages to express what life is like for a child during the pandemic. The effects of the lockdowns are devastating — and worthy of watching all the way to the end of her…
NYT Says Wearing Two Masks Is Better Than OneJanuary 14, 2021In a world that’s barely seen a let-up in coronavirus cases, The New York Times suggests that it might be better to start wearing two masks instead of just one. The extra layers offer protection that some “thin or flimsy” masks…
Take a Look at the Opening Act of the New ‘War on Domestic Terror’January 14, 2021Whitney Webb is a freelance journalist and researcher who covers intelligence, tech, surveillance and civil liberties, and she has a lot to say about the new “war” on domestic terror in the U.S. In an interview with The Last American…
Negative COVID Test Will Be Required for All International TravelJanuary 14, 2021A new federal policy that begins January 26, 2021, will require all persons headed to the U.S. from international airports to show proof that they are negative for COVID-19 within three days before boarding. Dr. Robert R. Redfield, director of the…
Microsoft Patent Can Recreate You After You’re DeadJanuary 14, 2021A patent filed by Microsoft proposes to use data collected on a person, from photos and voice recordings to electronic messages and even written letters, to create a chatbot of the person — even when they’re dead. The novel technology…
Second Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Will Provide More Intense Side EffectsJanuary 13, 2021Calling it a “more robust immune response,” Illinois Department of Public Health director Dr. Ngozi Ezike is warning that the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine will produce more intense side effects than the first. When NBC 7 San Diego…
Biden Vows to Get 100 Million Vaccinated in Next Three MonthsJanuary 13, 2021In a rush to get as many people vaccinated against COVID-19 as quickly as possible, Joe Biden has promised to release all vaccine stock as soon as he takes office as the next U.S. president. The effort means getting “’at least 100…
Ethanol Plant Burning Treated GMO Corn Poisons TownJanuary 13, 2021Byproducts from an ethanol plant near Mead, Nebraska, are being faulted for the deaths of colonies of bees, birds, butterflies and other animals, and for polluting the environment with an indescribable stench. Researchers say the plant is using corn…
Four Persons Die Days After COVID-19 VaccinationsJanuary 12, 2021COVID-19 vaccinations have begun in Europe and, so far, four persons have died after getting their shots in Portugal, Switzerland and Norway. A 41-year-old woman in Portugal who reportedly was perfectly healthy died two days after taking the first…
COVID Lockdowns Are Harming and Killing Millions of ChildrenJanuary 12, 2021In May 2020, the chief of the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) predicted that extended, “indiscriminate” worldwide lockdowns would kill at least 1.2 million children, mostly in developing countries. “The risk of…
Wuhan Lab Conducted Coronavirus Experiments on Humanized Mice in 2019January 12, 2021New questions about the origin of SARS-CoV-2 have arisen in connection with humanized mice experiments that the Wuhan Lab conducted in 2019. The Taiwan News asks: Is it possible there was a lab accident during these experiments with bat SARS…
COVID Outbreak in New York Infects 137, Kills 24January 11, 2021A wave of COVID-19 cases in an Auburn, New York, nursing home has killed 24 residents, and infected 137 residents and 47 employees. One of the employees is currently on life support. December 22, the home began vaccinating residents for COVID; the…
Lockdown Violator Arrested for Sitting Alone on a BenchJanuary 11, 2021Pandemic rules in England continue to be exceedingly strict, and forbid people from being outside their homes at all times, except for certain things such as going to jobs that can’t be performed at home. Other restrictions also have…
Suspected COVID in Vaccine Trials Was Not CountedJanuary 11, 2021Writing in The BMJ Opinion blog, associate editor Peter Doshi calls for more information and details from the raw data that the two current COVID-19 vaccine makers, Moderna and Pfizer, did not report. Homing in on what the drug companies classified…
The Deception of PCR Tests Artificially Inflates COVID-19 NumbersJanuary 11, 2021As lockdowns continue or are renewed across the U.S. and around the world, the so-called “gold standard” for counting COVID-19 numbers — which dictate how strictly government officials enforce lockdowns and other restrictions…
France Considers Banning Anti-Vaxxers From Public TransportationJanuary 10, 2021Get the COVID-19 vaccine or be banned public transportation. That’s what French citizens are being threatened with as the vaccine rolls out. According to Technocracy.News, only 59% of French citizens indicated they were willing to get the…
Behavioral, Psychological Treatments for Insomnia Work BestJanuary 10, 2021Adults with chronic insomnia could finally find some relief from some behavioral and psychological treatments, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Chronic insomnia affects millions of American adults who have difficulty falling…
Vatican Says ‘Grave Reasons’ Justify Use of Aborted Fetuses for COVID VaccinesJanuary 9, 2021In a reversal of a long-standing position on abortion, the Vatican announced that using cell lines from aborted fetuses is acceptable with COVID vaccines, due to “grave reasons” that justified their use. The fact that there is no…
The Great Disappearing Act: Where Did the Flu Outbreaks Go?January 9, 2021The flu in 2020 is almost nonexistent. Globally, influenza activity has been so low that flow charts are barely able to show them. So where did the flu go? The World Health Organization claims that mask-wearing, physical distancing and good hygiene…
64 COVID Vaccines Are in the Works: Do You Know How They Work?January 8, 2021Manufacturers have dozens of COVID-19 vaccines in the pipeline — 64 so far — and they’re in a race to get them on the market at warp speed. But how can they do that safely and effectively when we’re only a year into the…
Any Death 60 Days After a Positive PCR Test Is Listed as COVID DeathJanuary 8, 2021A press release from the U.K.’s Department of Health and Social Care dated August 2020 outlines the methodology by which the United Kingdom would count deaths from COVID-19. Under the rules, all deaths occurring within 60 days of a positive…
Florida COVID Hospitalization Rates Are Similar to 2018 Flu SeasonJanuary 7, 2021Florida has done away with mandatory mask wearing and lockdowns, a circumstance that has attracted a flood of outsiders coming for vacations and business conferences. If you were to believe the premise that letting up on mask wearing and lockdowns…
Pfizer COVID Vaccine Kills Healthy Miami Beach DoctorJanuary 7, 2021An obstetrician from Miami Beach, Florida, has died from complications after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Gregory Michael’s wife, Heidi Neckelmann, posted a lengthy message on her Facebook page January 6, 2021, announcing her…
Professor Predicts: People Will Die After COVID-19 VaccineJanuary 6, 2021A molecular biologist and immunologist in Ireland says that the COVID-19 vaccines will cause an increase in deaths around the world in the months and years. Dolores Cahill is making the prediction based on her knowledge of how the mRNA process upon…
COVID Vaccine Adverse Reactions Are 50 Times Higher Than the Flu ShotJanuary 6, 2021Reports of serious adverse reactions to the new COVID-19 vaccines are coming in — and some include deaths. In fact, early reports from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) indicate that these reactions may be as much…
44 Emergency Room Workers Sick in Kaiser Staff Outbreak; 1 Is DeadJanuary 5, 2021One person has died after a massive COVID-19 outbreak of emergency room workers at a San Jose Kaiser Permanente facility in California. Kaiser said some of the staff had been vaccinated for the virus before the outbreak, but did not say whether the…
In Pandemic, More People Are Turning to NatureJanuary 5, 2021Nature is making a big comeback in the midst of the pandemic. A new study shows there have been significant increases in outdoor activity during COVID-19, most notably among women. Whether stuck at home or working at a highly stressful essential…
Get Vaccinated — Come Down With Coronavirus?January 4, 2021Israeli health officials brushed off the idea of the COVID-19 vaccine being connected to 21 residents of a retired home testing positive for the virus later. Since it takes two doses to provide protection against the virus, their chances of catching…
LA Begins Rolling Out Digital COVID Vaccination VerificationJanuary 4, 2021Los Angeles is offering digital receipts for COVID vaccination that can be stored in the Apple iPhone wallet. While authorities say the purpose is to facilitate vaccine recipients’ coming in for their second dose, privacy advocates worry that…
Grandparents Give Advice for Surviving PandemicJanuary 3, 2021Grandparents have some sage advice for surviving the pandemic. Grandparents age 58 to 77 were polled by James Bates, associate professor and extension specialist in family wellness at The Ohio State University, who narrowed the results down to four…
Most COVID Patients Treated With Convalescent Plasma ImproveJanuary 3, 2021A study at Houston Methodist Hospital shows most COVID-19 patients improve after being treated with blood plasma from recovered coronavirus patients, known as convalescent plasma. In the study, 25 severely ill COVID-19 patients were given…
Surgeon General: Don’t Mandate COVID VaccineJanuary 2, 2021U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams is advising U.S. employers not to mandate the COVID vaccine, saying a mandate could face pushback. Although the Kaiser Family Institute shows 71% of Americans are willing to take the vaccine, there is a large…
Particles Similar to SARS-CoV-2 Can’t Take the HeatJanuary 2, 2021Could cold weather impact the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19? A new study shows that the virus thrives in the cold and breaks down when exposed to warmer temperatures. According to researchers, it only took moderate…
WHO Changes the Definition of Herd ImmunityJanuary 1, 2021In June the World Health Organization posted an informational page on COVID-19 and included a definition of herd immunity that has been the standard for infectious diseases for decades, being an “indirect protection from an infectious disease…
More Than a Billion COVID Masks Have Wound Up in the OceansJanuary 1, 2021As mask mandates continue around the world a new type of environmental pollution is spreading as fast as COVID-19 itself, in streets and storm drains, and oceans. Environmentalists believe that as many as 1.56 billion masks, made with a type of…
Wake Up: Lockdowns Are Designed to Last ForeverDecember 31, 2020As the pandemic nears its first-year anniversary, governments and health officials keep promising that lockdowns are only temporary. But are they? Evidence shows that, on the contrary, they very well may be designed to go on interminably. Even if…
Study: Mask Mandates Seem to Make COVID-19 Rates ClimbDecember 31, 2020A new study shows that mask mandates do the opposite of what they are supposed to do, wherein they actually encourage the virus to spread through communities, rather than stop it. The study looked at an overview of states and areas that implemented…
WHO: A Bigger Pandemic Than This One Could Be Around the CornerDecember 30, 2020COVID-19 has touched every corner of the world, but despite a vaccine, it will never go away. Not only that, a bigger pandemic could be coming, according Dr. Mike Ryan, head of the World Health Organization’s emergencies program. Because of…
Student COVID Testing Now a Proven FraudDecember 29, 2020Plans for communitywide testing of university students for COVID-19 fell flat when early results showed the tests had only a 3% sensitivity coupled with a 58% false positive rate. Even worse, when Birmingham University tested 7,500 students, they…
Largest COVID Testing Lab Has COVID OutbreakDecember 29, 2020Twenty people out of a 70-person lab team in the United Kingdom are in quarantine after a COVID outbreak in lab employees. Not only that, they have positive cases in 3 of 4 teams where they process 70,000 tests a day. An anonymous lab worker told…
Did Fauci Just Admit He Lied to Trick Americans Into Taking the Vaccine?December 28, 2020Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, Dr. Anthony Fauci has been vacillating on the number of people needed to be vaccinated in order to achieve herd immunity against the virus. Lately, he’s moved the bar higher and higher a rung at a time, and…
US Will Require Negative COVID-19 Test to Enter From UKDecember 28, 2020The is now requiring anyone entering the country from the United Kingdom to test negative for COVID-19 before they board the plane in the U.K. Refuse, and you won’t be allowed to board. The reason for the new restriction is…
Have You Had Botox? Moderna Vaccine Could Cause You to Swell UpDecember 28, 2020Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine is rolling out and, with it, reports of unusual side effects happening to people who have had cosmetic facial fillers. Due to the inflammation that a vaccine can cause as it revs up in your body, some people are…
Fauci Says Schools Should Try to Stay OpenDecember 27, 2020Children should stay in school whenever possible, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, told attendees of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health forum. Data do not support the widespread transmission of the…
Obesity Common Among Kids Hospitalized With COVID-19December 27, 2020Being overweight was the most prevalent factor in 22% of the children who were hospitalized with COVID-19, according to a study published in Jama Pediatrics. The research involved 50 children hospitalized with COVID-19 between March 1 and April 15…
A Third of COVID Patients Have Persistent SymptomsDecember 26, 2020Even after they have recovered from COVID-19, many people find that some symptoms linger for weeks or months. In a study of 700 people, six weeks after diagnosis, 33% of them still reported suffering from fatigue, loss of smell or taste, shortness…
Open These Car Windows to Reduce the Risk of Getting COVID-19December 26, 2020Have you been in a car with someone outside your social circle and worried about the possibility of COVID transmission? A new study shows that cranking the vehicle’s ventilation system — heat or air conditioning — doesn’t…
Holiday Glitter Isn’t So Glittery For the EnvironmentDecember 25, 2020All that glitters is not gold, especially for Mother Earth because, as it turns out, even the biodegradable versions of glitter cause serious damage to rivers and lakes. Glitter is everywhere and has already polluted the Earth’s waters….
Sore Eyes, Light Sensitivity Are Significant Indicators of COVID-19December 25, 2020Having sore eyes and experiencing light sensitivity are the most significant vision-based indicators of COVID-19, according to new research. Although the most common reported symptoms overall were fatigue (90%), a fever (76%) and a dry cough (66%),…
How Has COVID Changed the Future of Vaccines?December 24, 2020In a Corbett Report podcast called “The Future of Vaccines,” James Corbett talks about world plans for a Great Reset that purportedly will redirect the global approach to poverty, climate change and certain perceived inequalities….
The Type of Fat You Eat Affects Your COVID RiskDecember 24, 2020A compelling report in the journal Gastroenterology offers a new explanation as to why some patients develop a more severe case of COVID-19 with organ failure. According to the study authors, data indicate that COVID-19 mortality rates are heavily…
Google’s Surprising Investment in Military WeaponsDecember 23, 2020Google CEO Sundar Pichai stated in June 2018 that the company will no longer develop artificial intelligence (AI) for “weapons or other technologies whose principal purpose or implementation is to cause or directly facilitate injury to people…
Government Still Insists Vaccine Administration Despite Reported Health RisksDecember 23, 2020The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently given vaccine manufacturers Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to issue COVID-19 vaccines utilizing RNA (mRNA) technology. Legally speaking, this means the…
Screen Time, Emotional Health Top Concerns for Kids During COVIDDecember 22, 2020Parenting is not an easy job during normal times, but adding a global pandemic to the mix has parental anxiety levels skyrocketing, according to a new national poll. Parents are stressed over concerns about their children, which include lack of…
Data Analysis From 50 States Shows Mask Mandates Don’t WorkDecember 22, 2020After months of being told that wearing face masks can help guard against COVID-19, an analysis has finally shown the opposite: Mask mandates do not stop the spread of the virus. Rational Ground, a “clearinghouse of COVID-19 data trends run by…
3,150 People Experience ‘Health Impact Events’ After COVID VaccinationDecember 21, 2020If getting the COVID-19 vaccine means that you’ll be unable to continue going to work or you might have trouble doing even basic daily activities, would you still opt to receive it? As of December 18, 3,150 people who’ve been vaccinated…
WHO Now Admits PCR Tests Create False Positives — Is There a Hidden Agenda?December 21, 2020The PCR test, what’s considered the “gold standard” of SARS-Cov-2 tests, results in false positives — this is what the World Health Organization (finally) admits in their December 14 report. According to the report:…
How to Get and Stay HealthyDecember 20, 2020Medical News Today has released a list of 29 tips for getting and staying healthy. Some of the top hints include: Feed your microbiome with vegetables and fiber. Include healthy fats such as avocadoes and oily fish such as sardines, herring,…
WHO Already Saying Some Families Need to Forgo ChristmasDecember 20, 2020The World Health Organization is already advising families to forgo Christmas gatherings. The “safest bet” for some families will be not to have family gatherings this Christmas in order to stop the spread of the coronavirus, said Maria…
High Blood Sugar Ups COVID Risk, Even in Non-DiabeticsDecember 19, 2020Patients with abnormally high blood sugar levels are more than twice as likely to die from COVID-19 — about 41% versus 16%. Those same patients are also more likely to be admitted to intensive care and more likely to need a ventilator,…
Kidney Disease Is the Leading Risk Factor for COVID HospitalizationDecember 19, 2020Researchers studying electronic health records discovered people with chronic kidney disease are most likely to be hospitalized, while COVID-19 patients with end-stage renal disease are 11 times more likely to be admitted to the hospital than…
Nurse Gets COVID Vaccine on Live TV, Faints on Live TVDecember 18, 2020A Tennessee nurse who took a COVID-19 vaccine on live TV fainted just minutes after the shot. She was on camera, talking about how excited she and her staff were to get the vaccine. She faltered in mid-sentence, then crumpled onto the floor. Someone…
Gunshot Deaths Counted as Part of COVID-19 Fatalities in ColoradoDecember 18, 2020As COVID-19 death counts continue to rise across the U.S., a Colorado county has added two more to the list — people who died of gunshot wounds. The reasoning for this, according to news reports, was that the victims had test positive for…
Goodbye Privacy: New Satellite Can See Inside Buildings, Day or NightDecember 18, 2020A satellite with a radar system so penetrating that it can see through buildings joined other satellites circling the Earth a few months ago. What’s different about this particular satellite, made by Capella Space, is that it captures clear…
One of First US Pfizer COVID Vaccine Recipients Has ‘Serious Reaction’December 17, 2020A health care worker in Alaska is being closely monitored in a hospital after the worker suffered a serious allergic reaction to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. The worker was hospitalized with anaphylactic shock comparable to similar reactions…
Authorities Say No to Vitamin D for COVID PreventionDecember 17, 2020A panel of medical reviewers from Public Health England, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) has decided that health profession should not recommend vitamin D…
Rapid COVID Testing on Children Forges Ahead Despite Lack of DataDecember 17, 2020It’s still unknown whether or not rapid COVID testing works on children, but health experts are forging ahead anyway. A small but growing body of evidence, some of which has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal,…
New York Times Writer: Force Everyone To Be VaccinatedDecember 17, 2020As the COVID-19 vaccines roll out, a raucous debate is mounting on whether companies should mandate that all their employees get the vaccine. Now, The New York Times is fueling the fire by suggesting that businesses mandate that customers get the…
Woman Without Hands Kicked Out of Store for Going MasklessDecember 16, 2020A Vancouver woman who was born without hands and who has a medical exemption not to wear a mask was kicked out of Indigo Chapters bookstore even though she physically was incapable of putting on a mask. Just the week before, a child with autism who…
Vaccine-Tracking Dashboard Launches in OhioDecember 16, 2020Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has announced he’ll be launching a COVID-19 vaccination dashboard soon, which will track everyone in the state who gets the shot. The data will then be available in an online dashboard for the public to access. According…
New Emails Show How Scientists Covered Up Lab VirusDecember 15, 2020While scientific experts worldwide insisted in the early days of the pandemic that SARS-CoV-2 did not originate in a lab, behind the scenes they were debating on whether to discuss that as a possibility. Emails obtained through Freedom of…
COVID-Infected Santa Terrifies British ChildrenDecember 15, 2020A British television commercial showing Santa Claus being wheeled into a hospital to be treated for COVID-19 hasn’t gone down so well with viewers. The commercial is frightening children and angering parents who say it’s a totally…
Gates Says Bars and Restaurants Need to Close Another 4 to 6 MonthsDecember 14, 2020If Microsoft founder Bill Gates gets his way, life as it was before the pandemic will not return until 2022 and possibly six months beyond that. He also wants certain businesses, such as bars and restaurants, to shut back down for another four to…
The COVID Vaccine Is Rolling Out: Be Prepared for Side EffectsDecember 14, 2020As the COVID-19 vaccination programs roll out in the U.K., U.S. and in other places around the world, health officials are warning that recipients should be aware of “immune responses,” formerly known as adverse effects. Whichever you…
Delirium May Be Only COVID Symptom in the ElderlyDecember 13, 2020A new study found that delirium is often the first — and may be the only — symptom of COVID-19 to appear in older people. An elderly person with COVID-19 may experience confusion, disorientation, inattention or other mental disturbances,…
Where Did All the Emergencies Go During COVID?December 13, 2020Earlier this year during the COVID-19 pandemic in New England, health officials predicted that emergency room resources would be overwhelmed between regular emergencies and people coming in with COVID. However, that’s not what happened….
Some COVID Patients Have Faster Recovery With Ozone TreatmentsDecember 12, 2020After recovering from COVID-19, a Delhi-based mother of two in India was reluctant to take more medicines to aid her ongoing recovery and opted for a more natural ozone therapy, instead. “A friend recommended I opt for ozone therapy since I…
Dentists, Eye Doctors Getting Certified to Give COVID VaccineDecember 12, 2020Dentists and eye doctors will soon be approved for administering COVID-19 vaccines, along with flu shots. Multiple COVID-19 vaccines are rapidly heading toward approval, and optometrists and dentists want the authority to vaccinate patients,…
China Tells Airline Cabin Crew to Wear Diapers on Certain FlightsDecember 11, 2020The latest can’t-believe-it-but-it’s-true coronavirus news comes out of China, where government officials have instructed charter airline flight crews to wear adult diapers instead of using the restroom when their plane’s…
Did 2018 Have a Higher ICU Surge From Flu?December 11, 2020As COVID-19 shutdowns continue or are reinstituted in states claiming that it’s necessary because hospital ICU units are filling up, the founder of CarDash, Yinon Weiss, asks on Twitter: Why are shutdowns occurring for COVID when they…
Mask Mandate Will Continue Even After the COVID VaccineDecember 10, 2020For anyone who was thinking that they’ll be able to trade their masks for a COVID-19 vaccine, think again. Masks will still need to be worn, health officials say. The reason is because no one knows if vaccinated people could be silent carriers…
Why Is It Safe to Eat on Airplanes but Not in Restaurants?December 10, 2020Across the country COVID shutdowns and limitations are keeping people from gathering in restaurants, but airlines are still feeding people. So why is it safe to eat on a plane but not in a restaurant? A Harvard University study explains that…
Risk of COVID-19 Brain Complications Increases for Those With Diabetes and HypertensionDecember 10, 2020Patients suffering from hypertension and diabetes are more likely to be at higher risk of brain complications like bleeding in the brain, blocked blood vessels and stroke, according to a study presented at a meeting of the Radiological Society of…
With These 2 Entities, Bill Gates Really Does Run a Global Public Health MonopolyDecember 10, 2020The University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) has an enormous amount of power when it comes to global health policy, and it played a big part in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, besides the…
Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won’t Have Freedom to Move AroundDecember 10, 2020If you live in Canada and refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine when it comes out, then be prepared to comply to a mandatory mask rule and to not have “freedom to move around,” according to Ontario’s chief medical officer. Williams…
82% Of Americans Could No Longer Handle an Emergency Costing $500December 9, 2020The lockdowns and quarantines during the COVID-19 pandemic have been so devastating to Americans’ finances that many people, unable to work because of the rules, are living in poverty. One-fifth of people making $100,000 a year were already…
UK Regulators: Don’t Get Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine if You Have Severe AllergiesDecember 9, 2020Only one day after they started administering Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, United Kingdom regulators are already issuing a warning: Don’t get this vaccine if you have severe allergies or a “significant” history of allergic…
‘I Can’t Keep Doing This’ — Doctor Tells Senate There Is a Treatment for COVIDDecember 9, 2020In a stunning testimony before the U.S. Senate, Dr. Pierre Kory, medical director at the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, told investigators there is a medicine available that not only can be used as…
UK Government: No Liability for Pfizer if Brits Are Harmed by COVID VaccineDecember 9, 2020With the first COVID-19 vaccines already approved in the U.K. and almost ready to roll out, the U.K. Department of Health and Social Care has indemnified Pfizer of any liability, if someone were to be injured by the vaccine. Independent reported…
Former Maryland Legislator Wants to Hold Stimulus Checks Hostage in Exchange for Taking the COVID-19 VaccineDecember 8, 2020While desperate Americans hope and wait for another stimulus check in the wake of the pandemic, one former Maryland legislator is proposing that such checks be doled out in exchange for taking a COVID-19 vaccine. Former New York Democratic…
Tire Chemical Threatens to Destroy Wild Salmon PopulationDecember 8, 2020Scientists researching unexplained deaths of wild salmon on the West Coast of America believe that a chemical leaching from vehicle tires is contaminating roadways and ending up in waterways where salmon swim and spawn. The chemical comes from tire…
The Hypocrisy of Government Officials and COVID Restrictions Is BlatantDecember 7, 2020In this eight-minute video, YouTuber Joey B. Toonz highlights the hypocrisy of government officials who lay down the law with restrictions on public gatherings but have different rules for themselves. From telling people they have to wear masks…
Ex-Pfizer Chief Demands Stop to COVID-19 Vaccine StudiesDecember 7, 2020Former Pfizer head of respiratory research, Dr. Michael Yeadon, and the former head of the public health department, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, are asking the European Medicine Agency to suspend all SARS-CoV-2 studies, including the one that Pfizer is…
Florida Will Require Disclosure of ‘Cycle Threshold’ Data in COVID TestsDecember 7, 2020The COVID-19 test being used to determine who is positive with COVID-19 is called a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. It can detect minute amounts of viral genetic material in a single sample — and the results of these tests are what many…
7 Simple Ways to Enhance Your Brain PowerDecember 6, 2020Your brain health may be slipping away thanks to modern life and hyperconnectivity, which are both responsible for being detrimental to brain power. With modern technology, you may end up less productive and ineffective, but by following these seven…
Obama, Bush, Clinton Say They’ll Get COVID Vaccines on TVDecember 6, 2020Three past U.S. presidents have announced they not only will get the new COVID-19 vaccinations, but will take them on-camera when public health priorities indicate it’s their turn to line up. Current President Trump has yet to say what he…
COVID-19 Vaccinations Cards Are Coming, Health Officials SayDecember 5, 2020CNN Health is posting photos of the proof-of-vaccination cards that will be issued to everyone in the U.S. who gets a COVID-19 vaccine. The card will be issued in tandem with a report to each respective state’s vaccination registry informing…
Priest in Moderna COVID Vaccine Trials Has DiedDecember 5, 2020A Philadelphia priest who was part of Moderna’s Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials has died. Father John Fields was the first to volunteer when the University of Pennsylvania sent out requests for people in middle age to early 70s to…
John Kerry Confirms Biden’s Devotion to the ‘Great Reset’December 4, 2020In a stunning announcement in a panel discussion hosted by the , former Secretary of State John Kerry confirmed that “the Biden administration will support the Great Reset and the Great Reset ‘will happen with greater…
How the CDC Juices Its Numbers to Create Massive COVID-19 Death CountsDecember 4, 2020As the reported numbers of COVID-19 deaths swell across the U.S., one thing media is omitting in their reports is an explanation of how the CDC is tabulating these deaths. For example, even if COVID-19 wasn’t THE underlying cause of death, or…
England’s Medical Officer Says COVID Vaccine Could Save 99% of DeathsDecember 3, 2020England’s deputy chief medical officer, Jonathan Van-Tam, said in a news conference December 3, 2020, that if everyone who is on the priority list takes the COVID-19 vaccine “as fast” as they can at the “highest volume”…
COVID Patient With Sepsis Makes ‘Remarkable’ Recovery With Vitamin C MegadosesDecember 3, 2020A man in Australia who had a severe case of COVID-19 and was in the beginning stages of sepsis made what doctors called a remarkable recovery after being treated with megadoses of vitamin C. Sepsis is a common cause of organ failure and death among…
Coronavirus Was in the US Weeks Before Initially ThoughtDecember 3, 2020A new study shows that the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was in the U.S. weeks earlier than scientists previously thought. Published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, the study showed evidence of coronavirus antibodies in…
Health Advisers Rename ‘Adverse Reactions’ to COVID-19 VaccineDecember 2, 2020If you start hearing about “immune responses” that many people have in conjunction with the COVID-19 vaccine, be aware: This is the new name for adverse reactions. In other words, the COVID-19 vaccine no longer has “adverse…
UK Plans to Give Out Free Vitamin D to Fight COVIDDecember 2, 2020The United Kingdom is giving free vitamin D supplements to 2.5 million people who they deem are vulnerable to infections, including COVID-19. This includes nursing home residents and people with serious health conditions who rarely get time outdoors…
Johns Hopkins Plan to Vaccinate Ethnic Minorities, Mentally Challenged, FirstDecember 1, 2020Using racial justice for their reasoning, officials at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security are proposing to give the first COVID-19 vaccines to ethnic minorities and mentally challenged persons. The plan will be implemented under the…
SCOTUS Rules Against COVID Restrictions on Religious ServicesDecember 1, 2020The Supreme Court of the United States ruled just before Thanksgiving that putting COVID restrictions on religious services violates the constitutional right to freedom of religion. While it was a split (5-4) decision, the majority ruling struck…
New Study Alleges Accounting Errors in Reporting COVID-19 DeathsNovember 30, 2020Just before Thanksgiving Johns Hopkins published an article alleging accounting errors on a national level regarding COVID-19 deaths in the elderly. A graphic of data taken from the CDC website accompanied the article. “Surprisingly, the…
Novel COVID-19 Vaccines Are Like Melting ChocolateNovember 30, 2020Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has to be stored at an unheard of cold temperature even for Antarctica — minus 70 degrees Celsius, or 94 degrees below zero, Fahrenheit. Moderna’s can be kept a bit warmer, at “just” minus 20…
Enjoy Nature to Improve Mental Health During COVIDNovember 29, 2020Your best bet for warding off stress and anxiety during the pandemic may be to simply take time to smell the roses. Survey results published in Ecological Applications suggest that enjoying nature — inside and out — could help mitigate…
Older Americans Getting Cancer Tests They Don’t NeedNovember 29, 2020Too many people are getting screened for cancer, contrary to recommendations set by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. After reviewing the screening histories of over 176,000 patients, Penn State investigators determined that many patients…
Acute Kidney Injury Is Common Among Vets Hospitalized With COVIDNovember 28, 2020Among U.S. veterans, acute kidney injury (AKI) is common if they are hospitalized with COVID-19, putting them at a higher risk of death. Research data showed that AKI is associated with a longer hospital stay, a higher likelihood of needing to be…
Healthy Sleep Habits Help Lower Risk of Heart FailureNovember 28, 2020Heart failure affects more than 26 million people, but just getting a good night’s sleep may help lower your risk of getting this devastating heart ailment. Sleep habits are crucial to overall good health and new research shows adults with…
What the COVID Vaccine Hype Fails to MentionNovember 27, 2020With COVID-19 vaccines on the precipice of mass distribution, news media is on fire as they talk about who will get the vaccine first and how it will be distributed. The one thing they aren’t discussing, however, is the definition of…
Is High Blood Pressure Another Side Effect of COVID’s Social Isolation?November 27, 2020Being socially isolated could raise your blood pressure. People visiting emergency rooms after being isolated because of COVID restrictions had a 37% increased risk of having high blood pressure, according to a study of 12,241 patients presented at…
Survey: Americans Plan Holiday Gatherings Despite COVID-19November 26, 2020Are holidays the same without family and friends? Many think not. Nearly 2 in 5 report they will likely attend a gathering with more than 10 people and a third will not ask guests to wear masks, according to a new national survey by The Ohio State…
CDC Warns That Thanksgiving Gatherings Could Make You a SuperspreaderNovember 26, 2020Small household gatherings pose a dangerous risk of spreading COVID-19, and the CDC says it wants citizens to be extra vigilant during the coming holiday season by being mindful of social distancing and mask wearing. On a conference call with the…
German Police Fire Water Cannon at Lockdown Protesters and Arrest HundredsNovember 25, 2020It was like a scene out of a war movie, only the cannons were filled with water and the “guns” were full of pepper spray, as German police sprayed lockdown protesters with powerful blasts of water and pepper spray. The demonstrators were…
CDC Says COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Are ‘No Walk in the Park’November 25, 2020Heads up: If you’re planning to get the new COVID-19 vaccine when it comes out, the CDC says you aren’t going to feel all that great afterward. A CDC advisory panel put out the warning in hopes of letting people know ahead of time what…
Study: Air Pollution Linked to Higher Risk of DementiaNovember 24, 2020Older women who live in locations with higher levels of air pollution may have more brain shrinkage — the kind seen in Alzheimer’s disease — than women who live in locations with lower levels, according to a new study. The study…
Negative Mask Study Finally Gets PublishedNovember 24, 2020A new study showing that the recommendation to wear masks “did not reduce the infection rate among wearers by more than 50%” has finally been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The study, which followed 4,800 Danish citizens…
More Than Two-Thirds of Americans Oppose Mandatory COVID-19 VaccineNovember 23, 2020When all is said and done, no matter how many Americans say they will take a COVID-19 vaccine when it’s ready, a good majority of them believe those vaccines should be voluntary. In fact, according to Deutsche Bank, a full two-thirds of…
CDC Director Says All Schools Should Remain Open to In-Person LearningNovember 23, 2020In a jolt to all the school systems across the U.S. that have closed their doors to in-person learning, CDC director Bob Redfield said schools are the safest places for children, that the CDC has “at no time” suggested that schools close…
Survey: More Young Adults Thinking About Suicide and DeathNovember 22, 2020Over a third (37%) of young Americans ages 18 to 24 report having thoughts of death and suicide and close to half (47%) show at least moderate symptoms of depression, according to a new nationwide survey by researchers from Harvard Medical School,…
Expert Discusses Potentially Unpleasant COVID-19 Vaccine Side EffectsNovember 22, 2020Scientists anticipate the COVID-19 vaccines will cause enervating flu-like side effects, including sore arms, muscle aches and fever that could last days and temporarily sideline some people from work or school, according to a report by Kaiser…
Common Household Products Could Be Harmful to Your ChildrenNovember 21, 2020Using common household products to clean floors, do the laundry or even bathe could have a detrimental effect on your child’s gut health. An unhealthy gut microbiome may affect the immune system and nutrient absorption, and has been associated…
Mental Health ER Visits Increase 31% for Teens During PandemicNovember 21, 2020The pandemic is creating havoc with the mental health of children. In the year of the worldwide pandemic, the CDC reports that mental health-related emergency room visits in the U.S. increased 31% for children between the ages of 12 and 17 from…
WHO Says ‘No’ to Remdesivir to Treat COVID-19November 20, 2020Saying remdesivir “has no meaningful effect on mortality or on other important outcomes for patients,” an expert panel at the World Health Organization decided not to recommend the drug as a treatment for COVID-19. Not all health…
Pandemic Prognosticators Used Wikipedia as Their SourceNovember 20, 2020The science advisers who steered Great Britain along its lockdown path in spring 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic began relied on Wikipedia to make their predictions on when the disease’s peak would hit, and to make policy decisions for the…
Coronavirus Is the ‘Greatest Hoax Ever’ — Top PathologistNovember 19, 2020The coronavirus pandemic is the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,” according to Dr. Roger Hodkinson, one of Canada’s top pathologists and an expert in virology. Hodkinson made this statement during a zoom…
EcoHealth Deceives Medical Journal and the PublicNovember 19, 2020A nonprofit group that’s received millions of dollars of taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology is at the center of a letter that appears to willfully deceive the public about the true…
Why Does COVID-19 Seem to Spare Children?November 18, 2020Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) and their colleagues may have found a key as to why COVID-19 primarily infects adults and older people, but has a much lesser impact on children. VUMC researchers found that children have…
Study: Exercise Reduces Loneliness, Social Isolation in SeniorsNovember 18, 2020Lonely, older adults could improve their physical and mental health by simply joining a group exercise class. Group exercise classes for older adults, whether in person or virtual, was shown to lessen loneliness and social isolation and also reduce…
All the World’s Coronavirus Would Fit in a TeaspoonNovember 17, 2020For a perspective on COVID-19 you haven’t seen yet, consider this little factoid from The Sun: The coronavirus is so microscopic, the total volume of the entire world’s 53 million cases is only 0.2 fluid ounces. When you do the math and…
Fauci Orders Everyone to ‘Do What You Are Told’November 17, 2020It’s time for America to buckle down and do whatever health officials tell them to do when it comes to fighting the pandemic, is Dr. Anthony Fauci’s latest message. Meeting with other health experts, Fauci admitted it isn’t easy to…
A Dose of Cod Liver Oil Could Lower Your Risk of COVIDNovember 16, 2020If you take cod liver oil, you may be reducing your risks of getting COVID-19, according to Norwegian researchers. Rich in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, cod liver oil has been shown to have a positive effect on COVID-19 and respiratory…
Distributing Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Won’t Be as Simple as It SoundsNovember 16, 2020As news agencies spread the announcement that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine may be ready for public administration soon, Pfizer and government health officials are still working out how that vaccine will be distributed. Theoretically, millions of…
CVS Hiring 1000s of Untrained, Nonprofessionals to Give COVID-19 ShotsNovember 15, 2020The U.S. Health and Human Services and Department of Defense are partnering with CVS and Walgreens to administer flu and COVID-19 shots to residents in long-term care facilities. To help with this, CVS announced that they are hiring 15,000 new…
Quarantine Thriller: It’s Only a Movie … Except When It Isn’tNovember 15, 2020The official trailer for a quarantine thriller movie, “Songbird,” shows a dystopian life where, for the 215th week, everyone is locked down and anyone breaking quarantine is shot on sight. It may sound like something that couldn’t…
Most Heart Patients Leave Hospital With 10 or More MedicationsNovember 14, 2020Some older Americans are taking a staggering number of medications. For those at risk for heart failure, some of those drugs might be making their problems worse. A report by the American Heart Association reveals more than half of older heart…
Singing No More Risky for COVID Than Talking, New Study SaysNovember 14, 2020The performing arts has been badly affected during the coronavirus pandemic with live musical performances canceled for many months because singing was identified as a potential «higher risk» activity, but new research shows that singing does not…
Big Tech Censorship Is Imperiling America’s DemocracyNovember 13, 2020The arbitrary censorship that Big Tech giants like Facebook, Google and Twitter exert over their platforms is a topic that’s come to a head during the current U.S. election season, but the ongoing control they have over their users won’t…
20% of COVID Patients Show Only Gastrointestinal SymptomsNovember 13, 2020If you’re ill and dismiss thoughts of COVID because it’s not flu-like symptoms, you could be wrong. Almost 1 in 5 patients with COVID-19 may show only gastrointestinal symptoms, according to a review of academic studies published in the…
Will a Hugging Station Be the Next COVID ‘New Normal’?November 12, 2020A Nebraska family desperate to give their grandparents hugs during personal visits has created a plastic-layered contraption that allows them to reach through sheets of plastic and give each other a hug. Huggers also put on long plastic livestock…
FDA Warns About False Positive COVID-19 Antigen TestsNovember 12, 2020Be wary of the results of your COVID-19 antigen tests, especially if you used a SARS-CoV-2 rapid detection test. The FDA is warning that false positive results may occur when users do not follow the instructions for the use of the rapid detection…
Pfizer CEO Dumps 62% of His Stock After Vaccine AnnouncementNovember 11, 2020As vaccine maker Pfizer’s stocks skyrocketed after the company announced that its COVID-19 vaccine was 90% effective, the CEO was busy selling off his company stock, to the tune of 62% of what he owned. Mandatory SEC forms that Albert Bourla…
The 7 Disease Phases of COVID-19November 11, 2020There are seven types of symptoms you could experience if infected with the coronavirus. Additionally, the disease leaves behind significant changes in the immune system, even after 10 weeks, according to a recent study by a team of MedUni Vienna…
Teens Who Limit Screen Time Have Better Mental HealthNovember 10, 2020Do you worry about your teenager who is constantly staring at her phone? It’s a valid concern, especially in the midst of a global pandemic when teens may be spending more time on screens due to cancellations of other extracurricular…
WHO Helped China Hype Pandemic MisinformationNovember 10, 2020Botched test kits. Misinformation. Inconclusive investigations. From faulty test kits to sending out misinformation on the risk of spread from asymptomatic carriers, to messing up advice on travel, the WHO has helped China whitewash its failures on…
DC Council Approves Bill Allowing Children to Consent to VaccinesNovember 9, 2020The Washington, D.C., city council has passed a bill that would allow children as young as 11 to consent to vaccines without their parents’ knowledge or approval. The only criteria for receiving a vaccine would be for a doctor to decide that…
The Asymptomatic Casedemic Is a Perpetuation of FearNovember 9, 2020As coronavirus testing takes place en masse across the U.S., some are questioning whether the tests are accurate enough to trust, especially in people who are asymptomatic. In these cases. where people have no symptoms but possibly are still…
Centenarians Reveal Nine Ways to Live a Long and Healthy LifeNovember 8, 2020How do some people live to be 100 years of age or older? Journalist and explorer Dan Buettner led a series of expeditions to find out if there were any commonalities between these unique groups of people. What he discovered was that centenarians all…
COVID-19 May Cause Infertility in MalesNovember 8, 2020Everyone knows that coming down with COVID-19 can make you sick, but new evidence shows that men who had moderate or serious COVID-19 infections could also find their fertility impaired for an unknown amount of time. An analysis of more than 40…
Study Offers More Proof That UV Light Kills CoronavirusNovember 7, 2020Ultraviolet light continues to be an effective weapon against the coronavirus pandemic, and promising new evidence shows that less potent forms of UV rays can do the job. While standard UV light can damage human cells, making it hard to clean rooms…
Why Does so Much of Humanity Seem to Enjoy Being Duped?November 7, 2020In a passionate essay, Barry Brownstein, Professor Emeritus of economics and leadership at the University of Baltimore, asks why people today, from academics to medical professionals like Dr. Anthony Fauci to the general public, seem bent on…
US Right to Know Sues NIH for Documents About Origins of SARS-CoV-2November 6, 2020U.S. Right to Know, an investigative public health nonprofit group, has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the National Institutes of Health for documents, correspondence and information on biosafety labs and gain-of-function…
Do We have a Coronavirus Pandemic or a Test Pandemic?November 6, 2020While massive COVID-19 testing is aimed at helping to end the pandemic, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is questioning whether the testing is actually creating a pseudo-pandemic, especially when it comes to false positives. For…
Police Arrest Nurse for Trying to Rescue 97-Year-old Mom From Nursing HomeNovember 5, 2020A 73-year-old nurse who tried to rescue her 97-year-old mother with dementia after nine months in lockdown was arrested, and her mother was sent back to the home in a patrol car. The nurse wanted to care for her mom at home; after nearly nine months…
Is the Second Wave Fake?November 5, 2020Half or even “almost all” COVID-19 tests are false positives, according to Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer for Pfizer. Yeadon writes about this in a paper, “How Likely Is a Second Wave?”…
No-Fault Compensation for Vaccine Injury — the Other Side of COVID-19 VaccinesNovember 4, 2020While health officials anxiously await a COVID-19 vaccine, questions still remain about the inevitable risk of severe side effects — which is always a possibility even if the new vaccine is declared to be “a very safe product.” You…
Are Prebiotics the Answer to Sleep and Stress Relief?November 4, 2020Although getting enough sleep is crucial to good health, more than 70 million Americans struggle to get a good night of sleep. Recently, researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder showed how prebiotics can improve quality of sleep and…
Would You Wear a Birth Control Implant That Could Be Turned On or Off Remotely?November 3, 2020In 2014 Bill Gates provided funding for a birth control microchip implant that can be turned on or off remotely. The implant, which is put under the skin of the buttocks, upper arm or abdomen, is wirelessly programmed to release drugs inside a…
COVID Vaccines Will Make People More SickNovember 3, 2020A new study examining how informed consent is given to the COVID vaccine trial participants found that disclosure forms were not sufficient for the participants to understand that the vaccine could make them more susceptible to worse disease later….
New COVID Security Measures Include a Digital Health CertificateNovember 2, 2020Travel industry insiders are saying that a health pass certifying that someone is well before they fly will help people get back to normal before a vaccine comes out. The CommonPass is based on criteria set by the governments of each port of entry….
Americans May Be Adding 5 Times as Much Plastic to Oceans Than ThoughtNovember 2, 2020The world is drowning in plastics and, now, a new study indicates that the U.S. may be contributing as much as five times as much plastic pollution to coastal areas than once thought. The study is an update from one done in 2015. Study authors said…
​Previous Infection With Other Coronaviruses May Lessen Severity of COVID-19November 1, 2020If you were previously infected with a coronavirus that causes the «common cold,” it may decrease the severity if you develop a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection, according to results of a new study. However, while the…
Do Annual Flu Shots Shorten Life Expectancy?November 1, 2020With the latest rendition of flu shots rolling out all over the country, it may be time to take a second look at a study released in 2018 suggesting that getting an annual flu shot actually increased the chances of flu deaths among the elderly….
Nine COVID Facts: A Pandemic of Fearmongering and IgnoranceOctober 31, 2020If you’re tired of the pandemic and the nonstop stream of misinformation on it, the Ron Paul Institute has a list of nine things that are contributing to the skewing of the statistics and blurring of the facts. No.1, the PCR test is…
Why the Year 2020 Could Be Called the ‘Year of Disguises’October 31, 2020The American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) has a new take on what’s been happening during a year that’s been consumed by a pandemic. Literally steering the course of every facet of your life, SARS-CoV-2 has been called an…
82% of Hospitalized COVID Patients Had Vitamin D DeficiencyOctober 30, 2020A study of 216 COVID-19 hospitalized patients in Spain showed that 82% who were not already taking a vitamin D supplement were deficient in vitamin D. The deficiency was especially pronounced in men. Study authors noted that patients who had been…
Massive Traffic Jams Stall Paris Exodus Before Second ShutdownOctober 30, 2020Late into Thursday night, traffic jams packed all roads leading out of Paris as people tried to get out before the latest lockdown took effect Friday, October 30. Videos and photos posted on social media showed traffic at a standstill — an…
NYT: Mediocre COVID-19 Drug Will Still Be a BlockbusterOctober 29, 2020Gilead Sciences’ COVID-19 treatment drug, remdesivir, has already brought in $873 million since its emergency use authorization, making it the company’s second best-selling drug for the third quarter. The thing is, it’s a…
Top UK Scientists Warn ‘Many, Or All’ COVID-19 Vaccine Projects Could Fail, First Gen ‘Likely To Be Imperfect’October 29, 2020If you’re expecting a COVID-19 vaccine that will solve all the pandemic problems, think again: There may never be a working vaccine, or if there is one, it’s likely to be imperfect, according to a British vaccine taskforce member. Kate…
Did You Know Bill Gates Is Part of the Stimulus Negotiations?October 28, 2020As the U.S. Congress debates a second, but stalled, stimulus bill to help Americans hurt by the pandemic shutdowns, one odd figure is playing a role in the negotiations: none other than Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates. If it makes you wonder why…
All-Cause Mortality Shows No Plague and a Possible Mass HomicideOctober 28, 2020A new report on science reviews relevant to COVID-19 reveals that all-cause mortality during the pandemic is not any greater statistically than any other winter — and there was no plague. It does show a sharp “COVID peak” that…
Rapid COVID-19 Testing Questioned for False PositivesOctober 27, 2020The state of Nevada pulled federal rapid COVID-19 testing kits because too many of them were returning false positives. The tests also deliver false negatives. Officials said more than half the samples tested later by more precise methods were…
Using NSAIDS in Late Pregnancy Could Damage Fetal KidneysOctober 27, 2020The FDA has issued a warning about nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use during pregnancy, ruling that product labels must include warnings about risk of a rare but serious kidney complication in infants. NSAIDs are over-the-counter or…
Robert Kennedy Jr: Time to Stop the Big Data, Big Tech Coup d’etatOctober 26, 2020Big Data, Big Tech, Big Oil and chemical companies, along with a global public health cartel led by Bill Gates and the World Health Organization, need to be stopped, now, before it’s too late, says Robert Kennedy Jr. in a worldwide call to…
Are the Risks of Reopening Schools Exaggerated?October 26, 2020As the pandemic closures march toward nearly a year of U.S. children not being physically in school, many doctors and health professionals are questioning whether schools should continue to stall opening. NPR takes on the controversy, quoting…
Canadian Support for Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine DropsOctober 25, 2020The Canadian government has already contracted to purchase millions of doses from pharmaceutical companies over fears of a global rush for the drugs, but one study shows that the number of Canadians opposed to mandatory COVID-19 vaccines is growing….
Study: Clotting Factor More Important in COVID Deaths Than InflammationOctober 25, 2020Researchers who studied the heart after death from COVID-19 noted that although cardiac damage was common, it was more from clotting than inflammation. Specifically, autopsies on 40 people who died of COVID-19 showed that 14 had cardiac injury as…
First Lady Credits Healthy Living in Fight Against COVID-19October 24, 2020After first lady Melania Trump fought a bout of COVID-19, she touted «a more natural route» of vitamins and healthy eating, saying it helped her recover. A healthy diet, vitamins and «fresh air» aided her recovery, while focusing on her family,…
Study Shows Low COVID Risk to Infants of Infected MothersOctober 24, 2020A study in New York City found that 101 newborns born to mothers infected with coronavirus showed no evidence of transmission when basic infection-control procedures were followed. The study took place March 13 to April 24, 2020, at two NYC…
FDA Report: COVID-19 Vaccines Not Designed to Tell Us if They Save LivesOctober 23, 2020In a marathon session, an FDA committee learned the truth about the upcoming COVID-19 vaccines: They are only designed to address mild cases of the coronavirus. That means they may not prevent the worst cases, including those leading to death. «We…
1 in 4 Americans Has Thought About Quitting Their Job Over COVID-19 StressOctober 23, 2020It’s no secret that most of the world has been under extreme stress during the pandemic, but a new survey shows that about 1 in 4 people are so stressed they are considering quitting their job. Sixty-eight percent of parents with children who…
Is the ‘System’ Ignoring Cancer to Focus on COVID-19?October 23, 2020An Irish science journalist is asking a pointed question about COVID-19 diagnoses after a new report showed that people with lung cancer may have been misdiagnosed with coronavirus. Calling it an “obsession with COVID-19,” the journalist…
Baby Bottles Release Millions of Microplastic PartsOctober 22, 2020Researchers are calling for new guidelines on prepping infant formula in plastic baby bottles, after finding that polypropylene bottles release millions of microplastics into the formula at the rate of 16.2 million microplastic particles per liter….
Purdue Pharma Pleads Guilty to Criminal Charges on Its OpioidsOctober 22, 2020OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma is pleading guilty to criminal felony charges of defrauding federal health agencies and violating anti-kickback laws, and has agreed to pay $5.5 billion in criminal fines and forfeitures. They also have agreed to pay…
COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Participant Has DiedOctober 21, 2020A Brazilian volunteer in Astra Zeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials has died, according to Brazilian healthy authority Anvisa. Even so, a spokesperson from the University of Oxford, which is developing the vaccine with AstraZeneca, said…
Four Newborns Die Because of COVID-19 Lockdown in AustraliaOctober 21, 2020Four newborns in need of life-saving heart surgeries have died because lockdown policies in Australia did not allow them to be transported across state lines due to travel restrictions. Government officials squabbled over who was actually to blame…
Five South Koreans Die After Getting Flu ShotsOctober 21, 2020Questions about the safety of the latest flu vaccine have arisen after five people in South Korea died shortly after receiving the vaccine. While health officials denied any connection to the vaccine, authorities still opened an investigation. The…
Researchers Warn Some COVID-19 Vaccines Could Increase Your Risk of HIVOctober 21, 2020As COVID-19 vaccine development moves along at the now-proverbial warp speed, a group of researchers are worrying that some of these vaccine candidates could potentially put certain people at a higher risk of acquiring HIV, the virus that causes…
States File COVID-19 Vaccine Plans — With No Plans to Pay for ThemOctober 21, 2020U.S. states had until October 16, 2020, to file their plans for distributing the coronavirus vaccine when it’s ready but, even though they made the deadline, they still have no means or plans on how to pay for those vaccines. The states had…
Johnson & Johnson Refuses to Reveal What Caused Vaccine HaltOctober 20, 2020More than a week after Johnson & Johnson paused all its COVID-19 vaccine trials due to an “unexplained illness” in a volunteer, the company and the FDA refuse to give further details on what precipitated the pause. CNN reportedly…
COVID-19 Vaccine Company Accused of Misrepresenting Its Role in Operation Warp SpeedOctober 20, 2020One of the companies working on a coronavirus vaccine, Vaxart, not only was served with a subpoena in July for allegedly misrepresenting its role with the government in Operation Warp Speed, but is now being sued by investors for it. The problems…
UK Invests $43.6 Million to Deliberately Infect Volunteers With COVID-19October 20, 2020Vaccine clinical trials in the United Kingdom have come to the point where they need to “challenge” how well the vaccines work by deliberately infecting vaccinated people with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. To do this, the U…
Fed Chair Admits IMF Is Moving to Digital DollarsOctober 20, 2020While the world’s financial industry moves stealthily toward a cashless society, Jerome Powell, chair of the Federal Reserve, said in a meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that they need to do “’extensive’ public…
Did You Know There’s a Place in North America With Zero Coronavirus Cases?October 20, 2020A northern territory in Canada took drastic measures at the start of the pandemic and managed to stay COVID-free to this day. Nunavut closed its borders in March and shifted residents who weren’t at home at the time of the shutdown to hotels…
Are They Starting to Burn Our Libraries?October 20, 2020Are libraries as we know them headed toward extinction? In this YouTube commentary, Truthstream Media discusses the fact that many libraries — particularly those connected with universities and research institutions — are scanning their…
The Great Reset: What It Is and Why You Need to Know About ItOctober 19, 2020If you don’t do anything else today, listen to this broadcast talking about a new social contract that’s planned for the world in the form of a “great reset” of how the world runs. This Great Reset uses the current pandemic…
Journals Are Afraid to Publish Negative Mask StudyOctober 19, 2020A long Twitter thread discussing a Danish face mask study that concludes that compulsory mask-wearing may do more harm than good is asking why the study hasn’t been published in major medical journals yet. Translated, the study says that tens…
CDC Partners With Military to Jab Nursing Home ResidentsOctober 19, 2020The U.S. Department of Defense and Health and Human Services have partnered to make sure that patients in long-term care facilities are first in line for a COVID-19 vaccine. «This relationship is principally about getting vaccines quickly and…
CDC: Adults Can Get the Same Post-Coronavirus Syndrome as ChildrenOctober 18, 2020Researchers have concluded that the scary post-coronavirus syndrome that can affect children weeks after recovery can also impact adults. The condition is described as multisystem inflammatory syndrome in adults (MIS-A) and is similar to the MIS-C…
Microplastics on the Ocean Floor Are 25 Times Greater Than ThoughtOctober 18, 2020The world’s seafloor is filled with 14 million tons of microplastics — 25 times greater than previous research showed! The microplastics are broken down from the masses of rubbish entering the oceans every year. Researchers from the…
Will the Public Grow Weary of Pandemic Rules and Restrictions?October 17, 2020What happens if pandemic-weary citizens decide not to follow the rules? In the U.K., Boris Johnson has called for people to be “patient” as the government seeks to stifle a second wave of outbreaks. But is the public growing weary of 10…
​Experts: There’s a Way to Predict Who Will Die of COVID-19October 17, 2020A research study found that patients who have elevated levels of two certain proteins are more likely to exhibit severe coronavirus symptoms. One of the more peculiar aspects of the coronavirus is that it impacts people in completely different ways….
​ Where Did the Flu Go? WHO Stats Show Influenza Almost NonexistentOctober 16, 2020Data from the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that influenza numbers dropped so drastically during the pandemic that, in some weeks it was almost nonexistent. A WHO flowchart for Influenza Weeks…
WHO Study Shows Remdesivir Doesn’t Lower COVID-19 MortalityOctober 16, 2020A World Health Organization study looked at several drugs touted to treat COVID-19 and found that Gilead’s remdesivir “had no substantial effect on a COVID-19 patient’s chance of survival,” ZeroHedge reports. The study also…
Study: COVID Risk on Planes Is ‘Virtually Nonexistent’October 16, 2020A study done by the U.S. Department of Defense on United Airlines shows the risk of breathing in COVID-19 particles in the forward section on a flight is just 0.003%. The tests were done using mannequins in select seats on the plane. The study also…
Biden: We Should Think About Making COVID-19 Vaccine MandatoryOctober 16, 2020U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden said he believes COVID-19 vaccines should be made mandatory when they come out, even though he acknowledged it would be “difficult to enforce.” As reported by UPI, Biden said, “‘We should…
Prepare for a ‘Second Wave’ of Mental Health DevastationOctober 16, 2020If the financial devastation of the pandemic shutdowns isn’t enough, new waves of emotional devastation resulting in rising mental health and substance use disorders will be even more crushing, health experts warn. Published in JAMA Network,…
Only Half of Americans Say They’re Ready to Take a COVID-19 VaccineOctober 16, 2020A new Gallup Poll indicates that Americans’ support for a COVID-19 vaccine has dropped 11 percentage points, leaving only 50% who say they are willing to take the vaccine. On the other hand, those who say they want to delay returning to daily…
WHO Now Admits COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate Is Much Lower Than ExpectedOctober 15, 2020A review of COVID-19 studies from the World Health Organization indicates that median COVID-19 infection fatality rates are only 0.23% — much lower than initially anticipated. Early data from China suggested a 3.4% fatality rate. The latest…
Gates: Don’t Expect Return to ‘Normal’ Until Second Generation of Super-VaccinesOctober 15, 2020Billionaire Microsoft developer Bill Gates has a warning for anyone hoping to return to life as it was before SARS-CoV-2 took over: It’s not going to happen until a second round of COVID-19 vaccines come out. Gates is collaborating with the…
Facebook Bans Ads Discouraging VaccinesOctober 15, 2020Calling ads and posts “disinformation” attempts if they discourage or disparage vaccines, Facebook has announced that it is banning “anti-vaccination ads.” The policy also applies to Instagram. The social media giant is using…
Is COVID-19 Brain Fog Real?October 15, 2020Some people recovering from a COVID-19 infection have reported having ongoing “brain fog,” or cognitive problems that can cause an array of symptoms such as confusion, forgetfulness, an inability to focus and trouble communicating….
Epidural Analgesia During Labor Linked to AutismOctober 14, 2020A new study suggests that the popular epidural procedure used by many women in labor may pose a 37% relative increased risk of having a child with an autism spectrum disorder. Specifically, study authors looked at 147,985 children delivered…
Cancer Diagnoses Drop by Nearly Half During COVID-19October 14, 2020An early side effect of the COVID-19 lockdowns was demonstrated in a 46.6% drop in lung, breast, pancreatic, gastric, esophageal and colorectal cancer diagnoses from the beginning of March to mid-April. Not only that, cardiac catheterizations as…
Bombshell: Dr. Birx Says Nothing From the CDC Can Be TrustedOctober 13, 2020As coronavirus shutdowns continue across the U.S. and around the world, it might be worth revisiting some comments by Dr. Deborah Birx that The Washington Post first reported in May 2020. “There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust,”…
Eli Lilly Suddenly Pauses Its COVID-19 Antibody Drug TrialOctober 13, 2020Just six days after they said they were filing an emergency approval application for its COVID-19 monoclonal antibody drug, Eli Lilly has paused the drug’s clinical trials, citing “potential safety concerns” as the reason. October…
​Regeneron’s Antibody COVID Treatment Uses an Aborted Fetal Cell LineOctober 13, 2020Even though Regeneron’s experimental COVID-19 drug, REGN-COV2, got its start with cells derived from a human fetal cell line, the company says it doesn’t consider the treatment as one relying on fetal tissue. The HEK293T…
Can’t Smell These 2 Things? You May Have COVID-19October 13, 2020Up to 87% of people diagnosed with COVID-19 report having lost their sense of smell, particularly the ability to detect the scents of peppermint and coconut oil. Researchers tested 25 different odorants, narrowed them down to five different scents…
Study: Vitamin C Could Play a Role in COVID-19 Infections and Long-Term SolutionsOctober 13, 2020Researchers at Augusta University (AU) suggest that having low levels of vitamin C not only could make people more prone to getting COVID-19, but could also be a factor in how long it takes you to feel well again if you do get it. At least 30…
Second Company Halts COVID-19 Vaccine TrialsOctober 13, 2020An undisclosed illness in one of their trial participants has caused the shutdown of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine trials. The company announced the halt late in the day October 12, 2020, in a press release. “Adverse events…
If You’re Harmed by a COVID-19 Vaccine, You Have Little RecourseOctober 12, 2020While the FDA and other government officials continue to try to reassure people that any COVID-19 vaccine that comes out will be safe, the truth is if you’re injured by it, there’s not much you can do about it. Even with regular vaccines…
Google Is Giving Data to Police Based on Your Search KeywordsOctober 12, 2020If you think your internet searches are private and you’re using Google, think again. A recent court document reveals that Google has been releasing data to police based on keywords used in searches. In this instance, police sent a search…
Sleeping in ‘Shifts’ May Cause Neurological DisordersOctober 11, 2020People who sleep in shifts or at off hours — particularly members of the military — are at higher risk of suffering negative neurological effects later, according to a recent study funded in part by the U.S. Army. Researchers found that…
Subway Sandwiches Too Sugary To Be Called BreadOctober 11, 2020Ireland’s Supreme Court ruled this week that Subway sandwiches are more pastry than bread and, as such, are subject to an added tax of 13.5%. Ireland’s law stipulates that sugar and fat should not exceed 2% of the weight of flour in the bread…
Too Much Sleep Is as Bad for Your Heart as Not EnoughOctober 10, 2020You’ve probably heard that getting too little sleep can have disastrous effects on your health, but did you know that the same holds true if you sleep too much? According to a recent study at the American College of Cardiology, getting too…
Live Longer by Eating These 11 SuperfoodsOctober 10, 2020Do you consume foods containing superpowers to improve your health? If not, you should be. Eleven of the top superfoods include avocado, pomegranate, berries, broccoli, seafood, garlic and onions, mushrooms, nuts and seeds, and dark, leafy greens….
Ah-Choo! Is It a Cold, Flu or COVID-19?October 10, 2020Are you self-conscious sneezing in public? You’re not alone. In the midst of a pandemic, it’s not only the sidelong glances or wariness of strangers you have to worry about, it’s the high levels of anxiety caused by fretting over…
WHO Accidentally Confirms COVID Is No More Dangerous Than FluOctober 9, 2020October 4, 2020, the World Health Organization conducted a special meeting of its executive board, during which they announced that 10% of the world has been infected by SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of WHO’s Health…
Protective Antibodies to COVID-19 ‘Persist for Months’October 9, 2020A new study shows that survivors of serious COVID-19 infections produce antibodies that can persist for months. Researchers used blood samples taken from 343 patients up to four months after their symptoms first appeared and compared them to 1,500…
Sugar Found in Breast Milk Is a Possible Therapy for MSOctober 9, 2020Scientists have discovered what they believe could be a possible therapy to repair the myelin sheath in multiple sclerosis patients in the form of a simple sugar found in breast milk. N-acetylglucosamine is an over-the-counter dietary supplement….
Marine Life Are Being Sacrificed for Vaccines, Including COVID-19October 9, 2020A U.S. conservationist group is launching a campaign to ban the use of shark liver oil, aka squalene, for COVID-19 vaccines. Squalene is used as an adjuvant to boost the efficacy of vaccines. Conservationists believe that continued use of…
Top Epidemiologists Say Pandemic Is Over and It’s Time to Go Back to NormalOctober 9, 2020Top scientists, epidemiologists, professors and medical professionals from around the world say the pandemic is over and are calling for an end to lockdowns. “Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular…
Former NIH Director Says It’s Time to Protect Kids’ Brains From FluorideOctober 8, 2020Former director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Toxicology Program (NTP), Linda Birnbaum, has co-written an op-ed calling for increased efforts to protect children’s brains from fluoride by ending…
7,000 Scientists, Doctors Call for Herd Immunity and End to LockdownsOctober 8, 2020Over 4,700 scientists and 3,200 doctors, including representatives from some of the world’s most prestigious universities, sent an open letter to U.S. and U.K. officials, calling for an end to lockdown measures. Not only are the lockdowns…
Lawsuit: Masks Are Causing Harm to Healthy PeopleOctober 8, 2020Questioning how a healthy person can give someone else something they don’t even know they have, a group of Oklahoma doctors is suing the city of Tulsa over its mask mandates. Masks are unhealthy in a number of ways, from depriving a person of…
Nobel Prize in Medicine Goes to Scientists Who Discovered Hepatitis COctober 8, 2020One of the most prestigious awards in medicine, the Nobel Prize, has gone to Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice for their discovery of the hepatitis C virus. According to CNN Health, the Nobel Assembly said the three had «made a…
COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Participants Are Reporting Side EffectsOctober 8, 2020While the world gears up for its first COVID-19 vaccine to come to market, clinical trial participants are reporting side effects, some of which are fairly serious — such as cracked teeth due to severe shaking from chills. Other side effects…
UK Military to Join NHS for Massive COVID-19 Vaccinations Before ChristmasOctober 8, 2020Leaked documents from the U.K. National Health Service reveal that the NHS is planning to administer tens of thousands of COVID-19 vaccines every day, beginning as early as November 2020. “The Health Secretary told the virtual Tory conference…
The Great American Mask Rip OffOctober 8, 2020In a riveting YouTube video, Patrick Wood and Citizens for Free Speech feature neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock, who discusses the totalitarian world that’s evolving with COVID-19, including mandated mask-wearing and the possibility of a…
It’s Your Funeral — Stand Up for It NowOctober 7, 2020Amazing Polly is commenting that it’s time for a worldwide resistance movement to stand up and expose the corruption of the Deep State and the lies the media tell, and to refuse to bow to bureaucracy and totalitarian government. Using a funeral of a…
Mask Mandates Are Getting CrazyOctober 7, 2020Shortly after California Gov. Gavin Newsom posted a meme on his Twitter page illustrating how you should wear a mask while eating, a similar meme attributed to Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak started spreading across Facebook. Sisolak’s meme is…
Trump’s COVID-19 Cures: How Do They Work?October 7, 2020While he was in Walter Reed Hospital Trump received several different treatments, including an investigational drug, REGN-COV2, by Regeneron, which hasn’t been approved by the FDA for public use yet, not even as an emergency authorization….
NYT Questions Steroid Use for Trump’s COVID-19 TreatmentOctober 7, 2020It’s no secret that President Trump was given the steroid dexamethasone as part of his COVID-19 treatment regimen, but The New York Times is questioning why he received it. “The drug is reserved for those with severe illness, because it…
Medical Journal: Face Mask Infection Is RealOctober 7, 2020If you pay attention to Facebook “fact” checkers such as USA Today, you’ll be told that it’s not possible for face masks to cause a staph infection. It’s a false claim, USA Today says. The news agency adds similar…
CIA-Linked Contractor Keeping Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Contracts SecretOctober 7, 2020Billions of public dollars have been dumped into COVID-19 vaccine contracts, but for at least $6 billion of it, the public has yet to see the content of those contracts, all of which are under control of a CIA-linked contractor. NPR named the South…
Insanity in Australia: Woman Arrested for Traveling Outside Her 5 km RadiusOctober 6, 2020Lockdowns and mask mandates are still in force in Victoria, Australia, where no one is supposed to venture out beyond a 5 km (3.1 miles) radius of their homes. October 4, 2020, videos of police arresting violators surfaced, including one of a woman…
CDC Now Says SARS-CoV-2 Is Airborne, Can Spread Farther Than 6 FeetOctober 6, 2020The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued new guidelines on its website, now saying that the coronavirus not only can sometimes spread through airborne transmission, but more than 6 feet under certain conditions. A similar…
Study Shows Surgical Masks Not Protective Against Bacterial, Viral InfectionsOctober 5, 2020A 3M technical bulletin released in early June reports that surgical masks are not the way to go if you want the best protection from bioaerosols including SARS-CoV-2. No matter which contaminant you’re fighting — coronavirus or…
Is COVID-19 Giving You Nightmares?October 5, 2020New research shows that stress from the pandemic is showing up in the form of sleep deprivation and nightmares. From anxiety and other negative emotions to dreams about the virus itself, four different studies show that people are reliving their…
People Who Exercise More Are Happier and More SuccessfulOctober 4, 2020People who exercise four or more times a week are happier and more successful. A recent study found that people who exercise four to seven times a week report much higher levels of happiness (75% versus 25%) and success (74% versus 26%) than those…
Today’s Seniors Are Younger Than They Were 30 Years AgoOctober 4, 2020The seniors of today are not the seniors of yesteryear. Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä found older adults who are 75 and 80 years old today are enjoying more years in middle age, leading to being more physically fit later in…
10 Minutes of Massage or Rest Can Help Fight StressOctober 3, 2020Slow down and breathe. Even a little bit of down time will relieve stress and boost your mental and physical state, according to researchers at the University of Konstanz. After only 10 minutes of receiving a massage, study subjects recorded higher…
Being a Night Owl Could Be Making You SickOctober 3, 2020Early to bed and early to rise is not just a saying — living by that rule could greatly improve your health. People who go to bed early are more likely to be in better health and more physically active compared to night owls, according to a…
US President Donald Trump Tests Positive for CoronavirusOctober 2, 2020President Trump announced in a Twitter message early Friday morning, October 2, 2020, that both he and his wife, Melania, have tested positive for coronavirus. The president has only mild symptoms so far, according to The New York Times. While the…
COVID-19 Nasal Swab Punctures Woman’s Brain LiningOctober 2, 2020A U.S. woman in her 40s who was tested for COVID-19 with the nasal pharyngeal test in preparation for an elective surgery had her brain lining punctured by the test. The injury was discovered later after she developed rhinorrhea, headache and…
What’s Next After COVID? Bioterrorism Narrative Is New Threat to Fuel FearOctober 2, 2020Now that COVID-19 is starting to diminish, a new threat is required to continue the loss of personal freedoms and liberty. This new enemy, which is required to justify the tyrannical global shutdowns, will facilitate the transfer of wealth to the 0…
Russian Intelligence Officer: Coronavirus Is a False Pandemic With the Goal of Controlling the WorldOctober 2, 2020In a YouTube Russian media video, Vladimir Kvachkov, a former colonel of Russian military intelligence, calls the coronavirus a false pandemic that was planned and planted, with the goal being to gain power and control over the world. It started…
NYT Admits WHO’s Stand on Pandemic Border Closings Was Based on PoliticsOctober 2, 2020The World Health Organization’s stance not to close borders to stop the spread of COVID-19 was based on politics and economics, not science, an investigation by The New York Times has found. The WHO steadfastly insisted from the start of the…
British Health Secretary Erroneously Says Vitamin D Study Shows It Doesn’t WorkOctober 2, 2020British health officials claim that Health Secretary Matt Hancock had a “slip of the tongue” when he said he’d OK’d a clinical trial on vitamin D as a potential coronavirus treatment, and that it did not “appear to have…
WHO: Quitting Smoking Has Immediate Health BenefitsOctober 2, 2020A new report from the World Health Organization links 1.9 million deaths every year to tobacco use, either through personal use or from secondhand smoke. The good news is that quitting smoking has immediate health benefits. For example, within 20…
SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Trial Participants Say Side Effects Are Worth ItOctober 1, 2020Are you up for “intense” feelings of chills — shaking so hard you crack your teeth — high fever, body aches, bad headaches and exhaustion, all for the sake of a coronavirus vaccine? These are side effects that some of…
Anthrax Vaccine Manufacturer Will Be Making 3 COVID VaccinesOctober 1, 2020Emergent BioSolutions, formerly Bioport, has signed an agreement with AstraZeneca to produce contract development and manufacturing services for its COVID-19 vaccines. “This agreement follows and is in addition to the landmark public-private…
Did Two Scientists Just Make a Gain-of-Function Version of SARS-CoV-2?October 1, 2020Two U.S. scientists who have been studying gain-of-function (GOF) models for flu and coronaviruses have just published their research on a preprint site that indicates they may have created a GOF version of SARS-CoV-2. Gain-of-function studies…
The Mandatory COVID Vaccine Is Coming for YouOctober 1, 2020Make the SARS-CoV-19 vaccine mandatory. An October 1, 2020, article in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine couldn’t make it any plainer in bemoaning a poll that found that only 49% of Americans plan to get the COVID-19 vaccine when…
Elon Musk Says He Won’t Be Taking a COVID-19 VaccineOctober 1, 2020The third-richest person in the world, Elon Musk, says he will not take a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available, adding that neither he nor his kids are at risk for coming down with the virus. Musk also criticized widespread lockdowns,…
FDA Releases ‘Feed Your Mind’ Messages on GE FoodsSeptember 30, 2020In an effort to educate consumers on genetically engineered, aka genetically modified (GMO), foods, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has compiled a packet of messages on what GMOs are and where you can find them. “GMOs are a common part…
How the FDA Hooked Us on OpioidsSeptember 30, 2020The U.S. is in the midst of an opioid epidemic and investigators suggest that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration itself aided and abetted such a thing to happen from the start. Looking at clinical data from 1997 to 2018, researchers found that,…
Surprise! Government Is Already Contact Tracing and Tracking YouSeptember 30, 2020Two airline travelers learned that government tracing and tracking is already in place when they began receiving calls from “NY Contact Tracing” after they flew from Texas to New York and back. One traveler reported that they’d…
High Viral Load, Comorbidities Associated with Hospital Intubation, DeathSeptember 30, 2020A June 2020 study of patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 who were admitted to two New York hospitals showed that they were more likely to be intubated or die during their hospitalization if they had high viral loads and a range of comorbidities….
Shasta County, California, Cancels Flu Shot Mandate for Health Care WorkersSeptember 29, 2020If you’re a health care worker in Shasta County in northern California, you no longer are mandated to get a flu shot. County officials announced their decision after “chatting with the Board of Supervisors and also hearing some feedback…
Study: 1 in 3 Persons Believes Virus Was Created in a LabSeptember 29, 2020A new study in Social Science & Medicine reports that 28%, or 1 in 3 persons interviewed believes that the coronavirus was created in a Chinese lab as a bioweapon. The study also found that those most likely to believe the virus is lab-created…
Using Acid Reflux Drugs Makes You 24% More Likely to Develop Type 2 DiabetesSeptember 29, 2020Acid reflux reduction drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) may increase your risk of developing diabetes by 24%, according to a new study. What this means is that for every 1,000 people taking PPIs regularly, 7.44 will develop diabetes, as…
Opioid Epidemic Poised to Worsen as COVID-19 Bears DownSeptember 29, 2020Health officials fighting opioid overdose numbers are waiting for a “tidal wave” as stress from the pandemic wears on addicts and patients taking the drugs. While states aren’t yet reporting the full impact of how the pandemic is…
Researchers Are Genetically Modifying Anthrax and Combining It With SARS-CoV-2September 28, 2020Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documents reveal that a BSL-3 lab is conducting research at the University of Pittsburg Medical Center that combines SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, with deadly anthrax. Genetically engineered, the…
Is It Time to Start Resisting COVID’s Technocracy?September 28, 2020Around the world, a revolution is rumbling as technocracy — a system of centralized government — moves to take over people’s lives through electronic surveillance and control under the guise of a need to combat COVID-19. It’s…
Vaccine Awareness Week Centers on Your Right to Informed Consent and Freedom of ChoiceSeptember 28, 2020During the week of September 20 to 26, will highlight Vaccine Awareness Week to raise public awareness about vaccine risks and failures and the need to defend informed consent rights. Right now, and during this week, with just a click,…
Was Chinese Propaganda a Catalyst for Western Nations Shutting Down?September 28, 2020Did China trick the world into committing economic suicide? That’s the question that an article in asks as it reports on research by Michael Senger, who has found evidence that China promoted fraudulent date and deployed…
Half a Million Sharks Will Die for a COVID-19 VaccineSeptember 28, 2020While research for a COVID-19 vaccine pushes forward, one casualty that no one’s talking about is the death of 500,000 sharks, whose livers are used to make squalene, an ingredient in some of the vaccines. The livers produce an oil that…
Florida Schools Opened — And a Coronavirus Surge Didn’t HappenSeptember 28, 2020When Florida mandated that all its public schools return to face-to-face instruction by August 31, 2020, most people expected a surge in COVID-19 cases among schoolchildren, but the surge didn’t happen. The schools didn’t open…
Study Shows First Proof That a Safer UV Light Kills CoronavirusSeptember 27, 2020A Hiroshima University research team became the first in the world to discover that using ultraviolet C light with a wavelength of 222 nanometers — which is safe to use around humans — effectively kills SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes…
Children on Steroids Have Higher Risk for Diabetes, High Blood PressureSeptember 27, 2020Children who take oral steroids to treat asthma or autoimmune diseases have an increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and blood clots, according to Rutgers researchers. Researchers examined the records of 933,000 American children from ages…
​Pollution Exposure Linked to Stroke Risk in People with AFIBSeptember 27, 2020People with the heart disorder atrial fibrillation (AFib) who live in an area known to have higher levels of air pollution are at a much higher risk than their peers who live in an area with less pollution, according to a recent study. At least 2.7…
Cancer Patients May Not Have Higher COVID-19 RiskSeptember 26, 2020Medical experts have assumed that cancer patients are an at-risk group for COVID-19, but a first-of-its-kind study finds that these patients do not get infected any more than the general population and do not suffer from more severe disease symptoms…
Studies Show Coffee May Help Stop Cancer ProgressionSeptember 26, 2020So, you’re one of those who can’t really function until you’ve had your morning cup o’ joe? Well, there’s some good news for coffee lovers — that cup of java could be helping ward off colon, liver and endometrial…
Plastic Face Shields Don’t Stop Spread of COVID-19September 25, 2020A new Japanese study has bad news if you’re one of those who have opted to wear plastic face shields as opposed to masks to fight COVID-19: You may think the shields are a great alternative, but they’re basically useless. The study found…
COVID-19 May Have a Hidden Impact on the HeartSeptember 25, 2020A study in JAMA Cardiology shows that being infected with COVID-19 could have serious implications for your heart, specifically with inflammation in the heart muscle. Out of 100 people in the study who had an MRI test, 60 of them showed at least…
Authors Retract Paper on HPV Vaccine and Preterm BirthSeptember 25, 2020A 2018 research article that claimed the HPV vaccine offered “significant” protection against preterm birth has been retracted after authors found it could have exactly the opposite effect. Statistical errors in the article were blamed…
DOJ to Seek Congressional Curbs on Immunity for Internet CompaniesSeptember 25, 2020DOJ to Seek Congressional Curbs on Immunity for Internet Companies If the Department of Justice gets its way, Congress will take action to force social media internet companies such as Facebook, Alphabet, Google and Twitter to better manage their…
FDA Admits Mercury Fillings Are Dangerous for Pregnant Women and ChildrenSeptember 24, 2020In an astounding about-face to its previous stance regarding amalgam (mercury) fillings for pregnant women, children and other individuals who could be adversely affected by amalgam, the U.S. FDA quietly posted updates September 24, 2020, to its…
Research Suggests That THC Can Help Treat and Even Prevent COVID-19 DeathSeptember 24, 2020Previous research has already shown that cannabidiol (CBD) may be protective against acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Now, new research shows that THC, the psychoactive form of cannabis, not only may also protect against ARDS, but even…
Ohio Middle School Mom Tased, Arrested for Not Wearing Mask at GameSeptember 24, 2020An Ohio mom of an eighth grader playing in a football game in Logan, Ohio, was tased, dragged down the bleacher steps and arrested for not wearing her mask in the stands as she watched. Videos of the incident show a police officer tasing Alecia…
Vaccine Resistance Grows, Axios-Ipsos Poll ShowsSeptember 24, 2020Just as the U.S. reaches a SARS-CoV-2 death count of 200,000, a new poll has revealed that only 13% of respondents are willing to take a COVID-19 vaccine when it first comes out. And while a meager 9% said they “very likely” to take the…
New Scottish Coronavirus Ad Has Public Screaming ‘Scaremongering’September 24, 2020A new 30-second commercial warning how coronavirus can spread has viewers and major media collectively praising and criticizing the Scottish government for using scaremongering to produce the video. The quick clip uses green slime to show how germs…
Time to Get Tested at the AirportSeptember 24, 2020United Airlines is offering on-the-spot coronavirus testing beginning with its San Francisco to Hawaii flight October 15, 2020. The pilot program will consist of rapid tests supplied by Abbott Laboratories, with results in 15 minutes. As another…
COVID-19: Does Sweden Have Herd Immunity?September 23, 2020When Sweden broke ranks and refused to lockdown with the rest of the world for COVID-19, most restrictions on its citizens were self-imposed. Although government did recommend such things as those older than 70 staying inside and that everyone try…
Coke Funded Study to Promote Twinkie DietSeptember 23, 2020It’s been a decade since CNN reported on a professor of human nutrition who ate Twinkies for every three hours for 10 weeks, adding a few Doritos, sugary cereals and Oreos for variety, and lost 27 pounds doing it. He did admit to lowering his…
Lockdown Deaths Are Nine Times Higher Than COVID-19 NumbersSeptember 23, 2020Studies in Great Britain and Europe show that unexplained deaths at home are now so high that they are nearly nine times higher than recorded COVID-19 deaths — meaning the lockdown has now become more deadly than the virus. The dean of…
CDC Says It Erred in Posting New Information on How SARS-CoV-2 Is SpreadSeptember 22, 2020New guidelines on how SARS-CoV-2is spread appeared without fanfare on the CDC website Friday, September 18, 2020, and disappeared just as quietly Monday, September 21. In a short disclaimer on its website Monday, the CDC said the changes had been…
Experts Question Use of Repeated COVID-19 TestsSeptember 22, 2020While the world talks about the casualties of COVID-19 — all the people who have died so far — one casualty that isn’t getting enough attention, or only sporadic notice at most, is the fact that false-positives to the COVID tests…
How Long Can You Test Positive for COVID-19?September 22, 2020When a young mother in Canada continued to test positive for COVID-19 for 55 days straight, she and the baby were separated the entire length of time. Her case is not unusual, though, according to Stat News, and the situation raises questions as to…
Merck Changes Chickenpox Vaccine Insert to Include Shedding as a Side EffectSeptember 21, 2020The U.S. FDA quietly approved a change in the package insert for Merck’s Varivax, or chickenpox vaccine, to include secondary transmission of the virus as a side effect of the vaccine. What this means is that Merck is admitting that recently…
Just How Many Adverse Reactions Did AZ Have in Their Trials?September 20, 2020Vaccine maker AstraZeneca made the news the first week of September when they announced that they’d temporarily halted their COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials because a patient may have suffered severe neurological reactions to the vaccine. The…
Masks Are Your Destiny, Even With a COVID-19 Vaccine, Dr. Paul Offit SaysSeptember 19, 2020The doctor who co-invented Merck’s rotavirus vaccine says that even after a COVID-19 vaccine comes out, people will need to continue wearing masks and social distancing for the next “couple” years. “People now see vaccines as…
Does 5-G Cause Vertigo?September 19, 2020If you have vertigo or unexplained dizziness, you may want to pay close attention to a new video on YouTube, which discusses an apparently increasing epidemic of people who are seeing their doctors for this uncomfortable condition. Patrick Bet-David…
Nashville Mayor Concealed COVID-19 Data to Enforce ShutdownsSeptember 18, 2020A Nashville city councilman has accused the mayor and the city health department of hiding data showing there were very few coronavirus cases in local restaurants and bars, and of fabricating numbers to keep those businesses closed. Copies of emails…
International Travel May Take Until 2024 to Recover From COVID-19September 18, 2020It’s going to take three more years for international travel to recover from the catastrophic damages incurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to The International Air Transport Association (IATA). So far, global losses in air…
Operation Moonshot: What Do the Leaked Documents Say?September 18, 2020The U.K. has plans to step up its COVID-19 testing to the point that they’ll be doing 10 million a day by early 2021. Slugged “Operation Moonshot,” the government plans to increase the number in increments between now and December…
Improving Your Lifestyle May Lessen Cognitive DeclineSeptember 17, 2020Making a few lifestyle changes may be all you need to do to keep your mind sharp, according to a new study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. A group of 119 individuals older than 65 years of age who were experiencing cognitive…
Using Gut Bacteria to Identify Cardiovascular HealthSeptember 17, 2020Your gut microbiota has a direct connection to your heart function, which led scientists to recently discover a possible new method of evaluating cardiovascular health. Researchers already knew, through previous studies, that the human gut…
University of Pittsburgh Scientists Discover Molecule That ‘Completely’ Neutralizes COVID-19September 16, 2020An antibody component that is 10 times smaller than a full-sized one may be the answer to stopping SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, in its tracks, scientists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine report. “According to…
COVID-19 May Have Been Here as Early as DecemberSeptember 16, 2020New evidence shows that COVID-19 may have been circulating in the Los Angeles area months before the first definitive cases in the U.S. were identified. Electronic health records showed there was a significant increase in patients with coughs and…
Fewer Than 1 American in 10 Has Great Trust in the FDASeptember 16, 2020Do you trust the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or Big Pharma to look out for your best interests when it comes to your health? If you’re like most Americans, you don’t, according to a survey that found that fewer than 1 in 10 have a…
US Military Fears EMFs May Be Harming PilotsSeptember 16, 2020The Pentagon is taking a closer look at electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in concern that pilots could become disoriented and crash their planes when EMFs flood the cockpits. “Current cockpits are flooded with radio frequency (RF) noise from…
Experts: Transmission of Coronavirus Through Food ‘Highly Unlikely’September 16, 2020Since there is no documented evidence that food is a significant source for transmission of coronavirus. it is highly unlikely that ingestion of SARS-CoV-2 — which causes COVID-19, aka coronavirus — will result in illness, according to…
Astra Zeneca Clams Up on COVID Vaccine Safety Details, Alarming ScientistsSeptember 16, 2020A patient in the Astra Zeneca COVID-19 vaccine trials experienced a serious neurological reaction, triggering the company to halt its testing while a review of the case was made. CEO Pascal Soriot talked about it in a closed meeting with its…
‘Died From’ or ‘Died With’ COVID — It Makes a DifferenceSeptember 15, 2020There’s been a lot of confusion over whether or not reported death statistics reflect those who died FROM COVID-19, or those who’ve died WITH the virus. The numbers for the COVID-19 death toll reported every day by state and federal…
Southern Hemisphere Skipped 2020 Flu Season, Northern Hemisphere Hopes for SameSeptember 15, 2020Scientists were surprised to learn that a surprisingly small number of people in the Southern Hemisphere came down with flu this year, reasoning that public health measures such as proper hygiene, restricted travel, mask-wearing and social…
Architect of Sweden’s COVID-19 Anti-Lockdown Strategy Finally VindicatedSeptember 14, 2020Amidst the swath of countries that have been cut down by coronavirus lockdowns, Sweden stands alone as the beacon country that refused to follow the crowd and lock down. And now, as second waves of COVID-19 hit Europe, only one country isn’t…
Fauci Admits He Takes Vitamin D and C Supplements to Boost ImmunitySeptember 14, 2020The face of the U.S. COVID-19 committee, infectious disease specialist Dr. Anthony Fauci, admitted in a live Instagram interview that he takes vitamin D and C supplements to boost his immunity. Not only that, he said he “didn’t…
Deep, Restorative Sleep Could Be Your Best Preventive for Alzheimer’sSeptember 14, 2020Getting more restorative, deep sleep could ward off Alzheimer’s disease in your later years. Alzheimer’s affects more than 40 million people worldwide with no cure in sight. But new research from the University of California Berkeley…
​ Will Mandatory Flu Shots Be the Next Thing for All Public Schools?September 14, 2020New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a teleconference Thursday, September 10, that he and the state’s health department were looking at making flu shots mandatory for all the state’s public school students. Massachusetts has already made…
Many Coronavirus-Infected Hospital Workers Don’t Have SymptomsSeptember 13, 2020A new study of 13 U.S. medical centers finds that 6% of staff tested positive for prior infection with coronavirus, with almost half having no idea they’d ever contracted coronavirus. Researchers conducted blood antibody testing of more than 3,200…
The Only Children Who Died of COVID-19 Were Already Seriously IllSeptember 13, 2020No child who was not already profoundly ill has died of Covid-19 in Britain, according to a study that looked at 260 hospitals in England, Wales and Scotland. From the beginning, it’s been said that the coronavirus has little impact on…
Study Shows Children Have Mild COVID Infections; Rarely FatalSeptember 12, 2020Children and teens do get COVID-19, but their infections are mild and rarely fatal, according to a recent study profiled in BMJ, a leading medical journal. The study showed that severe COVID-19 is rare in kids and teens, and death is exceptionally…
Should You Sign a COVID-19 Waiver?September 12, 2020Maybe your boss has asked you to sign a COVID-19 liability waiver and you’re wondering if that’s a good idea. It’s not, says Remington A. Gregg, a lawyer at Public Citizen, a consumer advocacy group. “You are giving up your…
Mile Markers of Tyranny: Losing Our Freedoms on the Road From 9/11 to COVID-19September 11, 2020As Americans mark the 19th anniversary of the attack on the Twin Towers, most likely the furthest thing from their minds is the breadth of freedoms they’ve lost in the years since. In a poignant essay, Constitutional attorney John Whitehead…
Is the Pandemic Over?September 11, 2020Using a graph from the CDC and the National Center for Health Statistics, it’s easy to see that the coronavirus pandemic is mostly over. Beginning in February, the graph shows a major spike in mid-April and a downward trend ever since, even…
Astra Zeneca Claims It Needs Liability Protection for Its COVID VaccineSeptember 10, 2020Product liability claims for its new COVID-19 vaccine are something Astra Zeneca doesn’t want to deal with, so they are busy trying to write indemnification agreements with the different countries signed up to buy their vaccine. “This is…
Public Trust in CDC, Fauci and Other Health Officials Is FalteringSeptember 10, 2020The public just doesn’t trust world health officials like they used to, a new Kaiser Family Foundation poll has learned. The CDC and top U.S. doctors such as Anthony Fauci have all fallen when it comes to the trust gauge, according to STAT…
EU to Hold COVID Vax Makers Liable, US IndemnifiesSeptember 10, 2020The European Union is not going to be as easy on COVID-19 vaccine makers as the U.S. is, and plans to hold them liable for hidden defects or other problems the vaccines might cause once they’re released to the public. “Members of the…
COVID Camps: CDC Says They Will Forcibly Quarantine KidsSeptember 10, 2020If you have a child in school, it’s time to make overnight-stay provisions in case your child needs to shelter elsewhere. This, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is warning parents that their kids may be…
The Cluster: ‘Remarkable Polarization Between Traditional Science and Anti-Science’September 10, 2020Prominent domains posting on Facebook and other media sites are sharply divided when it comes to conversations on the COVID-19 vaccine, according to a commentator on Medium, a site that doesn’t censor your posts as long as you follow their…
COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Halts After Participant Suffers ‘Serious’ Adverse ReactionSeptember 9, 2020Drug giant AstraZeneca put its clinical trials for a COVID-19 vaccine on hold after one of their study participants suffered an unspecified “serious and unexpected adverse reaction,” the company said. The trial will be paused while the…
UN Admits Gates-Funded Vaccine Is Causing Polio Outbreak in AfricaSeptember 8, 2020Africa is in the middle of a polio outbreak and the United Nations has admitted that the paralysis-causing disease is being caused by the vaccine itself. The pandemic started in Chad and Sudan. However, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran are also…
Sorry, but Generation Z Isn’t Interested in Lab-Grown, Fake MeatSeptember 8, 2020A new study shows that even though they support environmental issues and animal welfare, 72% of Generation Zers are not interested in eating lab-grown meats. The lab-grown “meat” is made with in-vitro cell cultures of animal cells; 17%…
Vaping Links to COVID Risk Are Becoming ClearSeptember 8, 2020If you vape, you are upping the ante for your risk of coming down with COVID-19, health officials are reporting. As per Dr. Stephanie Lovinsky-Desir a pediatric pulmonologist who spoke with The New York Times: “It is quite clear that smoking…
COVID-19 Has Likely Tripled Depression Rates, BU Study SaysSeptember 7, 2020According to Boston University School of Public Health, three times as many U.S. adults reported having depression symptoms as of mid-April, at a rate of 27.8%. Before the pandemic that number was 8.3%. Researchers also found that people with less…
Coroner Says COVID-19 Counts May Be Wrong, Leading to Unnecessary FearSeptember 7, 2020A Mississippi county coroner said his state’s death count from coronavirus could be incorrect, adding that possible misreporting has led to «unnecessary fear in the public.» Joshua Pounder, coroner for DeSoto County in northwest Mississippi,…
In the Works: A Body Tattoo That Relays Your Vital Health InfoSeptember 6, 2020Tattoos have moved beyond body art to become what some call a life-saving art, in the form of a wearable sensor that can be tattooed on the body to give vital health information. The concept is being developed by The Centre for Nanoscience and…
Pandemic Learning Can Strain Children’s EyesSeptember 6, 2020Is your child doing online learning during the pandemic? If so, there are steps you need to take to protect your children’s eyes. First of all, it’s important for your children to spend time playing outdoors, since studies have shown…
UK Scientist: Coronavirus Is Here ForeverSeptember 5, 2020Coronavirus is here to stay, according to a scientist in the U.K. «This is a virus that is going to be with us forever in some form or another, and almost certainly will require repeated vaccinations,» said Sir Mark Walport, a researcher from the U…
Is Your Face Mask Doing More Harm Than Good?September 5, 2020Could the mask you’re wearing increase your risk of coronavirus? Scientists at Duke University in North Carolina tested 14 different types of face-coverings and found that one of them — a neck fleece — actually increases your risk…
Why Are Moderna Executives Dumping Stock While Developing a Coronavirus Vaccine?September 4, 2020Executives at Moderna are selling off their stock to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, leaving those watching the company’s COVID-19 vaccine wondering what’s up. Plus, an investigation by NPR revealed even more…
WHO Says Widespread COVID-19 Vaccines Aren’t Expected Until Mid-2021September 4, 2020With none of the COVID-19 vaccines currently in clinical trials showing the 50% efficacy needed for approval, it’s highly unlikely a vaccine will be ready before mid-2021, the World Health Organization says. The prediction is in sharp contrast…
Coronavirus Case Numbers ‘Remain Unchanged’ in EnglandSeptember 4, 2020Overall COVID-19 case numbers in England are remaining steady and unchanged for the current week, based on more than 151,000 swab tests. The numbers have also remained steady in Wales, which is another indication that the virus is stabilizing. While…
Why Recovery Is Key to Effective ExerciseSeptember 4, 2020Whether you’re starting a new exercise program or trying to maintain a routine during the pandemic, you still want to know the best way to maximize your efforts . One of the most important ways to do that is to recognize the importance of…
Fauci Brainwashing Kids in Schools About Warp-Speed VaccineSeptember 3, 2020BrainPop is an online teaching accessory that school systems and teachers use to teach students about world affairs and a variety of subjects, including math, English, social studies and health topics. Currently in its “Homeroom News”…
Law Will Send Kids to Foster Care if Parents Get COVID-19September 3, 2020A copy of a letter that Minnesota sent to its state foster care providers indicates that if Minnesota parents are hospitalized for COVID-19 and they don’t have readily available alternate places for their children to live, the state will send…
The CDC Is America’s New LandlordSeptember 3, 2020If you’re a renter in trouble with your payments since COVID-19 took over, it’s good news. If you’re a landlord looking for some relief in the form of lessees paying up, you’re in trouble — and you have the U.S. Centers…
US Federal Appeals Court Agrees With Snowden: NSA Surveillance Was IllegalSeptember 3, 2020A three-judge panel in the 9th Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled that a phone surveillance program conducted by the FBI more than seven years ago not only was illegal, but possibly unconstitutional. The case, ACLU v. Clapper , has been…
Trump Administration Will Redirect $62 Million Owed to the WHOSeptember 3, 2020The remainder of the annual dues the U.S. is supposed to pay to the World Health Organization will be redirected to other health-related causes, mostly to children’s immunization and influenza surveillance, the Trump administration announced….
Polio Vaccine Causing Polio OutbreaksSeptember 3, 2020Just days after the World Health Organization announced that Africa is free of wild polio virus, they had to announce that a vaccine-derived poliovirus Type 2 (cVDPV2) is circulating in Sudan, Chad and Cameroon. A total of 13 children came down with…
A Supercomputer Analyzed COVID-19 and an Interesting New Theory EmergedSeptember 2, 2020The second-fastest computer in the world spent a week analyzing 2.5 billion genetic combinations for COVID-19 and not only found a unique theory about how the virus impacts the body, but also suggested more than 10 potential treatments — many…
Lancet Study Finds US Has, by Far, the World’s Most Over-Priced Medical CareSeptember 2, 2020At an average of around $9,000 per person per year, the U.S. has the most over-priced medical care in the world, according to a study published in the medical journal, The Lancet. The study looked at 204 countries over a 29-year period, from 1990 to…
Fauci Says Vaccine Might Be so Good That Trials Will End EarlySeptember 2, 2020Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and face of the coronavirus task force, said he thinks that vaccine makers will adhere to high standards as they test the new vaccine, so much so that an…
New Coronavirus Adviser Angers Mainstream MediaSeptember 2, 2020The White House has a new adviser for official coronavirus approaches at the federal level, and lots of people aren’t happy about it, including news media and other members of the coronavirus task force, primarily because he doesn’t…
Even The New York Times Suggests Ignoring the CDCSeptember 2, 2020In an opinion column for The New York Times, Harold Varmus, former director of the National Institutes of Health, and Rajiv Shah, president of the Rockefeller Foundation, blast the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for changing its…
Even CNN Says Rushing COVID-19 Vaccine is ‘Colossally Stupid’September 2, 2020Citing vaccine disasters in times past, such as when a polio vaccine had to be dumped in 1955 in the U.S. because it caused polio in 40,000 children, CNN is questioning the warp-speed promotion of a vaccine for COVID-19. In fact, given the past…
Pregnant Australian Woman Arrested for Posting Lockdown ProtestsSeptember 2, 2020A pregnant woman in Australia was served a search warrant and arrested for “incitement” after she made a Facebook post encouraging a protest during Victoria’s lockdown. Police also seized all of the family’s electronic…
Bobby Kennedy Details How Government Is Using Fear to Control YouSeptember 1, 2020In a launch of a European-based branch of his U.S. organization, Children’s Health Defense, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the global challenges to children’s health and safety on Friday, August 28, 2020, in Europe, warning people of…
Support the Phase-Out of Mercury Fillings Here and Around the World- ExtendedSeptember 1, 2020We are excited to extend the celebration of our 10th Annual Mercury-Free Dentistry Week. Hidden from us for too long is this stark fact: Mercury, the most toxic and volatile of the heavy metals, is the main component of dental amalgam (also called,…
How Propaganda Has Been Slowly Implemented in the US and Overwhelms Your Critical Thinking SkillsSeptember 1, 2020There’s no way of getting around it: Propaganda is the life-blood of fascist control. That’s the plain and clear truth that Mark Petrakis points out in an enlightening essay on the “fatal attraction of techno-fascism.” With…
COVID-19 Vaccine Testing: They’re Running Out of MonkeysSeptember 1, 2020As the health care world waits for a viable COVID-19 vaccine, The Atlantic has called attention to a hitch in the process that could cause problems for introducing a safe vaccine. Simply put, vaccine developers are running out of monkeys to use for…
Your Health Passport Is Here, IrelandSeptember 1, 2020A two-minute video circulating on Twitter (see above) is promoting the launch of health passports in Ireland. Designed to “protect our society and our economy,” Health Passport Ireland uses “the very best COVID-19 testing combined…
Florida: Most COVID-19 Deaths in Palm Beach County Are Not Due to COVID AloneAugust 31, 2020Most of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 in Palm Beach County, Florida, are not due to coronavirus alone, according to an investigation by CBS 12. Specifically, only 86 of 658 cases were actually due to COVID-19, and even then, those were listed as…
Fauci: Asymptomatic Transmission Has Never Been the Driver of OutbreaksAugust 31, 2020In late January 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci, coronavirus task force expert and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was filmed saying that “asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks.”…
CDC Changes Its Numbers — Only 6% of Pandemic Deaths Were COVID-19 AloneAugust 31, 2020With little fanfare the CDC posted a clarification of its pandemic-related deaths, explaining that only 6% of the deaths were due to COVID-19 alone. Using a graphic showing comorbidities and other conditions that led to them being listed as COVID-19…
How COVID Has Decimated Our Mental HealthAugust 31, 2020The news may be full of talk about deaths from coronavirus, but a different fallout from the pandemic is only just beginning to gain attention — and that is what all of the layoffs, job losses and related financial problems are doing to the…
The Playbook Revealed: CHD’s ‘The Jab’ Delivers Inside Scoop on COVID PandemicAugust 31, 2020Taking a look at Big Pharma’s plan to jab everyone with a warp-speed COVID-19 vaccine, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) does a quick run-through of the history of other warp-speed vaccines. For example, with the backing of, and promotion…
Florida: Most COVID-19 Deaths in Palm Beach County Are Not Due to COVID AloneAugust 31, 2020Most of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 in Palm Beach County, Florida, are not due to coronavirus alone, according to an investigation by CBS 12. Specifically, only 86 of 658 cases were actually due to COVID-19, and even then, those were listed as…
Fauci: Asymptomatic Transmission Has Never Been the Driver of OutbreaksAugust 31, 2020In late January 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci, coronavirus task force expert and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was filmed saying that “asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks.”…
First Study Shows an Oral Rinse Could Reduce COVID RiskAugust 30, 2020Simply using a commercial mouthwash for at least 30 seconds may help protect you against the coronavirus, according to a new study profiled in the Journal of Infectious Diseases. Researchers concluded that SARS-CoV-2 — the virus that causes…
Researchers Stumped: Homeless Aren’t Getting COVID-19 Like ExpectedAugust 30, 2020Earlier this year, when the coronavirus emerged in the U.S., public health officials and advocates sounded the alarm for the homeless, fearing the virus would ravage the homeless population, but that has not been the case. Even though shelters did…
Sweden’s Top Epidemiologist Says Mandatory Mask Rules Could BackfireAugust 29, 2020The epidemiologist in charge of Sweden’s coronavirus pandemic said it is “very dangerous” to believe that facemasks on their own could control the spread of the disease. Thus, Sweden has taken a different course from other…
The WHO Is Watching Your Every Move, Everywhere You Go OnlineAugust 28, 2020The World Health Organization is busy eavesdropping on everything you do online, from listening to your conversations and watching your social media interactions, to analyzing your emotions. The WHO is partnering with an analytics company to fight…
Traces of COVID-19 Found in Abandoned Apartment BathroomAugust 28, 2020Chinese researchers found traces of SARS-CoV-2 in an empty apartment bathroom above a unit occupied by five people who tested positive for the virus. The sink, faucet and shower handle all had virus on them, even though the apartment had been vacant…
Did You Know COVID-19 Symptoms Often Come in a Certain Order?August 28, 2020Researchers at the University of Southern California have come up with a list of COVID-19 symptoms and the likely order in which you’ll get them. Things to watch out for, in this order, are: fever, cough, muscle pain, nausea and/or vomiting…
Could This Treatment for COVID-19 Lead to Increased Antimicrobial Resistance?August 28, 2020People who come down with COVID-19 are often given antibiotics to fight possible secondary bacterial infections, particularly if they’re hospitalized. The problem is research is showing that this increased use of antibiotics could be stressing…
COVID-19 Is Changing the Fitness IndustryAugust 27, 2020Like it or not, COVID-19 is changing the face of many businesses and industries, and the fitness industry is at the forefront of those most affected. With most gyms and fitness centers being closed, the “survivors” are finding ways to…
Save Yourself: Stop Believing in the LockdownAugust 26, 2020A powerful essay in the American Institute for Economic Research asks the question: Is the lockdown the best way to minimize casualties in this pandemic? Using historical examples beginning with Volataire’s words, “those who can make you…
COVID-19 Pandemic Is Spawning a Mental Health PandemicAugust 25, 2020Stress levels are at their peaks as the coronavirus shutdowns, job losses and uncertainty for the future continue for people through late summer, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is reporting that 40.9% of adults say they now have…
Live Coronavirus Found on Meat and SeafoodAugust 25, 2020A new study in which scientists added SARS-CoV-2 to supermarket salmon, chicken and pork found that three weeks later, the virus was still in the food, whether it had been refrigerated or frozen. The meats came from Singapore. While scientists have…
Average Person Thinks 30 Million People Died From Coronavirus in the USAugust 24, 2020From macing someone to carrying 6-foot canes to enforce social distancing to having melt-downs of every type imaginable, people terrified of coronavirus are taking it upon themselves to judge and police those they believe are not complying with…
Charges Dropped Against State Senator Who Says COVID Death Rates Are Inflated Sunday 8/23August 24, 2020The Minnesota Board of Medical Practice reviewed and dismissed two charges filed against a state senator and family physician, Dr. Scott Jensen, who in early July questioned whether federal and Minnesota health officials inflated the number of…
Bill Gates Blames ‘Freedom’ for Spread of Coronavirus in the USAugust 24, 2020In an interview with The Economist, Bill Gates blamed Americans’ belief in freedom as the reason why the U.S. was not as aggressive in fighting coronavirus as other countries — specifically, China. While China “clearly made…
TV Snacking Proven to Make You Eat and Drink MoreAugust 23, 2020Scientists have discovered that when you’re involved in an engaging task — such as watching an interesting TV show or movie, playing video games or even working a crossword puzzle — you are more likely to mindlessly consume extra…
How to Protect Your Child’s Eyes During Virtual LearningAugust 23, 2020The American Academy of Ophthalmology wants parents to know that too much screen time and virtual learning can be tough on their children’s eyes, causing muscle strain and tired, dry eyes, which can lead to headaches and blurry vision. The…
Will 2020 Be the Year When Electric Cars Go Mainstream?August 22, 2020Early predictions of how popular the electric car would become — including one made in 1971 that said by 1985 there would be 5 million electric cars in operation — did not come true, but could the pandemic make this year a turning point…
The Fear Factor: A Physician Explains How Fear Is More Deadly Than COVID-19August 21, 2020In life you have risks, no matter what you do, where you go or how you live. In a compelling essay talking about Americans’ fear of COVID-19, a physician with more than 25 years in practice explains how fear can kill you, even more so than…
New Measures Aim to Boost Vaccine Rates for Flu and Children’s ShotsAugust 21, 2020In an effort to make it easier for young children to get their vaccinations on time, the Department of Health and Human Services said it will allow your local pharmacist to give children as young as 3 their shots. Flu vaccinations, which pharmacists…
Senators Demand Answers From the FDA on HydroxychloroquineAugust 21, 2020Three U.S. senators, including the chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, are demanding answers from the FDA on why its policymaking is restricting the use of hydroxychloroquine for use with COVID-19 patients. Citing…
Quick Facts to Know as Your Local Gym ReopensAugust 21, 2020You’ve been on lockdown for months and your gym is preparing to open — but is it safe? A few guidelines may help you decide whether and how you want to get back to the gym. One reason gyms were closed was to avoid having too many persons…
New Study Shows Asymptomatic Coronavirus Transmission Very WeakAugust 20, 2020A new study in China has found that the more severe your case of COVID-19 is, the higher your chances of transmitting it to someone else. The study used household contact tracing with 3,410 close contacts to follow up on the number of contacts who…
10,000 Children Are Starving to Death Every Month Due to Coronavirus ShutdownsAugust 20, 2020In a landlocked country in West Africa, children are starving to death as each month of the coronavirus shutdown goes by. Many citizens are largely dependent on the crops they grow for their income, but with the markets closed, they can’t sell…
Unemployment Increases Risk of Death by 63%August 19, 2020Many studies have shown that unemployment can increase your risk of death from all causes, but this study dug deeper — and found that being unemployed can increase your risk of death by 63%, with the association greater for men. Age and the…
BREAKING NEWS NIH Demands US-Based Research Group Hand Over Wuhan Lab RecordsAugust 19, 2020If they want to continue to be funded through a suspended research grant connected to the Wuhan Virology Lab, then EcoHealth Alliance must turn over their records to the National Institutes of Health. The Wall Street Journal broke with the news…
Australia’s Prime Minister Says COVID-19 Vaccines Should Be Mandatory for AllAugust 19, 2020After signing a deal with vaccine maker AstraZeneca to produce a COVID-19 vaccine, Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the vaccine should be “as mandatory as you can possibly make it” for all Australians when it becomes…
Fauci: ‘I Don’t Think You’ll Ever See’ a Mandated COVID-19 VaccineAugust 19, 2020In a livestreamed interview with an online health information website, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he doesn’t foresee the government mandating the COVID-19 vaccine. People have…
Kennedy Jr., CHD, Sue Facebook, Zuckerberg and 3 Facebook ‘Fact-Checkers’August 18, 2020The Children’s Health Defense legal team, led by Robert Kennedy Jr., is suing Facebook, its CEO Mark Zuckerberg and three of their fact-checkers. CHD filed the lawsuit August 17, 2020, charging them with “censoring truthful public health…
If Masks Work Why Have COVID-19 Cases Gone Up in California?August 18, 2020As states clamp down on mask-wearing — even outside in some places — news reports show that COVID-19 infections actually went up over 160% a month after California mandated masks. California Gov. Gavin Newsome issued his order June 18,…
CDC: Thoughts of Suicide for Ages 18 to 24 More Than Double Due to the PandemicAugust 18, 2020More than 1 in 4 U.S. adults ages 18 to 24 has considered suicide since the pandemic began — more than double the number who thought of suicide before COVID-19 closed down most of the U.S. Before the pandemic, 10.7% of persons in that age…
COVID-19 Infected Mouse Bites ResearcherAugust 18, 2020It’s no secret that researchers around the world have been, and still are, working with coronaviruses for years, including SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19. What has been secret until just recently is that sometime between April 1, 2020, and…
More Than Two-Thirds of US States Require Wearing Masks OutsideAugust 18, 2020Only 16 U.S. states don’t require you to wear a mask outside, according to CNN, which mapped the states and summarized their rules. The states vary in who should wear them, when and where; most indicate they are needed outside when social…
‘ShadowGate’: Tell-All Video Gets Pulled From YouTube and Producer Gets ArrestedAugust 17, 2020It’s the things that spy novels and movies are made of, and it’s a documentary that was pulled from YouTube almost as soon as it was posted. YouTube says the film, “ShadowGate,” violated the channel’s policy on hate…
Americans Should Adopt the Sweden Model on COVID-19August 17, 2020If you look at the data of deaths due to COVID-19 in Sweden, New York, Illinois and Texas on a graph, the picture you get might give you an idea why some people believe it’s time for the U.S. to adopt Sweden’s COVID plan of action….
Droplet Spread From Humans Doesn’t Always Follow AirflowAugust 17, 2020Following a WHO confirmation that COVID-19 is airborne and spread through different sized human droplets, a group of researchers have been studying a droplet’s maximum range, with those tests showing gaps in the knowledge of where individual…
Israeli Doctors, Nurses Say No Thanks to COVID-19 Vaccine for Their Own ChildrenAugust 17, 2020Only 60% of doctors and 55% of nurses in Israel said they would get their own children the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available. Not only that, 11% added that they see the coronavirus as only a “minor illness.” The numbers came…
UK Quietly Drops 1.3 Million COVID-19 Tests Due to OvercountingAugust 17, 2020Double counting of coronavirus tests in the United Kingdom has caused some to question the accuracy of all the tests they’ve done. As reported by The Guardian, the government “quietly” removed 1.3 million tests from its data system…
What We’ve Learned About COVID-19 Testing and ImmunityAugust 16, 2020There are two major types of tests for coronavirus — virus testing to see if you have the disease and serology testing to test for antibodies which would show you had COVID-19 in the past. Scientists are working on perfecting an at-home virus…
4 in 5 Parents Considering Home Schooling Their ChildrenAugust 16, 2020A majority of parents — 82% according to one survey — are very worried about sending their kids back to school, with 4 in 5 saying they are considering homeschooling their children for the remainder of this year and into 2021. Parents…
Study Shows 40% of Cigar Smokers Lighting Up More Since COVIDAugust 15, 2020Even though many cigar smokers told researchers in April that they planned to stop smoking due to COVID-19 concerns, they later reported that they were actually smoking more during the pandemic. Study author Sarah Kowitt, Ph.D., an assistant…
What is Known About COVID-19 VaccinesAugust 15, 2020There are more than 200 COVID-19 vaccines in development as drug companies race to be first to develop a successful vaccine and, so far, clinical trials have produced mixed findings. Scientists, using both newer and traditional technologies, have…
NEJM Says Masks Don’t Protect You, Then Reverses and Says Except When They DoAugust 14, 2020The New England Journal of Medicine said in an article in the spring of 2020 that “We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.” The article, which had five authors,…
Top US Health Official Says COVID-19 Vaccine Before November Is UnlikelyAugust 14, 2020In a phone press conference, National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins told reporters that he didn’t expect a COVID-19 vaccine to be approved before November or December 2020. Collins added that when the vaccines do become…
Teachers Say They’re Afraid to Go Back to SchoolAugust 14, 2020A school board meeting in Montana left teachers in shock when board members voted to open schools with both virtual and in-person classes. A reported 50 to 60 people spoke before the vote, with only one supporting in-person learning. One of the…
Get the COVID-19 Vaccine or Face a Severe PunishmentAugust 13, 2020Two doctors and a lawyer from Case Western University speaking with USA Today not only said there should be no exemptions of any kind when the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, but that serious punishments should be handed down to anyone who…
England Set to Revamp Its Contact Tracing AppsAugust 13, 2020A slightly revised version of COVID-19 contact tracing apps is being introduced in England after the first ones generated poor success rates in tracking capabilities. In essence, there was a lack of compatibility between devices that caused people…
Are 1,193 Quarantined Students an Example of a Successful School Reopening?August 13, 2020Within a week of opening, schools in Cherokee County, Georgia, had already quarantined 1,193 students and staff members who tested positive for coronavirus. At least two high schools decided to close until the end of August, due to the positive…
‘You Do Not Lock Down Healthy People’ —Stanford University DoctorAugust 13, 2020A Stanford University Medical Center doctor speaking with Fox News said it would be better policy to protect high-risk groups for COVID-19 and allow it to “burn through” everybody else. Dr. Scott Atlas is the former chief of…
More Experts Point to COVID-19 Being Created in a Lab; WaPo Columnist Has a Different ViewAugust 12, 2020A biotechnology and nanotechnology expert and the International Center for Technology Assessment (ICTA) have joined a growing number of experts who claim the virus that causes COVID-19 was created in a high-security lab in China. Giuseppe Tritto,…
NYT Blames Restaurant Dining on COVID-19 ResurgenceAugust 12, 2020Across the U.S., wherever restaurants and bars have opened their doors, a new surge in COVID-19 infections has followed, The New York Times says. In some instances, food and beverage service employees said they felt pressured by their bosses to…
BREAKING NEWS — Lawmakers to FDA: ‘Clear the Market of All E-Cigs’ Until COVID-19 Is OverAugust 11, 2020If the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the U.S. House of Representatives gets its way, all vaping products will be off the market within days. In a letter to U.S. FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, the committee said the products need to be…
True Numbers of New York Nursing Home Deaths Remain a MysteryAugust 11, 2020A scathing investigative report by The Associated Press alleges that nursing home deaths in the state of New York could be undercounted by thousands. The AP has found examples like Riverdale Nursing Home in the Bronx, which claims to have had 21…
How to Keep Your Household Infection-Free if Someone Has COVID-19August 11, 2020Many news articles talk about infection-control measures with COVID-19 patients who are hospitalized, but rarely do you see anything about infection control for those who are infected, but not hospitalized. So, what do you do to keep family members…
COVID-19 Sends Vitamin D Market SoaringAugust 11, 2020In the wake of the pandemic, people around the world are trying to boost their immune systems. One way they’re doing that is to supplement with vitamin D, an inexpensive supplement that can benefit both children and adults. In the world…
The Hill: Doctors Need Access to HydroxychloroquineAugust 10, 2020The debate on whether hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) helps prevent, quell or cure COVID-19 seems never-ending as health care providers, the WHO, the U.S. FDA and researchers weigh in on whether it should be used to treat coronavirus, or not. In June 2020,…
Hospital President Criticizing Drug Rollback Prices Sat on Moderna’s BoardAugust 10, 2020One of the loudest protesters against rolling back drug prices was Dr. Elizabeth Nabel, president of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, who wrote an op-ed for The Detroit News in February 2020, claiming rolling back prices would cripple drug…
How COVID-19 Changed the Science on MasksAugust 10, 2020A fascinating Twitter thread from former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson calls attention to the fact that in Ontario, a lawsuit won by nurses who were forced to wear masks in lieu of getting a flu shot. They won the suit — which resulted…
Will Government COVID Interventions Cause 10 Times as Many Deaths as TB?August 10, 2020There’s a raging pandemic going on across the world, and it’s not COVID-19. Rather, tuberculosis is killing 1.5 million people every year. HIV and are spreading unchecked, too. What’s worse is that the coronavirus pandemic…
More and More Young People Getting Infected With CoronavirusAugust 10, 2020At the beginning of the pandemic, the primary victims of coronavirus were the elderly, but new data show the median age for victims of coronavirus has dropped, with medical professionals reporting that they are seeing more and more cases in 20- to…
Vaccine Trials Stymied Because Too Many People Already Have AntibodiesAugust 9, 2020Nearly a quarter of the people in Delhi, India, who volunteered for the COVID-19 virus test vaccine already had antibodies, which automatically eliminated them from vaccine studies. This presents a dilemma for vaccine developers because, if a person…
Face Masks Confuse Facial Recognition SoftwareAugust 9, 2020Medical experts constantly stress the importance of taking precautions against COVID-19 by wearing a mask, but law enforcement is anxious because face masks can effectively block facial recognition systems, according to a May 22, 2020, Homeland…
Brits Retract Coronavirus Tests Over Safety ConcernsAugust 8, 2020Thousands of British citizens in possession of at-home COVID-19 tests manufactured by Randox Laboratories have been told to stop using the testing kits because they may not be safe. There have been other problems with Randox, including an incident…
U.S. Bitterly Divided Over Balancing Public Health and Private LibertyAugust 8, 2020The U.S. is losing the war with the pandemic because health departments have seen their budgets slashed to the bare bones, have cut 56,000 jobs and are short on operational essentials and because — let’s face it — Americans…
Ohio Governor Tests Positive Once, Negative Twice for COVID-19 — In the Same DayAugust 7, 2020In a classic illustration of how COVID-19 testing works — or doesn’t work — Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine tested positive for coronavirus just hours before he was to meet with President Trump, Thursday, August 6, 2020, and then tested…
Is the Mask Controversy a Masquerade of Incompetence and Errors?August 7, 2020To mandate or not to mandate? Do masks work or not? As the controversy about whether states and local governments should be mandating masks — and whether they even work or not — rages on, a mathematical statistician offers his take on…
Genetic Testing Is ‘Backdoor Surveillance’ by Governments and CompaniesAugust 7, 2020Don’t say you weren’t warned. Six years ago a group called GeneWatch UK warned that proposed government DNA databases that would store your genomic information from birth were nothing but a means to track you and anyone related to you,…
UK Scientists: It’s Time to Count COVID-19 Deaths in a Way That Accurately Reflects the TruthAugust 7, 2020Scientists in the U.K. say COVID-19 deaths are as much 63% lower than implied, and it’s time to count the deaths in a way that accurately reflects not only the real number of people who have died from COVID-19, but the age groups that are most…
Drug Maker Accused of Sending Death Threats to Doctor Promoting HydroxychloroquineAugust 6, 2020Gilead, the pharmaceutical company working to get a drug called remdesivir approved to treat COVID-19, allegedly sent death threats to a French doctor who claimed he cured COVID-19 with a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. Dr….
New York City Mayor Orders Quarantine CheckpointsAugust 6, 2020Nobody’s going to get into New York City without going through a sheriff-patrolled checkpoint, if Mayor Bill de Blasio gets his way. The mayor ordered the checkpoints Wednesday morning, August 5, 2020, explaining that they are “meant to…
One Underlying Threat Could Cancel the Effectiveness of Any COVID-19 VaccineAugust 6, 2020As the world sits on the precipice of what some health officials say is the only answer to the COVID-19 pandemic — a vaccine — health officials are worrying that one underlying factor could cancel the effectiveness of any vaccine they…
City in Australia Makes Citizens Prisoners in Their Own HomesAugust 6, 2020Seven people, all elderly — three over age 70; two, over age 80; and two over age 90 — died in one day in Melbourne, Australia, triggering a COVID-19 lockdown unheard of in the modern-day, free world. As a result, for the next six weeks…
Study: Race, Socioeconomic Background Influence Children’s Susceptibility to COVID-19August 6, 2020In a study of 1,000 children, researchers found that COVID-19 infection rates are “significantly higher” for Black and Hispanic children, especially when they come from a lower family income bracket. Specifically, only 9.7% in higher…
Clorox Says Disinfectant Wipes Shortage Will Last Until 2021August 5, 2020If you’re looking at bare shelves where the Clorox Disinfecting Wipes are supposed to be, expect the shortage to continue until well into next year. Between the COVID-19 pandemic and the upcoming flu and cold season, Clorox will have trouble…
Mask Rules Expand; Birx Wants Them in Homes; Robots Will Make Sure You’re Wearing ThemAugust 5, 2020As the debate on mandated mask-wearing continues to rage in an almost-berserk manner, the latest headlines feature a step-up in making sure you’re compliant with whatever rules come down the line. To that end, robots may be put to use in…
Poll: Only 42% of Americans Plan to Get COVID-19 VaccineAugust 5, 2020Are you planning to get the COVID-19 vaccine when it comes out? A majority of Americans are saying no — including Dr. Paul Offit, rotavirus vaccine inventor and director of the Vaccine Education Center at The Children’s Hospital of…
Coronavirus Lockdown Is Hitting Non-Virus Patients in Desperate Need of CareAugust 5, 2020People with cancer and chronic conditions like heart and lung disease are suffering devastating setbacks in their care since the coronavirus lockdown, even as COVID-19 deaths dip to the lowest the lowest levels since before the lockdown. In England…
Could a Simple Cold Protect You From Coronavirus?August 5, 2020Scientists studying T cell memory to common cold coronaviruses have found that it’s possible that infection with any one of three different cold viruses may offer some protection against SARS-CoV-2. “We demonstrate a range of…
Two-Thirds of High School Athletes Depressed Over Canceled SportsAugust 5, 2020A study at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health found symptoms of depression and anxiety in two-thirds of high school athletes whose school sports had been canceled due to COVID-19. The study also found that the…
Students Protest University-Mandated Tracking ButtonsAugust 4, 2020When Oakland University, north of metro Detroit, Michigan, decided to ask students and staff to wear “Bio-Buttons” to track their health and location, students protested — and won. Originally, it sounded like the buttons, which are…
Vitamin Market to Nearly Double by 2027August 4, 2020By 2027 the world vitamin market will be valued at $9.5 billion, nearly double what it was at $5.18 billion in 2019, as consumers seek to supplement their diets with needed nutrients. Popular vitamins that make for great returns dollar-wise include…
OSHA Changes Its Guidelines, Says Masks Don’t Violate Federal LawsAugust 4, 2020The U.S. Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued new guidelines on mask-wearing and other COVID-19-related questions regarding employees. Bloomberg Law first reported on it July 30, 2020, when the news…
Are You Ready for Your Covi-Pass?August 3, 2020If you think digital health “passports” that verify your COVID-19 status is a figment of imagination, it’s time to watch this short video that explains how the passes will work. Using a smartphone and an app, these health monitors…
New World Order Gets Christmas Present 10 Years EarlyAugust 3, 2020If you’re wondering when the pandemic lockdowns will end or if life will ever return to normal, you might gain some insight by reading up on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This document, created by the United Nations, lays out…
Would You Take a ‘Probably Effective’ COVID-19 Vaccine?August 3, 2020Would you volunteer to take a COVID-19 vaccine even if the clinical trials aren’t finished? A frequent Forbes writer thinks you should. Because we’re in the middle of a pandemic the likes of which haven’t been seen since 1918,…
Could This Be the New Mask for Future Pandemics?August 3, 2020A face mask resembling a box-shaped snorkel could be the “next-best-thing” in face masks, with a mask that seals your face and blocks 99.25% of coronavirus-sized particles. It covers your forehead, eyes, nose and mouth. The filter is…
U.S. Labs Can’t Keep Up With Demand for COVID-19 TestingAugust 3, 2020A surge of nearly 4 million confirmed coronavirus infections in the U.S. — which leads the world in cases as well as deaths — has crippled American labs, creating long processing delays and exacerbating fears that people without symptoms…
Schools Blowing Disinfectant Into Classrooms and School BusesAugust 2, 2020The Santa Cruz Valley Unified School District in southern Arizona has joined food processing facilities, jails and prisons in using giant fans called Power Breezers to disperse disinfectants into school rooms and schoolbuses to combat COVID-19….
Good Nutrition is a Must When It Comes to Fighting COVID-19August 2, 2020Poor metabolic health is linked to underlying conditions— including diabetes and cardiovascular disease — that create major complications for people fighting coronavirus, confirming the critical link between COVID-19 and nutrition….
Kentucky Couple Get Ankle Bracelets for Not Signing Quarantine PapersAugust 1, 2020A Kentucky couple was put on house arrest after the wife tested positive for COVID-19 and refused to sign a county health department document agreeing to self-quarantine. Elizabeth Linscott — who tested positive, but showed no symptoms —…
WHO Says People Should Not Wear Masks When ExercisingAugust 1, 2020The World Health Organization has again revised its guidelines on wearing masks, saying that masks may reduce a person’s ability to breathe comfortably, especially when exercising, and therefore people should not wear masks when exercising….
Note to the Public: Don’t Do Your Homework. You’re Not Smart Enough to Question ‘Science’July 31, 2020A Forbes science writer who also teams up with an industry-backed group called American Council on Science and Health to write industry-biased articles, has written an article in Forbes, urging people not to do their own homework when it comes to…
Doctors File for Injunction to Release Hydroxychloroquine; Ohio Pharm Board Walks Back BanJuly 31, 2020A physicians group that wants the U.S. FDA to release hydroxychloroquine for use to treat COVID-19 filed a court injunction to force the agency to allow them use it. “Nearly 100 million doses of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were donated to these…
Frontline Doctor Pens Op-Ed; USA Today Edits Out Key InformationJuly 31, 2020A physician-lawyer who has made headlines for participating in a “White Coat Summit” in Washington, D.C., has had her op-ed published in The Ohio Star. Dr. Simone Gold had previously submitted her opinion statement to USA Today, but they…
How Hurricane Preparations Must Change Due to CoronavirusJuly 31, 2020Coastal regions are used to hurricane prepping, but with the pandemic still raging, weather watchers and emergency advisers are asking people to add a few points to their checklists this year. Besides making sure to wear a mask, don’t forget…
Post-COVID Society Might Be Cashless —Older Americans May Not Be ReadyJuly 31, 2020There’s a possibility that society may go cashless in an effort to stem COVID-19, as some experts believe the virus may linger on paper money. There’s just one hitch to converting to a cashless society, according to Plamen Nikolov, an…
UK Considers Mandating Gloves While Nordic Countries Ditch MasksJuly 31, 2020Ministers in the UK House of Lords are debating whether the next step for fighting COVID-19 should be to mandate gloves for all. “The exchanges came on the day people in England were required to start wearing face coverings in shops, shopping…
BREAKING: Ohio Governor Asks Pharmacy Board to Reverse Hydroxychloroquine RuleJuly 30, 2020Less than a day after the Ohio Board of Pharmacy invoked a rule prohibiting the selling or dispensing of hydroxychloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 in the state, Gov. Mike DeWine asked the board to withdraw the rule. In a statement, DeWine said…
Fauci Says Wear Goggles and Face Shields and Take Your Flu VaccineJuly 30, 2020Dr. Anthony Fauci is stepping up the offense on COVID-19 with the suggestion that, for “perfect protection of the mucosal surfaces,” you should wear goggles or a face or eye shield to help prevent spreading or contracting the virus. He…
Study: No Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection From Surfaces or ObjectsJuly 30, 2020In a study published in the August 2020 edition of The Lancet a researcher reports that, in real life situations, he found “no viable SARS-CoV-2 detected on surfaces.” Earlier studies claimed the virus could be found as many six days…
The Rest of the Story: How a High-Priced Drug Is Pushing Out an Inexpensive One for COVID-19July 30, 2020In the midst of the worst pandemic in 100 years, two drugs are at the forefront for treating SARS-CoV-2. One, hydroxychloroquine, has been in use for malaria and arthritis for years. Many doctors around the world claim they’ve successfully…
Could a Dog Tell Whether You Have COVID-19 or Not?July 30, 2020As scientists around the world look for low-cost, quick and reliable tests to determine whether someone is infected with COVID-19, researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia think they’ve found an answer — with dogs. They…
Is House Cat Flu the Next Pandemic?July 30, 2020A hilarious Simpsons clip on YouTube presents an almost plausible platform for a hypothetical new pandemic. So, if you need a bit of comic relief that makes you giggle at the satire, watch this — but you may never look at your cat the same way…
Teachers Union Threatens Strikes if Schools Are Deemed Too Unsafe to OpenJuly 30, 2020The American Federation of Teachers announced that they will support strikes called by any local chapter of teachers that believes their schools are opening under unsafe conditions. The union represents 1.7 million members. Fox News said that 76% of…
CDC Director: There Are More Overdoses and Suicides Than COVID DeathsJuly 29, 2020In a testimony for a Buck Institute webinar, Dr. Robert Redfield said that the U.S. has a far greater number of suicides right now than it does deaths from COVID-19. Overdose deaths also greatly outnumber deaths from COVID-19, he said. While…
Why Do Some People Lose Their Sense of Smell With COVID-19?July 29, 2020One symptom of COVID-19 is a loss of your sense of smell, and some Harvard researchers are offering some reasons why that happens. Apparently, the virus affects the function of supporting cells in the neurons of the olfactory system. The good news…
Review: Children Are Not Major Sources of COVID-19 InfectionJuly 29, 2020As schools around the world consider whether to open during the pandemic, reviews hosted by McMaster University in Canada found that children are not a major source of transmission of COVID-19. As reported by Newswise, “The bottom line thus…
Over 600,000 Military-Connected Americans Erroneously Told They Had COVID-19July 29, 2020The insurer for the U.S. Military, Tricare, sent emails to more than 600,000 beneficiaries informing them that they had coronavirus. The email, which went to people in 31 states, asked the 600,000 “patients” to consider donating whole…
Yale Professor: The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already ExistsJuly 28, 2020A Yale medical doctor and professor of epidemiology penned a frustrated op-ed in Newsweek, wanting to know why “tens of thousands of patients with COVID-19 are dying unnecessarily.” The solution, Harvey A. Risch says, already exists:…
COVID-19 Is ‘Largely Over’ in Sweden. Why Does the US Continue to Drag On?July 28, 2020COVID-19 has flattened out in Sweden, and deaths have been two or less a day for over a week — the pandemic is basically over in that country. This, despite the fact that Sweden refused to shut down at the height of the pandemic when other…
Frontline Doctors Storm D.C.; Say They’re Being Silenced and CensoredJuly 28, 2020A Breitbart News video of a group of frontline doctors who believe the COVID-19 pandemic is being handled with fear and senselessness was taken down from social media sites, including Facebook and YouTube, within hours after they were posted. Even…
Twice-a-Week COVID-19 Tests Will Be Mandated for Some College StudentsJuly 28, 2020Regular COVID-19 swab tests will be a “routine part” of student life on some college campuses when classes begin again. Coby College in Maine is mandating every-other-day testing at first, and then will require twice-a-week tests…
BREAKING NEWS: Only 169 of 581 Deaths Listed as COVID-19 Were Actually COVID-RelatedJuly 27, 2020From someone who died of a gunshot wound to a hip fracture complication to a woman who died of Parkinson’s disease, hundreds of people in Palm Beach County, Florida, were listed as COVID-19 victims, rather than what actually caused their…
WHO: ‘No Return to Normal in the Foreseeable Future’July 27, 2020The director general of the World Health Organization said in a speech that life will not be returning to “normal” anytime soon. And, it will only get worse if the public doesn’t follow health advice like wearing masks, he added….
World Health Organization: ‘No Direct Evidence’ Masks Prevent InfectionJuly 27, 2020A World Health Organization June 5, 2020, guidance memo on face mask use during the pandemic says there is “no direct evidence” universal masking of healthy is affective with respiratory illnessess, including COVID-19. Instead of…
‘More Masks Than Jellyfish’ — Discarded PPE Littering Land and SeaJuly 27, 2020Discarded masks, gloves and other personal protection equipment (PPE) being used with the COVID-19 pandemic are piling up in the oceans and in parks, streets, parking lots and other public places. In Europe, divers found so many gloves, masks and…
Why Are Masks Made of Toxic Plastic?July 27, 2020Do you know what your face mask is made of? If it’s a commercial type sold in hundreds of outlets around the world, it’s possible that the mask you’re wearing could give you asthma, or exacerbate your asthma if you already have it….
Sleep, Snore Product Sales Increase During PandemicJuly 27, 2020Sales of remedies for stress, anxiety and depression — not to mention sales of toilet paper and hand sanitizer —have all risen dramatically during the pandemic, as have sleep and snore remedies. However, consumers are shunning…
Researchers Design an Air Filter That Kills CoronavirusJuly 26, 2020Researchers have designed an air filter that traps the coronavirus and kills it instantly. The filters could be used in airports, airplanes, office buildings, schools and cruise ships to stop the spread of COVID-19. In tests at the Galveston…
Probiotics, Prebiotics Show Promise as ADHD treatmentJuly 26, 2020Seven different studies have concluded that probiotics and prebiotics could be a treatment for depression and anxiety, which is on the rise due to pandemic-related stress. A treatment of probiotics and prebiotics was shown to effectively reduce…
Parents in Britain Could Be Fined for Not Sending Their Children to SchoolJuly 25, 2020British parents are in a quandary. Since school attendance is mandatory, they could be fined for not allowing their children to return to school in September. The Association of School and College Leaders vocalized their opposition to the mandate of…
Gates: ‘Multiple Doses’ of COVID-19 Vaccine May Be NecessaryJuly 24, 2020As vaccine companies rush to bring a COVID-19 vaccine to market, Microsoft founder/billionaire Bill Gates, who donates hundreds of millions of dollars to vaccine projects, announced that, when the new vaccine comes out, you might have to take…
Naples, Florida: Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Another Step’ in COVID-19 FightJuly 24, 2020The vice mayor of Naples, Florida, is asking the public to contact him regarding the idea of mandating coronavirus vaccines for the city, which he plans to bring up at the next city council meeting. According to NBC 2, Naples, the vice mayor said…
Positive for COVID-19? Maybe Not. Negative for COVID-19? Maybe NotJuly 23, 2020If you recently had a positive result for a COVID-19 antibody test it’s possible you didn’t have COVID at all. Antibody tests check your blood for antibodies to the virus that causes COVID-19, but the virus comes from a family of similar…
DC, Several States Expand Mask Rules; Some Come With Criminal Penalties for NoncomplianceJuly 23, 2020Washington, D.C., Indiana, Texas and other states are buckling down and expanding rules for mask-wearing, with some even threatening criminal penalties for going out in public without one. In D.C., going without a mask could cost you a $1,000 fine…
American Cancer Society Tells Doctors to Give 9-Year-Olds HPV VaccineJuly 22, 2020The American Cancer Society is pushing human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines for 9-year-old children, which is much younger than the 11- or 12-year-old recommendation by the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Usually…
Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 Vaccine Causes Adverse Reactions in Over Half of Clinical Trial ParticipantsJuly 22, 2020Clinical results for COVID-19 vaccine candidates are beginning to trickle in and, so far, Pfizer/BioNTech are reporting adverse reactions in more than half the participants. The trial is extremely small — 45 volunteers — and includes…
How Testing Backlogs Cloud the True Spread of CoronavirusJuly 21, 2020Laboratories processing coronavirus testing are so backlogged that it’s taking several days to as long as a week to get results. The delay is “too long,” Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health told NBC….
Mouth Lesions May Be Another Sign of COVID-19 InfectionJuly 21, 2020Add mouth sores to the growing list of symptoms of COVID-19 infection. The CDC doesn’t list skin rashes, including mouth lesions, on its symptoms list yet, but a new study suggests that perhaps they should be. Published in the journal…
Did You Test Positive for COVID-19? It Might Just Be a ColdJuly 20, 2020Updated information from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains how the COVID-19 antibody tests work — and don’t work. Antibody tests can tell you if you have antibodies to the virus that causes COVID-19. But, on…
Coronavirus Tests Halted Over Safety FearsJuly 20, 2020The British National Health Service is calling a halt to testing for COVID-19 as it investigates test kits that may have safety issues. The NHS did not say what those safety issues were. Test results were not part of that concern, though, the NHS…
Jeremy Elliott: Stop Saying This Is the New NormalJuly 20, 2020In a thought-provoking, pointed five-minute talk, Jeremy Elliott asks questions about the pandemic, governments’ handling of it, the rise of corporate interests and numerous other freedom-related questions that, even though they may be…
New York Relaxes COVID-19 Mandates For Professional Sports TeamsJuly 20, 2020Travelers coming into New York from states with high rates of COVID-19 must quarantine for 14 days, but a state exemption will allow all professional sports teams to break quarantine, including the New York Yankees, who will travel to Florida in…
CDC Refuses to Back Down On or Lighten Up Its Back-to-School GuidelinesJuly 19, 2020Despite pressure from the White House, CDC officials say they will not revise their guidelines for reopening schools, which includes wearing masks when possible, spreading out desks, staggering schedules, eating meals in classrooms instead of the…
FDA Warns of Hand Sanitizers Containing Potentially Fatal IngredientJuly 19, 2020Adding fuel to the pandemic flames of anxiety, the FDA is now warning the public to avoid using 26 different hand sanitizers that have been found to contain methanol, which can be fatal if absorbed through the skin or ingested. Consumers should not…
WHO Agrees COVID-19 Can Be Spread Through the AirJuly 18, 2020The World Health Organization has cried uncle and acknowledges that airborne COVID-19 is possible after being sent studies that showed “beyond any reasonable doubt that viruses are released during exhalation, talking and coughing in…
Studies Show Ibuprofen May Worsen Your Body’s Response to COVID-19July 18, 2020The World Health Organization says there’s no proof that taking ibuprofen causes more severe coronavirus symptoms, but three recent studies suggest that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, like ibuprofen, may worsen the body’s…
CVS, Target and Other Retailers Now Require Masks to Shop in Their StoresJuly 17, 2020A growing list of retailers and drug and grocery stores are mandating that their shoppers wear masks. CVS, Target, Walmart, Kroger and Kohl’s are among those who issued company-wide mask edicts. “These companies’ measures go beyond US…
Science Association Urges School Districts to ReopenJuly 17, 2020The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) wants school districts to prioritize reopening of their schools, with an emphasis on in-person instruction for special needs students and children in kindergarten through Grade 5….
Florida Lists Motorcycle Crash Victim as Death by COVID-19July 17, 2020When two young people in their 20s were listed as COVID-19 deaths, a Florida news station decided to ask what underlying conditions (comorbidities) they had that might have contributed to their deaths. A health official’s answer was surprising…
57 Fishermen Test Negative for COVID-19; Come Back Positive After 35 Days at SeaJuly 16, 2020A crew of 61 Argentine fishermen who tested negative for coronavirus returned to port 35 days later after some of them began showing symptoms of the virus. Of the 61, 57 have either tested positive for the virus or are still awaiting results. Two of…
US Troops Will Be Among the First to Get COVID-19 VaccineJuly 16, 2020U.S. military personnel will be among the first to get COVID-19 vaccines being developed under Operation Warp Speed, according to senior White House officials. Other first-in-line Americans will be the elderly, patients with underlying health…
Florida Labs Admit Major Errors in Reporting COVID-19 Positivity RatesJuly 15, 2020The state of Florida started out the week with the state department of health reporting 15,000 new COVID-19 infections as of Sunday, July 12, all occurring in just 24 hours. But an alert Fox News team member took a closer look at the numbers —…
Johns Hopkins Pandemic Planner: ‘We’ll Be Living With Masks for Years’July 15, 2020A senior scholar at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security who studies pandemics told CBC News that people need to get used to the idea that they’ll not only be wearing masks for years, but practicing social distancing as well. The scholar,…
Merck CEO: Pushing COVID-19 Vaccine Too Fast Is a Dangerous Thing to DoJuly 15, 2020The CEO of vaccine company Merck — which is no stranger to fast-tracking a vaccine — says that rushing a COVID-19 vaccine to market would be a “grave disservice” to the public. A vaccine normally takes years of research and…
‘Tens of Millions’ of Vaccines To Be Given Before Clinical Trials Are CompletedJuly 14, 2020Operation Warp Speed for a COVID-19 vaccine is not waiting on the results from clinical trials to show whether the vaccine works or not, a Trump administrator told CNN — it’s just going full speed ahead to administer tens of millions of…
FDA Adds 46 Sanitizers to List of ‘Toxic’ Products Positive for MethanolJuly 14, 2020The FDA has added 46 sanitizers to its list of products that it deems unsafe for everyday use because of their methanol content. Exposure to the substance can cause nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, permanent blindness, seizures, coma,…
‘Trust Stamp’ Vaccine Record and Payment System Rolling Out in AfricaJuly 13, 2020A biometric digital identity program backed by Bill Gates’ the Vaccine Alliance is set to launch in West Africa. With the help of MasterCard and identity authentication company Trust Stamp, the project will provide digital vaccination…
Fauci: First COVID-19 Vaccines May Not Prevent SARS-CoV-2 InfectionJuly 13, 2020If you think the COVID-19 vaccine will save the day, think again: According to Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and other infectious disease experts, the best that COVID-19e vaccines may…
Infant Boy in India Dies Hours After Getting Oral Polio VaccineJuly 13, 2020A healthy, 7-month-old baby boy died July 7, 2020, in India after receiving just one dose of the oral polio vaccine. In September 2019, a 2-month-old child died after getting the oral polio and a pentavalent vaccine containing diphtheria, pertussis,…
Despite Federal Law, Many Insurance Companies Are Not Paying for Coronavirus TestingJuly 12, 2020The Families First Coronavirus Response Act passed by Congress requires health plans to fully pay for testing deemed «medically necessary,» but many insurance companies are balking at paying for testing, with some arguing they can’t pay for everyone…
Ohio Governor’s Order for Masks in Public Places Doesn’t Apply to LawmakersJuly 12, 2020Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has ordered Ohio residents in seven counties to wear masks at all times in indoor and outdoor public places, including Franklin County, where the state capitol, Columbus, is located. The mandate won’t be enforced against…
5-Dose Drug for Coronavirus Would Cost $15,600July 11, 2020Gilead Sciences, makers of remdesivir, a drug that has showed promise in treating coronavirus infections, announced it will charge U.S. hospitals $3,120 a dose for a patient with private insurance, with most patients needing six doses of the drug…
New Treatment for C. Diff More Effective, Less Costly Than AntibioticsJuly 11, 2020An innovative treatment for patients with Clostridium difficile infection (CDI or C. Diff) — an infection of the bowel — uses transplanted gut bacteria to treat the infection, and has been found to be more effective and less expensive…
Remdesivir Treatment Had to Stop in 4 of 5 Patients Due to Side EffectsJuly 10, 2020Some of the first results from clinical trials with Remdesivir, the drug being promoted as the answer to SARS-CoV-2 treatment, have been released and, so far, it doesn’t look so good. Four of the five trial participants had adverse side…
Texas Emergency Management Says Wear a Mask Even in Your Own HomeJuly 10, 2020In a push to convince Texas residents not to let their masks down, the Division of Emergency Management now says people should wear their masks at all times, even in their own homes. The community “has paid attention and done well outside…
Here’s How to Help Get Health-Damaging Fluoride Out of Your Drinking WaterJuly 10, 2020Study after study shows that fluoride does more harm than good to your body — including your bones, brain, thyroid, pineal gland and even blood sugar levels. Children’s IQ’s have even been shown to be lower in areas where their…
Stanford Expert Says 80 to 85% of Texas Hospital Patients Have Nothing to Do With COVID-19July 9, 2020A former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center, Scott Atlas, says the infection-fatality rate of coronavirus in those under age 70 is less than or equal to the seasonal flu, and that the data show that 80% to 85% of…
New Jersey to Require Face Masks in Outdoor Public SpacesJuly 9, 2020If you’re in New Jersey, you’re now required to wear a face mask covering your mouth and nose in public outdoor spaces. Gov. Phil Murphy made the executive order Wednesday, July 8, 2020. He said he issued the order because of a…
How Nursing Homes Got Away With Hiding Bodies During the COVID-19 OutbreakJuly 8, 2020Deaths in nursing homes account for nearly half of all COVID-19 cases in the U.S. — 8.6 times the rate of death for the rest of the over-75 population. What’s worse, the death count very well may be much worse. One reason so much…
Majority Testing Positive for Coronavirus Have No SymptomsJuly 8, 2020Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is headline news around the world, as countries increase their testing and find out that, in many places, the majority — 78% in the United Kingdom — of those testing positive for the virus have no…
After Pressure From Scientists, WHO Agrees to Review Airborne Transmission of CoronavirusJuly 8, 2020A group of scientists who believe the coronavirus can spread farther than what was initially believed has convinced the World Health Organization to review new evidence on it, after the scientists asked them to do so in an open letter in the journal…
California Assembly Suspends Meeting Because of Mask-to-Mask COVID-19 InfectionJuly 8, 2020The California Assembly has shut down indefinitely due to coronavirus infections among its lawmakers and employees, The Sacramento Bee reports. The closing is in the news because masks were being worn at all times. One assemblywoman tested positive,…
NEJM Commentary: Take Your COVID-19 Vaccine or Lose Your JobJuly 7, 2020An opinion piece in the June 26, 2020, issue of The New England Journal of Medicine suggests that people who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available should lose their jobs. While they also proposed that high-risk populations who refuse…
Report: Trump’s Coronavirus Vaccine Czar Helped GSK Misrepresent a Diabetes DrugJuly 7, 2020The new “Coronavirus Czar” President Trump appointed in May has a sketchy past that includes helping drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) downplay the safety risks of the company’s diabetes drug, Avandia. Moncef Slaoui was once…
81% in COVID-19 Vaccine Trial With Human Fetal Cell Line Suffer Adverse ReactionsJuly 7, 2020A Chinese COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial is reporting early results that show 81% of the participants suffered at least one adverse reaction within seven days after vaccination. The trial, developed by CanSino Biologics, uses cell lines from an…
Coronavirus Experts Says Americans Will Wear Masks for YearsJuly 7, 2020Americans won’t be going mask-free anytime soon, according to Eric Toner, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Virus simulations at the institution show that the number of COVID-19 cases is going to get bigger, and…
Government’s New Wonder Drug for COVID-19 Can Cause Liver DamageJuly 6, 2020The Union Ministry of Health in New Delhi, India, announced they’ve received “multiple reports” of liver damage occurring in COVID-19 patients treated with remdesivir. Indian health officials said the number of reports has led them…
Gilead’s Dark History Before Remdesivir Includes Bioterrorism AccusationsJuly 6, 2020As world health officials, including those in the U.S., gear up to embrace Gilead Sciences’ drug Remdesivir to treat COVID-19, secrets from Gilead’s past are sneaking out, including allegations of bioterrorism. One such accusation is…
World-Renowned Scientist Says COVID-19 Models Were ‘Astronomically Wrong’July 6, 2020He predicted it and it came true: The models used to forecast COVID-19 deaths were dead wrong, in fact, astronomically wrong. Dr. John Ioannidis is no stranger to bad science. He’s outed it before. But this time he says he is “extremely…
How Social Distancing Rules Are CreatedJuly 6, 2020It may be satire, but AwakenWithJP brings some thoughts to the table that many people may be thinking when it comes to figuring out how health officials have been setting rules during the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, one way to keep people…
RNA COVID-19 Vaccines: The ‘Greatest Science Experiment in Vaccinology’July 6, 2020RNA vaccines which are being touted as the future preventive cure for COVID-19 are virtual scientific experiments, the likes of which mankind has never seen before. They use genetic manipulation to snip a piece of messenger RNA — mRNA —…
Testing Needed for Existing Drugs That May Fight Off COVID-19July 5, 2020Researchers know that the virus that causes COVID-19 hijacks the proteins in its target cells and are recommending seven existing approved drugs that could disrupt the hijacking process be immediately tested in clinical trials. The identified drugs…
Critical Health Care Workers First In Line for Any Future Coronavirus VaccineJuly 5, 2020A COVID-19 vaccine work group working to identify priority groups for future vaccination has proposed that vaccine priority be given to health care personnel, essential workers, adults aged 65 years and older, long-term facility residents and…
Federal Bill Proposes COVID-19 Testing, Tracing and Quarantining of AmericansJuly 4, 2020July 4 in America is more than just a federal holiday celebrating the Declaration of Independence. For most Americans, it also represents the very epitome of freedom in all its definitions and implications. But, a new bill introduced in the U.S….
5-Dose Drug for Coronavirus Would Cost $3,120July 4, 2020Gilead Sciences, makers of remdesivir, a drug that has showed promise in treating coronavirus infections, announced it will charge U.S. hospitals $520 a vial, for a total of $3,120, for a patient with private insurance, with most patients needing…
The Dilemma of Prioritizing Who’s First for Coronavirus VaccineJuly 3, 2020Everyone seems to be in agreement that frontline medical workers should be the first to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, if and when that happens, but after that the priority of who’s next in line gets tricky. Suggestions have included the elderly…
Supplements, Diet May Be Your Best Bet on Thwarting COVID-19July 3, 2020Diet and supplements may be “the need of the hour” when it comes to battling COVID-19. Altering the microbiome through diet, probiotics and prebiotics might be an effective supplementary method for tackling COVID-19, according to a…
I Need Your HelpJuly 2, 2020Thanks so much for those of you who read my much longer Vitamin D and COVID-19 report. I listened to the feedback you provided and have put together a condensed much easier to read document. The report has been reviewed by many vitamin D scientists…
Study: 35% of Excess Deaths During Pandemic Not Related to COVID-19July 2, 2020A close look at the 87,001 excess deaths that occurred from March 1, 2020, to April 25, 2020, shows that 35% were not due to COVID-19 at all. Instead, “people who never had the virus may have died from other causes because of the spillover…
The Coronavirus Is Mutating: What Does That Mean for a Vaccine?July 2, 2020The SARS-CoV-2 virus is mutating — again and again and again — and now scientists are speculating as to whether a vaccine for it will work, if and when a vaccine comes to market. Even though one group of researchers found that the…
CDC Prioritizes Pregnant Women To Be Among the First to Get a COVID-19 VaccineJuly 1, 2020As pharmaceutical companies churn out studies for candidate COVID-19 vaccines, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is laying out plans for who will get the vaccine first, once one is ready to go. Pregnant women are near the top of…
‘Pooled Testing’ for COVID-19 Holds Promise, PitfallsJuly 1, 2020Health officials are proposing a new way to count how many people have coronavirus. Pooling, or combining, test samples would occur by taking several individual nasal swabs and testing them together. This strategy would save on lab supplies and…
Flu Virus With ‘Pandemic Potential’ Found in ChinaJune 30, 2020An emerging flu virus that infects both pigs and humans could be the next pandemic, according to a study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Study authors said they had identified a reassortment strain of the 2009 H1N1 virus that…
Most People With Coronavirus Won’t Spread ItJune 30, 2020The big news of the day is that research is showing that most people infected with COVID-19 aren’t actually spreading it — that, in fact, 10% of infected people are causing 80% of new infections. The question then is, how do a small few…
New Study: 81% May Already Be Immune to SARS-CoV-2June 29, 2020A new study pre-published online shows that as many as 81% of individuals may already have immunity to SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Researchers looked at cell markers CD4+ and CD8+ cell-mediated immunity, which scientists use to…
Doctor: Lockdown Policies Are Causing an Increase in DeathsJune 29, 2020The way health officials have been handling the coronavirus pandemic and counting the cases not only is in a “shambles,” but the lockdowns may very well be contributing to an increase in deaths, according to Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, a GP…
Gates Adviser Quits Over COVID-19 Immunity PassportsJune 29, 2020A Harvard lawyer serving as a technical adviser on Microsoft’s Bill Gates’ ID 2020 initiative has quit. Citing concerns over the commercial direction Microsoft appears to be headed with its digital immunity and identity certificates,…
Business Owners Not Allowed to Require Employees to Take Antibody TestsJune 28, 2020As business owners struggle to safely reopen their storefronts and facilities, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has ruled that employers can’t force workers to take antibody tests (to see if they had coronavirus in the past), but…
Elon Musk Vows to Set Up Website to Score Journalists and EditorsJune 28, 2020Tesla CEO Elon Musk criticized the media in a series of Twitter posts, while linking to an Electrek article that said, «increasingly immaterial reports [about Tesla] have dominated news cycles.» «The holier-than-thou hypocrisy of big media companies…
Oxford Scientists: No Evidence to Support Effectiveness of Social DistancingJune 27, 2020Amid mounting calls to drop the 2-meter (6.5 feet) social distancing rule, two University of Oxford experts say there is little evidence to support social distancing while others say the infection rate across the U.K. is still too high to relax the…
Child Suffers Burns From Cleaning Chemicals on Shopping CartJune 27, 2020A 7-year-old boy in Texas is recovering from chemical burns on his face after riding in a grocery store shopping cart that had been wiped down with a strong, undiluted sanitizer. The mother said she noticed a gel-like substance on the cart and tried…
Federal Review Confirms CDC’s COVID-19 Tests ‘Likely’ ContaminatedJune 26, 2020The CDC shipped out defective, “likely” contaminated COVID-19 tests in February, a federal internal review has concluded. The report said “CDC scientists likely used a component in the kits that was ‘contaminated…
Masks More for the Protection of Others, Not the WearersJune 26, 2020Just a few months ago, experts said face masks don’t protect the people wearing them, but do protect others; however, a new WHO study shows a face mask may give the wearer more protection from the coronavirus than previously thought. The…
Parent Responds to CDC’s School Reopening Guidelines: Is This Really What You Call Safe?June 26, 2020After the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention posted their school reopening guidelines for a “safe” school day, a parent felt compelled to respond. “I don’t usually comment on current events,” she said,…
NIH Claims Joint Patent Ownership on Moderna’s Coronavirus VaccineJune 26, 2020The National Institutes of health, which “rarely claims ownership or pursues patent rights,” appears to want a slice of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine money pie, if the company is successful in finding a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2,…
First Vaccinations Begin in Africa for COVID-19 TrialsJune 25, 2020A COVID-19 vaccine trial has begun in South Africa, Britain and Brazil. Even though the African continent had what health officials called a “late start” to the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic, there are now nearly 325,000 cases. World health…
Georgia Nurses Accuse Hospital of Manipulating COVID-19 Test ResultsJune 25, 2020An Athens, Georgia, hospital is facing a lawsuit filed by four nurses who allege that the hospital falsified COVID-19 test results by manipulating the testing methods. According to court documents the hospital conducted testing in such a way to…
CDC, Florida Report Vastly Different Coronavirus Testing NumbersJune 25, 2020An analysis conducted on coronavirus testing results in May in Florida show a sharp discrepancy between the numbers reported by the state and those recorded by the CDC. For example, by mid-May the state said they’d tested 700,000 people, but…
BREAKING NEWS — COVID-19 Death Rate May Be Much Less Than ThoughtJune 24, 2020A new study indicates that COVID-19 infections may be 80 times greater than initially reported. What this means is that, if the infection rates are that much higher, the death rate is a fraction of what was originally thought. Penn State researchers…
Gilead Drug Remdesivir Increasing Hospital StaysJune 24, 2020Florida is seeing an “explosion” in COVID-19 cases, especially in younger people, but they are less sick than before, with a fraction of patients on ventilators compared to the number earlier in the year. Medical professionals attributed…
India Blacklists US CDC for Secretly Funding Bioweapon ResearchJune 24, 2020India’s government health officials are asking the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to stop funding virus research studies in their country because the CDC is working with an Indian lab that is not qualified to work on highly…
Hamster Study Shows Protective Immunity to COVID-19 After InfectionJune 24, 2020Researchers working with hamsters at University of Wisconsin-Madison have found that prior infection with SARS-CoV-2 offers protection against future infection with the virus. They also found that treatment with serum from those recovering from the…
Why Is Good News on COVID-19 Bad?June 24, 2020Emerging evidence shows that COVID-19 may not be as severe as health officials initially thought it would be, yet, whenever good news like this appears, it seems like news agencies take offense and rush to contradict it. Rather than promoting the…
I Need Your Help!!!June 23, 2020Today I released a special report on vitamin D that I’ve been working on for weeks. It’s been reviewed by many vitamin D scientists for accuracy, and I believe it’s the most important paper I’ve ever written. This was done to…
Kids More Likely to Die From Flu or Pneumonia Than COVID-19June 23, 2020As schools debate when to return to regular classrooms — or whether — statistics show that those under age 25 are more likely to die from flu or pneumonia than COVID-19. Specifically, children between 5 and 14 have a 1 in 200,000 chance…
Join Us as Mercola Healthy Pets Celebrates 10 Years of Integrative Pet CareJune 23, 2020Over the years, Mercola Healthy Pets has partnered with pet parents to help you make the wisest lifestyle choices for your pets’ overall health and vitality. And now, we’re celebrating our 10th anniversary June 22 through June 28 with a…
Coronavirus Weakening, Not Killing as Many, Could Die Out on Its OwnJune 22, 2020A top Italian doctor says the coronavirus is not the “tiger” it was, and that it may actually be dying out on its own — without a vaccine and possibly disappearing before a vaccine even appears. Professor Matteo Bassetti says the…
Fauci Admits Lying, Then Complains Nobody Trusts ‘Science’June 22, 2020In a blog post on PJ Media, a registered nurse accused Dr. Anthony Fauci and other world health leaders of causing their own problem when Fauci complained that people aren’t believing “science” during the pandemic. “My head…
Money, Dinners, Strip Clubs: Pharma Execs Bribed Docs to Prescribe FentanylJune 22, 2020A damning report by “60 Minutes” revealed the length to which Big Pharma companies would go to bribe and convince doctors to prescribe addictive opioids, including fentanyl. Not only that, they showed that the agency that is supposed to…
Coronavirus Could Be Spread Via Cloud of Droplets From a Flushing ToiletJune 21, 2020It’s known that COVID-19 survives in the digestive tract and can show up in an infected person’s feces, but a new study shows that a flushing toilet can create a large, widespread cloud of virus-containing aerosol droplets that lasts…
Pandemic Allows More Time For Sleep, But Quality Sleep Is Another MatterJune 21, 2020Stay-at-home orders and lockdowns have led to relaxed school and work schedules and more time at home, allowing people to sleep more on average, but the pandemic has taken a toll when it comes to self-reported sleep quality. Although researchers…
Majority of Clinical Trials for COVID-19 Treatments Fall ShortJune 20, 2020There are more than 2,000 registered trials for COVID-19 — with more new trials being registered on a daily basis — but researchers say a majority of those trials are lacking key features that would be crucial for determining potential…
Elderly More Likely to Suffer Pandemic Loneliness — Unless they Feel Younger Than Their AgeJune 20, 2020Older adults are more likely to remain in stricter isolation than younger people, making them more susceptible to COVID-19-based loneliness and symptoms of anxiety, depression and trauma. Interestingly, researchers discovered that older adults who…
Coronavirus Antibodies May Last Only Three MonthsJune 19, 2020A Chinese study shows that a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 may not prove to be helpful in fighting the infection because there isn’t evidence to indicate that the antibodies last more than two or three months. Researchers said that, while antibodies…
Could Florida Be the Next Coronavirus Epicenter?June 19, 2020Scientists at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania are warning that “ … Florida has all the makings of the next large epicenter,” according to MSN News. Thursday, June 18, 2020, Florida…
Majority of Americans Believe Pharma Will Use Coronavirus as Excuse to Raise PricesJune 18, 2020West Health/Gallup Poll survey found that 88% of Americans think pharmaceutical companies will use the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to raise drug prices. Along party lines, 66% of Democrats thought this would happen; 49% of Republicans think it…
No Face Mask? You May Get Banned From FlyingJune 18, 2020Like it or not, U.S. airlines are increasingly asking passengers to wear face masks — or not fly. And, as they beef up the enforcement of the new rules, they warn that refusing to do so could get you on a banned list for future flights. A…
UK Ministers Order Urgent Vitamin DJune 17, 2020Across the UK, as many as 750 frontline NHS staff have received free immune support packs including Liposomal Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc from a voluntary initiative, and there has been some frustration that a more holistic approach to the…
Neuroscientist: Up to 80% Are Not Even Susceptible to COVID-19June 17, 2020A British neuroscientist and statistician who is questioning the mathematical models of COVID-19 infectibility and spread is suggesting that as many as 80% of people aren’t even susceptible to SARS-CoV-2. Professor Karl Friston is ranked by…
WHO Cheers COVID-19 Trial Results of DexamethasoneJune 17, 2020A steroid called dexamethasone reduced mortality in COVID-19 patients on oxygen or a ventilator. WHO director-general Tedros Addhanom Ghebreyesus said “this is the first treatment to be shown to reduce mortality in patients” who need…
FDA Approves Video Game to Treat ADHD in ChildrenJune 17, 2020An interactive video game for children ages 8 to 12 with ADHD is the first to be approved by the U.S. FDA. The game has a race course path over which a character rides a hoverboard. The game targets sensory and motor tasks designed to improve…
54 Scientists Have Lost Their Jobs as a Result of NIH Probe Into Foreign TiesJune 16, 2020An ongoing investigation by the National Institutes of Health has resulted in 54 scientists either being fired or resigning. NIH said the investigation was focusing on grantees failing to disclose financial ties to foreign governments. The agency…
FDA Revokes Emergency Approval of Malaria Drugs for COVID-19June 16, 2020Declaring that the malaria drug “hydroxychloroquine was unlikely to be effective, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration revoked its emergency approval of the drug for COVID-19 in hospitalized patients. The agency also said the drugs had side…
Does Gates Funding of Media Taint Objectivity?June 16, 2020In an article that’s nearly 10 years old but more relevant today than ever, The Seattle Times takes on the question of how grants to media from the Gates Foundation may be steering the news that you get every day. “The foundation’s…
Study Shows Majority of People Are Already Resistant to SARS-CoV-2June 15, 2020Research conducted in Switzerland shows that COVID-19 may be five times more prevalent than originally thought, and that the majority of people are already resistant to it. These new findings show that antibodies only appear in the most severe cases…
Canadian Scientist Sent Deadly Viruses to Wuhan Months Before RCMP Asked to InvestigateJune 15, 2020Canada has just revealed that Chinese scientists working in Winnipeg, Canada, were escorted out of Canada’s National Microbiology Lab in July 2019 after it was discovered they had sent a shipment of Ebola and Henipah viruses to China. While…
Passengers With COVID-19 Flew to LAX; Public Wasn’t NotifiedJune 15, 2020A retired Manhattan surgeon who later died of coronavirus flew from New York to Los Angeles and back in March — after much of the country was already on lockdown. In another instance in March a person from South Korea flew to Los Angeles and…
Could an Aggressive ‘Immunity Passport’ Program Lead to an Increase in Autoimmune Diseases?June 15, 2020In a study of blood specimens from people positive for SARS-CoV-2, researchers found that three of the five tested showed “significant elevations” in antibodies that indicated a possible increase in autoimmune diseases. It’s…
Coronavirus Leads to Panic VirusJune 14, 2020Has the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lost all credibility? The CDC influenced the direction of the policies of state and local jurisdictions and a third of the country is showing signs of clinical anxiety or depression due to the…
Coronavirus Is Not Mutating Into More Dangerous FormJune 14, 2020World Health Organization officials announced that the coronavirus is not mutating to become more dangerous, but Americans must continue to keep up current safety precautions and remain strong and vigilant. Although people may be growing tired of…
COVID Immunity Passports Raise Ethical and Privacy ConcernsJune 13, 2020Governments and private businesses are currently developing immunity passport programs that would allow people who have proven immunity against COVID-19 to move freely about. Experts worry, though, that a host of practical and ethical problems makes…
Handheld UV Light Device Can Kill COVID-19June 13, 2020A personal, handheld device that emits high-intensity, ultraviolet light and kills the coronavirus has been discovered, but there’s a shortage of transparent electrode materials that are needed for the UV devices. Consequently, scientists must…
New Research Points Toward Coronavirus as Being Both Leaked and EngineeredJune 12, 2020Sharply conflicting information on the origins of SARS-CoV-2 has headlined the news in the past few months, but a new study points toward it being a lab-created virus that somehow escaped. “The same study seems to rule out the possibility that…
Ford’s New Technology Can Heat Up Car Interiors to Kill CoronavirusJune 12, 2020Ford has developed a new software patch for police vehicles that can heat up the interior to 133 degrees Fahrenheit, effectively killing the coronavirus by 99%. The software can be installed on Ford police Interceptor Utility hybrid SUVs…
Ohio COVID-19 Patients Infecting Less Than One Other PersonJune 12, 2020Coronavirus in Ohio is spreading so slowly now that health experts estimate that less than one person is being infected by one other person. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine presented evidence that the number dropped to less than one in mid-May. There was a…
Twitter Deletes 170,000 Accounts Tied to Chinese GovernmentJune 12, 2020More than 170,000 Chinese Twitter accounts pushing what Twitter called “deceptive narratives” on a variety of topics, including COVID-19, have been shut down. “ Twitter’s takedown is the latest development in Silicon Valley’s…
Have We Evolved Into a Parallel Brave New World and 1984?June 11, 2020Are we being set up for the dystopian New World Order predicted by Aldous Huxley in his book, “Brave New World,” nearly 90 years ago? Or, are we now living the “1984” that George Orwell foresaw in his book 71 years ago? If…
Virus Research: A Point of Tension for the US and ChinaJune 11, 2020Whether the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 originated in a lab or not — and evidence is pointing toward the fact that it is — there’s no question that tension is building between the U.S. and China when it comes to oversight of virus…
No Wishes Granted for Kids at This Facility Until COVID-19 Vaccine Is ReadyJune 11, 2020A nonprofit center for critically ill children and their families is closing down indefinitely because the foundation that flies children to the center at no cost refuses to send anyone there until there’s a coronavirus vaccine is in place….
Harvard Study Shows Coronavirus Was in China in AugustJune 10, 2020A new study out of Harvard and Boston universities indicates that SARS-CoV-2 may have been circulating in China as early as August 2019. Researchers looked at both satellite images and internet search inquiries to determine there was “a steep…
Nursing Homes Say COVID-19 Numbers Are ‘Insanely Wrong’June 10, 2020Recently released CDC and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) COVID-19 case counts and deaths at U.S. nursing homes are so incorrect, they don’t make sense and are “insanely wrong,” the facilities’ directors…
AstraZeneca Manufacturing COVID-19 Vaccine Before Clinical Trials Are DoneJune 9, 2020AstraZenca is getting a jump on the University of Oxford’s COVID-19 vaccine by starting to manufacture the vaccine even though clinical trial results for it aren’t expected to be released until July or August. The drug company’s…
Infuriating: We May Have Shut Down the Country for NothingJune 9, 2020Contrary to initial reports on the infectivity of COVID-19, the World Health Organization now says that asymptomatic carriers of the coronavirus rarely spread it to others. “From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic…
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps Fall Short in Privacy, SecurityJune 9, 2020Those apps being designed to download to your phones to aid in contact tracing, symptom checking and telehealth help for coronavirus are not as private or secure as you may think, according to an analysis of 108 Android apps. The International Data…
Melinda Gates: Equalize COVID-19 Vaccine by Giving It to ‘Black People’ Early OnJune 8, 2020In an interview with Time, Melinda Gates, co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said that distribution of the new COVID-19 vaccine would need to be tiered so health care workers get it first, followed by “black people” and…
Norway Scientist Joins Others Claiming Coronavirus Was Created in a LabJune 8, 2020A Norwegian scientist who studied the coronavirus’ spike protein says SARS-CoV-2 “is not natural in origin” because the proteins appear to have artificially inserted sequences. To add credence to the lab-creation possibility, the…
COVID-19 Vaccine Likely Will Be Given Multiple Times, Perhaps AnnuallyJune 8, 2020Any protection that a new COVID-19 vaccine could offer against SARS-CoV-2 would only be temporary, and would more than likely have to be given in multiple doses, probably annually, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National…
Children Now Being Recruited in the UK for COVID-19 Vaccine TrialJune 8, 2020Children ages 5 to 12 years old are being recruited in the U.K. for Phase II and Phase III COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials. The vaccine is being fast-tracked even though there are gaps in scientific knowledge about the origin of the new coronavirus…
Pandemic Adds to Rising Numbers of Adults With Depression or AnxietyJune 7, 2020One-third of all Americans are struggling with anxiety or depression, and the coronavirus is to blame for the sudden spike in mental health issues, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. People with less education and in the 18-to-29 age group had…
Asymptomatic Cases of COVID-19 Could Be Much Higher Than ThoughtJune 7, 2020While all 50 states have started reopening nonessential businesses in an effort to kickstart their struggling economies, studies show that people who don’t show symptoms of the coronavirus could still be spreading it. One study found that 81% of…
Be Wary of False Negative Test Results if You’ve Been Exposed to COVID-19June 6, 2020Researchers at Johns Hopkins found that the chance of a false negative result — when a virus is not detected in a person who is infected with COVID-19 — is greater than 1 in 5 and, at times, far higher. Timing of the test determines the…
South Korea: Public Info on COVID-19 Cases More Effective Than LockdownsJune 6, 2020South Korea is far ahead of the U.S. and many other countries in the current battle against COVID-19 due to its widespread testing, contact tracing and public disclosure of cases — measures that have proven more effective at reducing deaths…
Ex-NYT Reporter Accuses Amazon of Trying to Censor Book About Coronavirus LockdownsJune 5, 2020A new book, “Unreported Truths About COVID-19 and Lockdowns,” by former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson was initially censored by Amazon, Berenson told Fox News. The e-book features “Part 1: Introduction and Death Counts and…
Singapore Plans Wearable Virus-Tracing Device for AllJune 5, 2020A “wearable” device that can be hung on a lanyard or carried in a handbag will soon be tracking every single Singapore citizen. The device will enable health officials to identify anyone who has come in contact with someone with…
Pandemic Reporting — Are the Media Getting It Wrong?June 4, 2020Sam Husseini is a writer, journalist and communications director for The Institute for Public Accuracy. In this film he discusses the media’s reporting on the coronavirus and the frustrations that many scientists feel over the way the pandemic…
COVID-19 — Did the Pandemic Begin in a Lab?June 4, 2020In this film André Leu, international director of Regeneration International and author of several peer-reviewed papers and books, discusses the possibility that COVID-19 began in a lab. Using what is called the “gold standard” of…
Are We Creating Pandemic Viruses Simply to Generate Research Funds?June 4, 2020In an interview with Jonathan Latham, co-founder and executive director of Bioscience Research Project and editor of Independent Science News, Latham discusses the possible origins of COVID-19, the lack of security in labs conducting research on…
Why Gain-of-Function Research Should Be BannedJune 4, 2020Gain-of-Function experiments involve taking a relatively benign virus and adding factors to it that can make it more dangerous. In this interview, Stuart Newman, Ph.D., professor of cell biology and anatomy and founding member of the Council for…
Privacy and Your Cellphone: Forget It, Even With Camera, Microphone and GPS Turned OffJune 4, 2020If you thought you were relatively safe from being spied on by your cellphone, think again. It turns out that a tool your cellphone uses to stabilize images can be used to extract a broad range of information about you from your phone — even…
Italian Doctor: Coronavirus ‘No Longer Exists Clinically’June 3, 2020The personal doctor for Italy’s former President Silvio Berlusconi announced Sunday that a study shows the coronavirus has lost its potency to the point that “in reality, from the clinical point of view, the virus no longer exists…
‘Absolutely No Evidence’ COVID-19 Is Airborne, Canada Health Official SaysJune 3, 2020British Columbia’s deputy provincial health officer Dr. Reka Gustafson said top health officials are now in agreement that “there is absolutely no evidence” that COVID-19 is airborne and that they are “very confident that the…
CDC Warns Antibody Testing Still Too Inaccurate to Use for Coronavirus-Related Policy DecisionsJune 3, 2020Just as states, schools and other governing bodies are making decisions about rules regarding COVID-19 testing, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has posted on its website that antibody tests are not accurate enough yet to use in…
Volunteer Describes His Serious Reaction in Moderna’s mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine TrialJune 2, 2020One of Moderna Inc. COVID-19 vaccine trial participants has revealed that he experienced serious adverse reactions to the vaccine. Ian Haydon, 29, said he came down with a fever of over 103 degrees and that he felt sicker than he ever has before….
China Delayed Releasing Coronavirus Info, Frustrating WHOJune 2, 2020Early in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, World Health Organization officials praised China for its speedy delivery of helpful information to fight the virus. The only thing is, what China delivered was neither speedy nor fully informative. The lag time and…
Will There Be Enough Coronavirus Left Circulating to Test for a Vaccine Once It’s Ready?June 2, 2020In a curious twist to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic tale, scientists are worrying that by the time a vaccine for it is ready, there won’t be enough of it circulating to get a true sense of whether the vaccine works or not. Vaccine developers say the…
The Money Circle: Is the Gates Foundation and Big Pharma Self-Dealing?June 1, 2020A widely-circulated meme tells the story in a picture of how the Gates Foundation, government bodies, health organizations and Big Pharma all connect in a circle, feeding off each other and self-dealing when it comes to handouts. What’s more,…
A Third of All Corona Deaths Happen in Nursing HomesMay 31, 2020Close contact with others is unavoidable in nursing homes and many of the elderly have impaired immune systems, with more than 90% of them having at least one chronic disease and more than 70% having two or more chronic diseases — all of which…
4 States Found to Have Misleading COVID-19 Test ResultsMay 31, 2020Virginia, Texas, Georgia and Vermont presented misleading coronavirus statistics after combining results from two tests: viral tests, which show when a person has Covid-19, and antibody tests, which show that a person was exposed to the virus in the…
62 Countries Back Inquiry of WHO’s Response to PandemicMay 30, 2020More than 60 countries have followed Australia’s lead and are backing an impartial and independent inquiry into the World Health Organization’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The inquiry could help countries be better prepared…
Continuing Shutdowns Could Lead to a Another Sort of Public Health CrisisMay 30, 2020There’s no rhyme or reason to COVID-19, as evidenced when there was no spike in cases after some areas reopened, while other areas that remain shut down have seen an increase in cases. Many elective medical procedures and surgeries have been…
New WHO Face Mask Guidelines: Only COVID Caretakers Should Wear MasksMay 29, 2020The World Health Organization now says you shouldn’t be wearing a face mask unless you’re caring for someone who has COVID-19. «Masks should only be used by health care workers, caretakers or by people who are sick with symptoms of fever…
US Hospitals Slash Use of Drug Championed by Trump as Coronavirus TreatmentMay 29, 2020The malaria drug hydroxychloroquine is being pulled from hospitals as health officials and doctors become wary of its benefits versus possible risks. New clinical trial data were a major influence on the decision not to give the drug to patients…
Coronavirus and Babies: Test Twice and Separate Them From Their MothersMay 28, 2020It sounds unbelievable but it’s true: A Pittsburgh doctor says that CDC guidelines call for separating babies from their mothers if the new moms are diagnosed with or even suspected of having coronavirus. “The recommendation is the baby…
Lab Escape Theory of SARS-CoV-2 Origin Gaining Scientific SupportMay 28, 2020Several scientists as well as ongoing scientific research, including studies published on pre-peer review websites, are backing the idea that SARS-CoV-2 began in a lab. Scientists cite several reasons for blaming a lab creation for the pandemic….
Coronavirus Didn’t Really Start at That Wuhan ‘Wet Market’May 28, 2020Experts at the Wuhan Institute of Virology now believe the live animal sales “wet” market near the lab was not where the coronavirus got its start. Rather, it was the site where one person came to the market and “super”…
Laser, Biosciences Researchers Combine Efforts to Study Viruses in DropletsMay 28, 2020X-ray images and chemical details of the coronavirus may soon be a reality, thanks to new, -based pulse equipment that can capture images of virus droplets on X-rays. The machinery is synchronized within quadrillionths of a second, according to…
CDC Now Predicts Coronavirus Death Rate ‘Under 1%’May 27, 2020The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has revised its initial death rate for coronavirus to under 1% — to 0.26%, a fraction of what they initially projected. Additionally, four infectious disease doctors in Canada said the risk…
Coronavirus Concentration in Sewage Is Leading Indicator of COVID OutbreaksMay 27, 2020A Yale University study suggests that measuring genetic codes for COVID-19 in sewage sludge is an early way to identify SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks. The study’s lead researcher said one reason this method works is because the virus can shed through…
Aggressive Cannibal Rats Emerge Due to Food ShortageMay 26, 2020It turns out people aren’t the only ones going hungry during the coronavirus pandemic. In the U.S., starving rats that feasted on restaurant waste and street garbage before the pandemic shutdown are resorting to cannibalism and eating their…
Healthy Clinical Trial Subjects Suffer Grade 3 Side Effects to Moderna’s mRNA COVID-19 VaccineMay 26, 2020The first results from a coronavirus vaccine clinical trial are in, and of the 45 healthy persons who took Moderna’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, four suffered what is called Grade 3 side effects. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services…
Pfizer and BioNTech Begin Human Clinical Trials of COVID-19 Vaccine in USMay 26, 2020The first human clinical trials for Pfizer’s and BioNTech’s experimental COVID-19 vaccine, BNT162, have begun in the U.S. The vaccine is undergoing an accelerated trial process that Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla called…
Your Mouthwash Could Be Your Best Ally in the Fight Against CoronavirusMay 25, 2020New research shows many dental mouthwashes destroy the lipid layer of coronaviruses and reduce the replication of the virus in the throat and salivary glands, making mouthwash an important preventive in early COVID-19 illnesses. Mouthwashes that…
Hospital Visits for Children With Mental Health Issues Rise DramaticallyMay 25, 2020Even though pediatric emergency department visits in the U.S. have remained level over the past 10 years, visits for mental health disorders have risen 60% while children’s visits for deliberate self-harm increased 329%. The 10-year study…
Study of Two COVID-19 Antibody Tests Shows One More Accurate Than the OtherMay 24, 2020A study of two different FDA-authorized COVID-19 antibody tests — Abbott and Euroimmun — found that Abbott was more accurate and had fewer overall errors than the Euroimmun test, although some inaccuracies were thought to be tied to the…
Arthritis Drug May Improve Respiratory Function in Seriously Ill COVID-19 PatientsMay 24, 2020A small study involving eight patients in Greece found that the clinically approved anti-inflammatory drug anakinra, used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, improved respiratory function in critically ill COVID-19 patients. All the patients showed…
Studies To Determine if COVID-19 Can be Spread Through Fecal MatterMay 23, 2020COVID-19 genetic material has been found in fecal matter, but more work is needed to determine if the virus can be spread through stool because, so far, researchers have only detected viral RNA in the feces, rather than infectious virus. Genetic…
Newly Developed Face Mask Neutralizes COVID-19 With Ultraviolet LightMay 23, 2020Oracle Lighting has developed a new ultraviolet light system to be worn under face masks that will sanitize the air, neutralize live viruses such as COVID-19 and protect against the 5% of particulate that manages to get past N95 masks. Existing air…
Warning: iPhone Updates Make Face Mask and Contact Tracing App-ReadyMay 22, 2020On the guise of making life easier for you, Apple’s new updates for its iPhones come with face mask and contact tracing capabilities app-ready. That means as soon as the planned contact tracing apps become operational, you can download them…
Post-COVID Fitness: What Will Gyms — and YOU — Look Like?May 22, 2020As America slowly opens back up and gyms become approved places to go again, things may look a little different from the last time you were there. From new capacity rules to excruciatingly clean equipment to improved sanitation processes, many…
CDC Releases Guidelines for Returning to School in the FallMay 21, 2020The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released its guidelines for schools reopening this fall. The interactions of students and teachers have been classified into three risk groups; in-person classes are considered “increased…
How Facebook and YouTube Are Trying to Control Information About COVID-19May 21, 2020In an effort to quash the sharing of information on lockdown protests and any other news that doesn’t fit with what “official” press releases say, social media giants Facebook and YouTube are censoring and taking down any posts…
Brazil Clears Way for Use of Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19May 20, 2020Brazil’s interim health minister is issuing new guidelines recommending the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 cases in Brazil. In an interview, Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro said he would sign on to the new guidelines, noting that…
CDC: Coronavirus ‘Does Not Spread Easily’ From Contaminated SurfacesMay 20, 2020The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has tweaked its COVID-19 guidance with new information that the virus doesn’t spread easily from objects and surfaces you might touch, including animals. On the other hand the CDC adds that…
Colorado Health Department Admits It Overcounted Coronavirus Deaths by 24%May 19, 2020Colorado’s health department is changing the way it records coronavirus deaths after a news story revealed that 24% of the deaths counted so far were not due to the virus. For example, a man who died of alcohol poisoning, but who was found to…
Study: Interferon-a2b Speeds Recovery of COVID-19 PatientsMay 19, 2020A study published in Frontiers in Immunology has found an antiviral that helps with virus clearance and reducing inflammatory proteins in COVID-19 patients. Researchers had delved into the possibility that this particular antiviral might work after…
42% of Jobs Lost in the Pandemic Are Gone for GoodMay 19, 2020States may be opening up a little, and some people may finally be going back to work, but the news isn’t all good. According to researchers at the University of Chicago, the pandemic closings so adversely affected the job situation that 42% of…
The US Is Dramatically Overcounting Coronavirus DeathsMay 18, 2020Coronavirus deaths not only are being counted erroneously, but in some cases are double-counted, according to two board members for the Crime Prevention Research Center. On top of that, deaths that have nothing to do with coronavirus are also being…
100,000 to 300,000 Contact Tracers To Be HiredMay 18, 2020Contact tracers who will be calling on behalf of state departments of health are being hired in the hundreds of thousands, with hiring “need” estimates going up to as much as 300,000. So far, 11,000 are already on the job across the U.S….
Don’t Rule Out a Lab as Source of CoronavirusMay 18, 2020A new study suggests that SARS-CoV-2 could very well have originated in a lab. Newsweek consigned the independent, “unconventional” analysis, which contradicts previous assumptions that the virus occurred naturally. Newsweek reported…
How Did a Temporary Plan to Flatten the Curve Turn Into Two-Three Months of Near-Universal House Arrest?May 18, 2020The U.S. didn’t lock down during previous pandemics — specifically during the flu of 1968-’69 and 1957; or during polio in 1949’52; or during the flu of 1918 — so why did it happen in 2020? From social distancing to…
Health Expert: Masks Help Coronavirus Enter the BrainMay 18, 2020To wear a mask or not is one of the hottest questions in connection with protecting yourself and others from coronavirus. But is it safe to the wearer? A retired neurosurgeon says no because if you’re harboring a virus of any sort, a mask…
TSA Preparing to Check Passenger Temperatures at AirportsMay 17, 2020If you’re hoping to fly in the U.S. soon, be aware that about dozen airlines are planning to begin checking passengers’ temperatures. You won’t pay an extra fee for the “service,” but the Trump Administration is…
Not so Fast Google, Apple: Phone Contact Tracing Won’t Work in the USMay 17, 2020Plans by Apple and Google to roll out contact tracing phone apps for COVID-19 (and probably other future uses) is a pie-in-the-sky idea that won’t work in the U.S., according to IT officials. For one thing, not everyone has a smartphone and…
BREAKING NEWS — Could a Newly-Discovered Antibody Be the Answer to Stopping Coronavirus?May 16, 2020California-based biopharmaceutical company Sorrento Therapeutics says it has discovered an antibody that “can provide ‘100% inhibition’ of COVID-19” — and it could be ready to go long before any vaccine. The antibody…
Health Officials Say You Can’t Compare Flu and COVID DeathsMay 16, 2020For years health officials have been publishing huge numbers of flu deaths that occur every year in the U.S. But now that people are comparing flu death numbers to coronavirus numbers, health officials are putting the brakes on the flu counts by…
Feds Targeting Doctors Who Promote Natural COVID-19 Treatment — Even if They’re Only Talking About ItMay 15, 2020Two Michigan doctors have been ordered to cease discussion about, or use of, natural health treatments for COVID-19 involving vitamins. Dr. David Brownstein had been blogging on various vitamin-based treatment protocols for the virus when the…
More than a Million Health Care Workers Have Lost Their Jobs Due to COVID-19May 14, 2020When COVID-19 broke loose in the U.S., hospitals and health care personnel across the nation braced for what they assumed would be long hours and work weeks. Instead, hospitals are nearly empty and health care employees are being furloughed or…
Trump ‘Totally’ Disagrees With Fauci on School ReopeningsMay 14, 2020Dr. Anthony Fauci, who’s been the face of the White House’s COVID-19 health strategies, doesn’t want schools to reopen right away because a vaccine is unlikely to be ready by fall. President Donald Trump, however, believes…
Who’s on First? Trump and Fauci Bat Around Coronavirus Death CountsMay 14, 2020In an exchange that almost resembles an Abbott and Costello “Who’s on First” routine, President Donald Trump and Dr. Anthony Fauci are batting around opposing views on how many people have actually died from COVID-19. Trump says…
Uber Will Require Riders and Drivers to Wear Face Masks Starting May 18May 13, 2020If you like taking Uber and you don’t want your Uber account suspended, you’ll be voluntarily wearing a mask when you ride, beginning Monday, May 18, 2020. Lyft is already requiring its drivers, delivery people and riders to wear masks,…
Do We Have to Choose Between Economy and Public Health in the Era of COVID-19?May 13, 2020An economist at the University of Redlands says it’s not necessary to pit public health against the nation’s economy. Rather, there are things that the federal government should do — that have not yet been done — to help…
Vitamin D Determines COVID-19’s Severity — So Why Aren’t Governments Using That Information to Make Policy?May 13, 2020Irish researchers are calling on governments to change their recommendations for vitamin D supplements, based on studies showing people with higher levels of vitamin D are better able to fight SARS-CoV-2. Vitamin D supports the immune system through…
Could Changing the Composition of Your Saliva Fight COVID-19?May 13, 2020A research team in central Florida is looking at ways to reduce the thickness and stickiness of saliva in such a way that infectious SARS-CoV-2 particles would fall, rather than float in the saliva. The team hopes to create a cough drop or lozenge…
Social Distancing Is a Miserably Failed ExperimentMay 12, 2020Social distancing requiring people to stay at home and isolate themselves from the rest of the world hasn’t worked quite the way officials had hoped — with 66% of new hospitalizations occurring among people who had been doing just that….
Health Officials Launch Mobile App to Preregister Chicagoans for COVID-19 VaccineMay 12, 2020Chicago is getting ready to preregister residents for a COVID-19 vaccine. With the help of a website and a mobile app, the Chicago Department of Public Health hopes to rocket ahead to mass-vaccinate people as soon as the FDA approves a vaccine….
New York on PAUSE During COVID-19 OutbreakMay 12, 2020As of April 25, 2020, an estimated 271,600 people in New York state and 141,754 in New York City have been infected with COVID-19, despite Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s strong measures to fight it. Under an order called PAUSE (for Policies Assure…
New Wuhan COVID-19 Cases Prompt Another LockdownMay 11, 2020Wuhan, China, has reported several new COVID-19 cases — the first in over a month — with many showing no clinical symptoms of having the disease. The fact that the cases are asymptomatic is alarming public health officials, who are…
Nursing Homes Step Up Staff Screening for Residents’ SafetyMay 11, 2020Nursing homes in New York and Florida are implementing various new methods of infection control, including increased testing of their staffs, to protect their residents from SARS-CoV-2. Patients who test positive will submit to new protocols to keep…
Indiana City Plans to Test Wastewater for SARS-CoV-2 as Reopening BeginsMay 11, 2020Carmel, Indiana, will use wastewater testing to determine whether SARS-CoV-2 infections in the community change, up or down, as the state slowly reopens. Carmel, along with several other cities across the U.S., as well as The Netherlands, Australia,…
Hypertension Drugs Being Tested for Effectiveness Against COVID-19May 11, 2020A clinical trial is underway to see if drugs used for treating high blood pressure, heart failure and diabetic kidney disease — called ACE inhibitors — might also reduce the severity of COVID-19 infections, lowering rates for intensive…
The Global Health Mafia Protection RacketMay 10, 2020A new video blog talks about how global public health is being run like a mafia family, and it includes money laundering and extortion at the same time that members of the club are enriching not only themselves but the world’s largest vaccine…
Your Phone Could Be the Trojan Horse Spreading CoronavirusMay 10, 2020If you’re not decontaminating your mobile phone every day, that phone could be spreading COVID-19 everywhere at ultra-high speed, since the microbes are most likely present on phones and other touch-screen devices. You should think of your…
Three C’s of Coping During COVID-19 Crisis: Control, Coherence, ConnectednessMay 10, 2020Researchers who studied 9/11 to find effective ways to cope during the current COVID-19 crisis are endorsing coping techniques to promote resilience to and recovery from stress, including acceptance-based coping, mindfulness and meditation. Control,…
New Center to Offer Treatment, Training for Stressed-Out Health Care ProvidersMay 9, 2020Health care workers are experiencing such immense stress that Mount Sinai Health System has launched a first-of-its-kind treatment center to address the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health and lives of frontline health care providers. The Mount…
The Long-Lasting Emotional Trauma in the Aftermath of COVID-19May 9, 2020Millions around the world could be left with long-lasting emotional trauma and resulting PTSD on an unprecedented scale due to the COVID-19 crisis, according to a new study. It can’t be compared to events like the 9/11 terrorist attacks or…
Bill Gates Plans to Vaccinate the World, No Matter What the CostMay 8, 2020If you think Bill Gates’ grandiose plans to force vaccinate 7 billion people with COVID-19 are delusional, think again. The Microsoft billionaire — who has no public health education, who is not a public health expert, and who is not a…
Could Forcible Removal From Your Home Be the Next Step in COVID-19 Testing?May 8, 2020Across the country, states are ramping up “armies” of contact tracers who will be charged with tracking down and quarantining everyone testing positive for COVID-19. In California, Dr. Robert Levin, Ventura County Public Health director,…
Rollout of Antibody Tests Met With Confusion, Little OversightMay 8, 2020COVID-19 antibody tests are beginning to reach testing sites, but instead of clearing up problems as to who’s positive for the virus and who isn’t, they seem to be creating new problems. The CDC, the Coronavirus Task Force and confusion…
BREAKING NEWS: Texas Supreme Court Orders Dallas Salon Owner ReleasedMay 7, 2020The Texas Supreme Court has ordered a Dallas County judge to release a salon owner from jail, after she was incarcerated for violating the state’s lockdown orders. In sentencing her, Judge Eric Moye called her selfish for opening her business…
YouTube Takes Down ‘Plandemic’ Video With Coronavirus Claims by Judy MikovitsMay 7, 2020A viral video featuring microbiologist Judy Mikovits, who says she was thrown in jail under false pretenses and threatened by Dr. Anthony Fauci, has been taken down by YouTube. “The Plandemic” violates Google-owned YouTube’s…
Researcher Making ‘Very Significant Findings’ in Coronavirus KilledMay 6, 2020A University of Pittsburg researcher who was on the brink of announcing “very significant findings” in connection with COVID-19 infections was found dead in his home. A victim of an apparent murder-suicide, Bing Lui, 37, had been shot…
Israeli Researchers Isolate Coronavirus AntibodyMay 6, 2020Researchers in Israel plan to patent a monoclonal neutralizing antibody for the coronavirus that “successfully neutralized aggressive coronavirus in lab tests.” Once the patent is granted, they plan to mass manufacture it as a treatment…
Pfizer/BioNTech Target Fall 2020 for COVID-19 Vaccine AvailabilityMay 6, 2020Vaccine maker Pfizer and German pharmaceutical BioNTech will have a COVID-19 vaccine ready to go “in the millions” by the end of 2020, according to a press release. The two companies are already in Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical trials…
Doctors Without Patients: ‘Our Waiting Rooms Are Like Ghost Towns’May 5, 2020COVID-19 is killing more than people: Across the U.S., doctors’ offices are laying off employees and trying to figure how to stay alive in the wake of the coronavirus national shutdown. The New York Times estimates that as many as 60,000…
The Inevitable Coronavirus Censorship Crisis is HereMay 5, 2020If you thought the internet was being censored before COVID-19 took over the world, then you’re probably already aware of the massive global communications shutdown that’s happening to the internet now. What’s worse, there appears…
GSK and Sanofi COVID-19 Vaccine Produced in Insect Cells With Squalene AdjuvantMay 5, 2020Two of the world’s largest vaccine manufacturers are using DNA technology, insect cells and a squalene adjuvant, AS03, as the basis to develop a COVID-19 vaccine together. GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Sanofi Pasteur are partners in the enterprise…
Immunity Passports by Facial Recognition in DevelopmentMay 4, 2020In a rush to get health passports to market, some tech companies are developing facial recognition immunity passports — a move that the World Health Organization is warning against because it could give people “false assurance”…
Breaking News — Hyperbaric Finally Being Used Successfully to Treat Covid-19May 4, 2020I have been saying for months now that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) should be far superior to ventilators. We now have the first report from a hyperbaric center associated with a hospital in Louisiana that has six HBOT chambers. They made the…
Swiss Team Makes Genetic Clone of CoV-2 in One MonthMay 4, 2020You read that right: It took a Swiss team just one month to come up with a lab-made coronavirus — and not just any coronavirus. We’re talking CoV-2, the very virus that’s paralyzing the world right now. Another point: An article in…
Funeral Directors in COVID-19 Epicenter Doubt Legitimacy of Deaths Attributed to Pandemic, Fear Numbers Are ‘Padded’May 4, 2020Conversations with New York City funeral directors indicate they are questioning the number of deaths being attributed to COVID-19. The numbers are padded, they say — and the reason they think that is because COVID is the cause of death on all…
Secretary of State Pompeo Ties Coronavirus to China LabMay 4, 2020U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told ABC “This Week” that “there’s enormous evidence” the coronavirus is lab-created. And, while he admitted that intelligence officials haven’t yet pinned down specifics, he…
Why Sweden Has Already Won the Lockdown DebateMay 3, 2020When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, Sweden — along with a handful of other countries — refused to lock down. They all refused to let the pandemic freeze their economies, and now, weeks later, Sweden has suffered marginal losses,…
How the US is Using COVID-1984 to Fulfill an Orwellian Vision of Techno TyrannyMay 3, 2020In the first half of the 20th century, George Orwell wrote a dystopian novel, “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” in which the government controlled every aspect of a person’s life, including their very thoughts. Today, scientists seem intent…
Safe, Simple, Inexpensive Means of Fighting Off Infections Like Covid-19May 3, 2020Public health officials stress the importance of hand-washing, social distancing and vaccines, but leave out the importance of nutritional supplements — especially vitamins C and D and other micronutrients — for fighting off respiratory…
New Discovery Could Lead to Treatment, Prevention of Alzheimer’sMay 3, 2020An avenue has opened up for the possible treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease after a team of researchers found a link between sets of brain proteins that regulate glucose metabolism and Alzheimer’s and cognitive impairment. Researchers…
Number Infected With Coronavirus Can be Detected in WastewaterMay 2, 2020Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) is a new and highly effective way to monitor coronavirus and other diseases by studying sewage samples to detect how many people in a given area are infected, and can even pinpoint a single infected individuals…
Your Biggest Health Risk May Be Inactivity, Not COVID-19May 2, 2020If you’re sitting around the house for long periods of time during this pandemic, it may doing more damage than you think. The best way to fight off an infection is to be in good health, and exercise is an important component of a strong…
Major Airlines Announce You Will Have to Wear Masks Now When You FlyMay 1, 2020American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Air Lines have been requiring their flight crews to wear masks since COVID-19 struck the world, and now they want their passengers to wear them, too. Several other airlines had already put these rules in…
Coronavirus Most Likely in U.S. Earlier Than ThoughtMay 1, 2020Thousands of people were likely already infected with coronavirus much earlier than testing has shown, especially in cities such as New York and San Francisco. Only 19 cases of COVID-19 had been confirmed in the U.S by March 1, 2020, but about 28…
Best Way to Fight COVID-19 Is to Strengthen Your Immune SystemMay 1, 2020Hopefully, you know not to bathe yourself in ultraviolet lights or ingest disinfectants to protect yourself against COVID-19. However, the healing power of vitamins C and D on the immune system cannot be denied, and sensible sun exposure is an…
Being Afraid and Eliminating Exposure to Germs Leads to Death by Fear and Germs — Unless the Government Kills You FirstApril 30, 2020Coronaviruses are not a threat to healthy humans with strong immune systems. In addition, sunshine and high vitamin D levels can fight both emotional and physical illnesses. Yet, the government seems bent on stripping the very things you need to…
Researchers Are Aiming for an End-of-Summer COVID-19 VaccineApril 30, 2020A German biotech firm is far enough along in its search for a COVID-19 vaccine that it’s given hope to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen that the vaccine could be ready as early as September 2020. The news, released in March…
Face Masks to Prevent COVID-19: Conflicting Facts and AdviceApril 30, 2020March 30, 2020, the World Health Organization announced that you don’t need to wear a face mask unless you are sick or in close contact with someone infected with COVID-19. A day later U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence reiterated the advice,…
80% of COVID-19 Contact Cases Caused by 8.9% of Infected IndividualsApril 30, 2020A study done in the Chinese city of Schenzhen used testing and contact tracing to determine incubation times for COVID-19, infection rates and other statistics. “Index” cases, or the first infected persons identified, were identified and…
First Plasma Therapy Patient in India Recovers From COVID-19April 30, 2020A 49-year-old man in India who was put on a ventilator after he checked into a hospital with COVID-19 has recovered after receiving a plasma donation from someone who had recovered from the disease three weeks earlier. He was admitted April 4, 2020,…
Fauci Backed Wuhan Lab With Millions of US DollarsApril 29, 2020The Wuhan Institute of Virology, connected with the lab suspected to be the source of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, received $7.4 million to study bat coronaviruses over the past several years, thanks to Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute for…
USA Today Fact-Check: Hospitals Get Paid More for COVID-19 PatientsApril 29, 2020According to Fox News’ Dr. Marc Siegel, hospitals get paid more for treating COVID-19 patients on ventilators. But is it true? Yes, it is, according to fact-checkers at USA Today. In fact, hospitals not only get paid more for Medicare patients…
Is Coronavirus a Seasonal Thing That Will Come Roaring Back in the Fall?April 29, 2020The end of March 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci said he thinks the current coronavirus, COVID-19, might turn out to be a seasonal illness that will fade in summer and come back full-force in the fall. April 28, 2020, Dr. Deborah Birx echoed Fauci’s…
In COVID Crisis, Nearly Half of People in Some States Are Going Hungry ​April 29, 2020In the aftermath of the U.S. shut down for COVID-19, by the end of March 2020, 4 in 10 people in the country already reported not having enough to eat. The survey also found that the Southern states of Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky were…
With Meat Plants Closing, Tyson Predicts Meats Will Disappear From the Supply ChainApril 28, 2020The chairman of Tyson’s board, John Tyson, wrote in a full-page ad in The New York Times that chickens, pigs and cattle are being “depopulized,” aka euthanized, because farmers have nowhere to sell their livestock. Tyson has been…
Could a Common Heartburn Drug Be a Coronavirus Treatment?April 28, 2020A new clinical trial using famotidine — an ingredient in the over-the-counter drug Pepcid — may help provide a treatment for COVID-19. Dr. Kevin Tracey, president of Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research at Northwell Health, has so…
Study: The Lower Your Vitamin D Levels, the Higher Your Risk of Severe COVID-19 ​April 27, 2020Data from 212 COVID-19 patients show that clinical outcomes for how severely you are affected by COVID-19 are directly related to your vitamin D serum levels. Specifically, study authors said: “For each standard deviation increase in vitamin D…
Scientists Dosing Men With Female Sex Hormones in COVID-19 Clinical TrialsApril 27, 2020Statistics so far show that COVID-19 tends to affect men worse than women, and scientists are conducting two studies to see if administering female sex hormones to males can help fight the virus. One trial is open to women age 55 and older, who have…
USDA Let Millions of Pounds of Food Rot While Food Banks Beg for HelpApril 27, 2020The U.S. Department of Agriculture sat on its hands while millions of pounds of crops rotted in the fields and relief lines formed for miles outside food banks that couldn’t meet the demand. The devastation is a two-pronged disaster that has…
Why Have They Shut Down Farmers Markets and Not Grocery Stores?April 26, founder Max Kane is questioning why farmers markets are not allowed to operate in Wisconsin and many other places across the U.S. Why are they not considered essential businesses like regular grocery stores? Aside from losing $60…
Two California ER Doctors Share Their Testing Data Supporting Ending Shelter in PlaceApril 26, 2020Two doctors working on the ground not only are questioning the extraordinary shelter-in-place measures being taken with the COVID-19 pandemic, but the system of counting the cases and deaths. No matter how you add them up, the numbers don’t…
5 Ways to Prevent Airborne Transmission of CoronavirusApril 26, 2020COVID-19 spreads by air and can be transferred via airborne droplets or ventilation systems even though you may not have had direct contact with the infected person. To lower your chance of airborne transmission, follow these five steps: Increase…
FDA: No Need to Wipe Down Food PackagingApril 25, 2020There is no need for you to wipe down your groceries, according to the FDA, because there’s no evidence that food packaging is associated with the transmission of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Unlike foodborne gastrointestinal or GI…
Second Wave of COVID-19 Could Hit US Next YearApril 25, 2020While talks continue about opening up the country as early as May 1, the CDC is warning that a second wave of the coronavirus could hit again next winter. That means that, in the absence of a successful treatment or vaccine, health officials may…
Antibody Tests Suggest 1 in 5 New Yorkers Have Had COVID-19April 24, 2020Random antibody testing in New York City shows that as many as 2.7 million New Yorkers — 1 in 5 — have probably already had COVID-19. While questions on the reliability of antibody testing have arisen, state health officials said…
BREAKING NEWS — Feds Raid Michigan Medical Center for Offering IV Vitamin C for COVID-19April 23, 2020A Michigan medical center that was offering high-dose, intravenous vitamin C treatments to “frontline employees who are at risk of contracting COVID-19” was raided early Thursday, April 23, 2020, by federal officials dressed in face…
‘Instead of Coronavirus, the Hunger Will Kill Us.’ A Global Food Crisis LoomsApril 22, 2020A global hunger epidemic is spreading through communities that already had little enough to eat, as COVID-19 collapses the world’s economy and shuts down access to food in developing countries on every continent. Most of the coronavirus news…
Are COVID-19 Death Statistics Being Manipulated and Inflated?April 21, 2020“Lies, Damned Lies and Coronavirus Statistics” is a new video from The Corbett Report that shows how the COVID-19 statistics are nothing but “manipulated, phony, hooey.” Methodically, the report explains how health leaders…
Facebook Removing Protests Against QuarantinesApril 20, 2020Facebook announced they’re going to take down anti-stay-at-home posts promoting protests against quarantines in at least three states because they violate the states’ social distancing guidelines. One protest group, in Pennsylvania,…
Bill Gates, ID2020 and Vaccine MicrochipsApril 20, 2020You may have seen where fact-checkers “proved” that billionaire Bill Gates is not pushing microchips that would keep track of your identification and vaccine status but, unfortunately, “fact-checkers” aren’t completely…
April 20, 2020Tennis star Novak Djokovic says he is personally opposed to vaccinations — so much so that he refuses to take a vaccine just to be able to travel. His stance may mean he won’t be on the tennis circuit if it’s reopened later this…
Antibody Test, Seen as Key to Reopening Country, Does Not Yet DeliverApril 20, 2020Across the U.S., businesses and government entities are lining up for coronavirus antibody tests that will assure them it’s safe for them to work. There’s just one problem: Many of the tests are of “frankly dubious quality,”…
BREAKING! New Stanford Study Shows COVID-19 Is 50x More Prevalent and 50x Less Deadly Than Previously BelievedApril 19, 2020A just-released Stanford University antibodies test for coronavirus has found that SARS-CoV-2 is “much more widespread than indicated by the number of confirmed cases.” “These prevalence estimates represent a range between 48,000…
CDC Labs Were Contaminated, Delaying Coronavirus Testing, Officials SayApril 19, 2020Sloppy. Ineffective. Contaminated. The laboratory of America’s highest medical authority — the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — was a despicable mess that caused coronavirus-contaminated test kits to be sent out to…
The Idiocracy Experiment and How It Relates to Our COVID-19 ResponseApril 18, 2020Using two movies — one dystopian, one a historical docudrama — as metaphors of the COVID-19 response, the American Institute for Economic Research aptly calls attention to the “idiocracy” of health and government officials…
New Study Shows COVID-19 Lethality Not Much Different From FluApril 18, 2020Fewer people than originally estimated have died from COVID-19, making the fatality rate about the same as death rates for influenza, according to a Stanford University Medical School study. Mortality estimations dropped when health officials began…
Florida and Texas Easing Some Coronavirus RestrictionsApril 18, 2020Florida and Texas are surging to the forefront of states easing quarantine restrictions, with Florida opening Jacksonville beaches April 17 and Texas opening state parks. In Texas, doctors will also be allowed to reschedule diagnostic tests and some…
Facebook ‘Fact-Checker’ Worked with Wuhan Virus LabApril 17, 2020A researcher who worked with bat coronavirus in the Wuhan Virus Lab is the “fact-checker” censoring Facebook posts on a video about the coronavirus origins. Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson called attention to the conflict of…
PBS Features ‘Blood Sugar Rising’ — An Incredible Documentary on DiabetesApril 17, 2020For a limited time only, PBS is streaming a free documentary on how diabetes numbers are rising, and the serious problems it’s causing. Coincidentally, diabetes is a comorbidity that can increase your chances of contracting and even dying from…
The Elephant in the COVID Hospital RoomApril 17, 2020Two major risks for how sick you get with COVID-19 are obesity and diabetes. Cardiovascular disease is another risk that can put you in a high-risk category for falling ill and even dying from COVID-19. And what is a major factor that causes these…
Wuhan Raises COVID-19 Death Toll Numbers by 50%April 17, 2020After insisting that their coronavirus death toll numbers had flattened out, Wuhan officials suddenly upped the numbers by about 50%, from 1,290 to 3,869. Total cases they saw in the city were raised too, from 325 to a whopping 50,333. Chinese state…
Some European Countries Ending Lockdown. Here’s How They Are Doing ItApril 16, 2020The Czech Republic, Denmark, Austria and Germany have either already loosened up their shutdown rules, or are planning to within the next week. To ease into the reopening, some countries are requiring staggered numbers of people that are allowed in…
Poverty Rate Likely to Reach Highest Levels in Half a CenturyApril 16, 2020So many people are out of work due to the pandemic that not only could unemployment rates reach 30% by the end of the quarter, but the poverty rate could end up being higher than it’s been in a half-century. That would put 15.4% of Americans…
Quickly Approaching Great Depression Levels With Over 22 Million Now UnemployedApril 16, 2020So many people are unemployed since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic that claims in the past four weeks have erased all jobs ever created since the Great Recession. Not only that, the $349 billion lending program for small businesses has run…
Obesity Most Important Predictor for COVID-19 in YoungApril 16, 2020Young people who are obese are particularly at risk for COVID-19 infection and even death from the virus, health officials are finding. This adds new concerns to research that initially pointed only to older individuals with comorbidities of obesity…
Researchers Confirm Disposable N95 Masks Can Be DecontaminatedApril 16, 2020Health professionals may be breathing a sigh of relief, as research shows that it’s possible to decontaminate and reuse disposable N95 masks. Several systems for sterilizing the masks have been approved, but none are applicable to cloth masks….
7 Predictions for a Post-Coronavirus WorldApril 16, 2020Working from home with automated, virtual meetings and telehealth appointments with your doctor may become the “new norm” after the coronavirus pandemic is over. In all, prognosticators say the quick changes people had to make in their…
Trump Vows to Reopen the EconomyApril 16, 2020The U.S. has passed the peak for COVID-19 cases, and it’s time to cautiously reopen parts of the economy, according to U.S. President Donald Trump. Promising to move quickly, Trump hinted that an ease on restrictions could begin before the…
Why We Need Zinc for SARS-CoV-2April 15, 2020Zinc is an essential mineral in your body that supports critical processes and immune function. It also protects your body against oxidative stress, helps with DNA repair and plays a vital role in activating your body’s T cells tasked with…
Trump: Saliva COVID-19 Tests Are Quicker, Safer and FDA-ApprovedApril 15, 2020U.S. President Donald Trump announced that a new coronavirus test just approved by the FDA is quicker, safer and ready to go. Since the test only needs saliva — which can be retrieved by patients themselves in a health care setting — it…
Calls to National Disaster Distress Helpline Jump 891%April 15, 2020Tens of thousands of U.S. citizens, desperate for help in the wake of the coronavirus shutdown, are calling the National Disaster Distress Helpline — an 891% jump over the same time period in 2019. Mental health officials say the hundreds of…
Trump Cuts Off Funding to World Health OrganizationApril 14, 2020U.S. President Donald Trump announced in a COVID-19 Task Force briefing April 14, 2020, that he’s cutting off funding to the World Health Organization. Citing all the time and lives lost because of China’s failure to “obtain, vet…
Pressed for Answers on COVID Timeline, Fauci Blames ‘Pushback’April 14, 2020Under media fire on his inconsistency with COVID-19 issues, Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said it was “clear to him” in January that the disease could become quite serious, but he…
U.S. Food Supply Chain Is Strained as Virus SpreadsApril 14, 2020Empty shelves in grocery stores and shortages of certain foods such as certain meats will not end anytime soon, even when people begin to return to work and put their lives back together. The reasons are many: With the meat industry, for example,…
COVID-19 and Its Accompanying Restrictions Continue to Harm World Food SupplyApril 14, 2020With restaurants closed and education facilities shut down, America’s food supply is teetering on a precipice that goes beyond quarantines, job losses and people falling ill and dying from COVID-19. With no market for their products, meat…
ICU Nurse of 30 Years Tells Why COVID-19 Cases are Grossly Over ReportedApril 13, 2020Emergency room personnel have suddenly shut down comments on what’s going on within hospital walls, but one brave nurse is breaking the silence. First, no one is getting preventative care, the nurse says. “I don’t hear anyone…
White House Wants to Open as Much as Possible in MayApril 13, 2020With the economy rapidly unraveling and nearly 17 million Americans having filed for unemployment the Trump administration is pushing to reopen the country by May 1. However, experts say it’s not only not possible to end the shutdown…
German Study Shows COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate of 0.4 PercentApril 12, 2020A study of 80% of the population in the worst-hit COVID-19 area of Germany shows the case fatality rate is only 0.4%, much lower than “significantly inflated” numbers coming out of the U.S. Researchers noted the high U.S. numbers are a…
Government Shutdown Causes Farmers To Be Told to Quit FarmingApril 11, 2020Farmers across the U.S. are being ordered to stop production NOW, as the government shutdown reaches into the fields and barns of America. While there is less need for milk, meats and vegetables due to restaurants and schools being closed, farmers…
New York Using Only 13% of Predicted Needed Hospital BedsApril 11, 2020New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had predicted New York would need 140,000 hospital beds and 40,000 intensive care units with ventilators for the anticipated pandemic “surge.” But, instead, only 18,500 were in use at week’s end —…
NY Governor Questions Whether a Total Shutdown Was the Right StrategyApril 11, 2020New York’s sweeping, statewide quarantine orders have served as a model for other states, making everyone in the U.S. prisoners in their own homes, with the exception of certain “essential” workers. Now Gov. Andrew Cuomo is…
Why Are Heart Attacks Decreasing in this Pandemic?April 10, 2020The New York Times suggests it’s behavior changes that may be preventing the issues, or people are just suffering and not going to hospital. Another explanation is that healthcare and doctors/medications are causing many of the problems. The…
Volume of Phone Calls Has Surged More than Internet UseApril 10, 2020Phone calls are back. Since coronavirus set in, more people than ever are calling each other. This is a surprise to telecommunications companies, which had braced for increased internet traffic, but not voice calls. Source: The New York Times April…
How Could the Richest Country in the World Run Out of Masks?April 10, 2020The United States is so bereft of masks that health care workers are reusing what they have for several days in a row. One reason for the shortage is that China, which manufactures many of the masks, slowed manufacturing and stopped shipping them to…
Coronavirus Could Plunge Half a Billion People Into PovertyApril 9, 2020The global economic crisis that’s erupted in the wake of massive shutdowns could push a half-billion people into poverty — most of whom are already struggling to live day to day. The dire warning was issued by Oxfam, a conglomerate of 19…
Tracking Down the Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19)April 8, 2020As death tallies from COVID-19 mount around the world, an Epoch Times film asks pointed questions about the origins of the virus. Citing Chinese researchers’ published narratives, the evidence dispels the myth that the disease started with…
Why Did Fauci Say Vitamins C and D Work to Help Your Immune System 4 Years Ago and Denies It Now?April 8, 2020Just four short years ago Dr. Anthony Fauci touted vitamins C and D as good for fighting infections and disease. In fact, he said he supplemented with 1,000 mg of vitamin C, himself, every day. Both work to help your body’s immune system, he…
Connecting the Dots: Glyphosate and COVID-19April 8, 2020Glyphosate, one of the most toxic chemicals in the world, may be the key to why some people get severely ill from COVID-19, an MIT scientist says. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., who’s spent 12 years studying glyphosate’s and other toxic…
The Important Thing Is to Not Be AfraidApril 8, 2020With the world seemingly upside down right now, it’s normal to be scared, but be aware that being scared and afraid are two different things. A scare is temporary; allowing it to morph into fear is paralyzing. Ryan Holiday, author of…
CDC May Loosen Self-Isolation Guidelines — With a CaveatApril 8, 2020You may be able to go back to work soon — if you meet certain guidelines. Vice President Mike Pence plans to formally announce it April 8, but sources told The Associated Press that if you’re asymptomatic, take your temperature twice a…
Why You Want to AVOID CT Scans with COVID-19 and Use Ultrasound InsteadApril 7, 2020CT Scans emit enormous amounts of ionizing radiation, up to 100 times more than a chest-X ray. If you do have to get a CT scan it would be wise to have high ketone levels as they have been shown to reduce the ionizing radiation damage. We will be…
Revised Model Now Predicts SARS-CoV-2 Deaths To Be Less than Half PredictedApril 7, 2020Public health officials now say deaths due to SARS-CoV-2, will be around 81,766 when the final tally is done, much fewer than the 200,000 deaths that Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,…
New Study Points to Vitamin D as Possible Answer to PandemicApril 7, 2020A new study shows that simply supplementing with vitamin D — the “sunshine” vitamin — may be a possible answer to fighting and possibly preventing not only coronavirus, but other respiratory infections, as well. 1 From…
New Study Shows Ivermectin Reduces Replication of SARS-Cov-2April 6, 2020A new study published in the journal Antiviral Research finds that Ivermectin, a common agricultural drug used as a de-wormer for cats, dogs, horses and livestock — achieves a 5000-fold reduction in replication of SARS-CoV-2. Source: Antiviral…
Could a Common Malaria Drug Be the Cure for COVID-19?April 6, 2020A common drug used to fight malaria is being rolled out in New York, with 4,000 patients receiving hydroxychloroquine in rounds of four- or 10-day doses. Also notable is that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is bankrolling a different trial…
Bill Gates Banks on His Own Vaccine for CoronavirusApril 6, 2020If billionaire Bill Gates’ dream for a coronavirus vaccine comes true, it will be ready for you by the end of this year. Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, biotech Inovio will begin injecting volunteers with the vaccine today,…
Lost Sense of Smell, Taste a Warning Sign of CoronavirusApril 6, 2020A New York City nurse who struggled to get tested for COVID-19 worked for about a week while infected. CNN reported the nurse, 44, who worked with patients who had coronavirus, finally tricked her way into getting tested, asking a colleague in ER to…
Will Artificial Intelligence Help Us Out of This Mess?April 5, 2020David Silver leads the deep reinforcement learning group at Deep Mind and is the lead programmer of the team that created Alpha Go and Alpha Zero that defeated the World Go Champion. Lex Fridman teaches artificial intelligence at M.I.T and believes…
Why Molecular Hydrogen Could Prevent Many COVID-19 DeathsApril 4, 2020Molecular hydrogen (H2 gas) has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which make it potentially useful for COVID-19 as explained in this video by Tyler LeBaron.
COVID-19 False Negative Test Results Are a Major ProblemApril 3, 2020As more people are gaining access to COVID-19 tests, doctors say they are encountering a troubling number of “false negatives» — test results that indicate patients aren’t sick, despite clear signs and symptoms of coronavirus…
3 Musts for Pregnant Women During the Coronavirus PandemicApril 3, 2020It’s pretty scary for everyone during this time of COVID-19, and doubly so for moms-to-be. There’s still much to be learned about the coronavirus and how it affects pregnant women, and there is much pregnant moms want to know, including…
New Study Confirms Exercise Is One of the Keys to Build Your Immune System for CoronavirusApril 1, 2020It appears that about 80% of those who died in China and Italy from COVID-19 were over 60-70. But for those who were younger, especially those in NY, it appears that obesity was one of the most common characteristics. This is likely related to…
Chinese Scientists Think Coronavirus ‘Leaked’ From Wuhan LabApril 1, 2020Chinese scientists researching COVID-19 suspect that the coronavirus somehow “leaked” from a Wuhan lab, not from a bat sold in a nearby public seafood market. In February the scientists wrote that even though the “market was…
Could Your Nose Mucous Make You a Super Spreader of COVID-19?April 1, 2020We know that a sneeze or cough can spread coronavirus, but scientists are now wondering if a certain composition of the mucous in your nose might make you a super spreader of coronavirus, even if you have no symptoms. Researchers at the University…
Three Scenarios for How This EndsMarch 31, 2020The question on everyone’s mind is «When will things ever get back to normal?» One of my favorite physician journalists, Dr. James Hamblin and his associate from the Atlantic, Ed Yong, discuss the topic in this article and 24 minute audio. Source:…
Age Isn’t the Only Risk for Getting a Severe Case of COVID-19March 31, 2020If you think you’re too young to get coronavirus — COVID 19 — think again. Age isn’t the only factor in who’s coming down with it; in fact, it may not even mean a thing when it comes to who actually gets infected if you…
Trump Extends Social Distancing Guidelines Through End of AprilMarch 30, 2020In a reversal of what he said only a few days before, U.S. President Donald Trump announced Sunday that the coronavirus social distancing rules must continue through April 30. This includes “nonessential travel, going to work, eating at bars…
Why the US Ran Short of VentilatorsMarch 30, 2020Every time you turn on the news, someone inevitably talks about the acute shortage of ventilators — life-saving machines that pump air into your lungs when you can’t breathe on your own. Ventilators are the last-ditch mechanical means…
Coronavirus ‘Could Have Been Spreading in Humans for Years’March 30, 2020The coronavirus causing COVID-19 now may have been circulating for years, with the possibility that it jumped from animals into humans long before it actually became a life-threatening disease to people, the South China Morning Post reports. The…
Even Homemade Masks Can Help Stop the Spread of SARS-CoV-2March 29, 2020This video discuses the effects of using masks on SARS-CoV-2, the seventh coronavirus known to infect humans.
How Failing to Test Blinded the US to COVID-19March 29, 2020This recent article goes in depth on the early COVID-19 preparation process in the United States and what could have been done differently.
The Four Possible Timelines for Life Returning to NormalMarch 28, 2020There are several different timeline projections for when life will return to normal. Some of them are more optimistic than others as outlined in this recent article .
America’s Corona Tsar, Anthony Fauci, Finally Admits COVID-19 Mortality Rate Similar to Flu at 0.1%March 28, 2020In an editorial published in The New England Journal of Medicine, several doctors including Anthony Fauci indicate that the case fatality rate of COVID-19 virus may be similar to those seen in a severe seasonal influenza. New England Journal…
Is Social Distancing Here to Stay?March 28, 2020It appears that social distancing in one form or another has the potential to be around a lot longer than we think. Learn more here .
COVID-19 Symptom Site: Apple’s Doesn’t Steal Your Privacy Like Google’s DoesMarch 28, 2020Apple has partnered with several groups to create a self diagnosis tool for COVID-19. It does not require any personal information including name or email address and none of your responses will be shared with Apple or the CDC unless you allow…
Flush Your Worries, Not Your Wipes ​March 28, 2020A very popular product of the coronavirus panic-purchasing gang, in addition to toilet paper, is wipes. KPC News reports that the mass sale of wipes has resulted in mass flushing of wipes, which is wreaking havoc on sewer systems everywhere….
Store Throws Out $35,000 in Food After Woman Coughs on ItMarch 27, 2020A Pennsylvania grocery store had to throw away $35,000 in fresh foods, bakery items, meats and other items after a woman purposely went around the store, coughing on them, CNN reports. The woman was later arrested. Police said they didn’t…
Stanford Professor States Fatality Rates At Least 10 Fold Lower Than EstimatesMarch 26, 2020No matter where you look — social media, TV, radio or streaming services — the predictions for deaths due to COVID-19 are dire. If the numbers are correct, then millions upon millions of people are destined to die before the pandemic is…
What to Do if You’re Feeling Emotionally DevastatedMarch 26, 2020In times like this, when jobs are shut down and you’re shut inside your home and feeling shut out from the world, it’s easy to become so emotionally devastated that you consider desperate — and sometimes deadly — ways to deal…
Giving Blood Saves Lives and Betters YoursMarch 26, 2020The coronavirus is creating yet another type of crisis — a shortage of blood donors. MSN reports that the American Red Cross is now facing a severe blood shortage due to an unprecedented number of blood drive cancellations during this…
Trump Wants Coronavirus Shutdown to End by Easter — Will It?March 25, 2020As large swaths of the U.S. move to tighten restrictions on public gatherings, President Trump wants to move in the opposite direction and end the shutdowns by Easter, April 12. Health experts claim the target date is too soon and could cause even…
NY Hospitals Using Vitamin C for Seriously Sick Patients ​March 25, 2020In a move based on reports coming out of China, a pulmonologist in Long Island, New York, is treating intensive care patients with high-dose, intravenous vitamin C. “Each dose is more than 16 times the National Institutes of Health’s…
How to Stay Healthy While Waiting For Covid-19 TestingMarch 25, 2020With tests for the coronavirus still in in short supply, testing is limited to those at highest risk of infection and severe disease: patients who have severe symptoms and those who have had contact with a person known be infected or who recently…
Vaping in the Era of Coronavirus Doubly DangerousMarch 25, 2020Who isn’t stressed in these days of uncertainty? The coronavirus pandemic has everyone worried, which can cause some to reach for a cigarette or vape pen. But Refinery29 says to resist that urge because many doctors and scientists believe that…
How to Protect Your Privacy in a Covid-19 WorldMarch 24, 2020In an electronic world where a GPS can pinpoint your location wherever a satellite beam can reach, Covid-19 has sparked a new threat to your personal privacy. Using smartphone location data, credit card purchases and surveillance camera footage,…
Shelter in Place: How Far Is Too Far?March 24, 2020The news and statistics on coronavirus cases are changing by the day, and people around the world not only are feeling the pinch of shelter-in-place orders, but soon will be severely stricken financially, if they aren’t already. In the wake of…
Espionage and Trade Theft: 3 Charged in China-Related CasesMarch 23, 2020It may sound like a “Mission Impossible” movie plot but, in reality, truth again proves stranger than fiction, with the arrests of two Chinese nationals and a Harvard professor, all charged with espionage, theft of trade secrets and…
Vitamin D for Coronavirus? Former CDC Director Weighs InMarch 23, 2020In these uncertain times when coronavirus is the chief topic of conversation, most people are looking to high-profile health officials for help and answers for both preventing and combating the disease. To that end, former CDC director Dr. Tom…
In a Race Against Time, FDA Approves Covid-19 Fast TestMarch 23, 2020With coronavirus numbers escalating by the day, more and more people are pushing for a faster test that can tell them whether they’re carrying Covid-19. In response, the FDA has just approved the first rapid diagnostic test, CNN reports. This…
Could These Herbs Be the Answer to Coronavirus?March 23, 2020As coronavirus spreads around the world and in the U.S., scientists are exploring the possibility that four common herbs might be the answer to possible prevention or even a cure for the novel virus. According to CyprusMail , in previous experiments…
Coronavirus Reminiscent of SARS and MERSMarch 23, 2020According to an op/ed in the Dallas News , skepticism is a good policy when dealing with unsourced spewing on the internet, especially in light of the mindless conspiracy theories on any number of subjects that get passed around social media as…
Stop! Don’t Touch Your FaceMarch 23, 2020Americans have never been so aware of how much they touch their faces. Since the outbreak of Covid-19, health care professionals are urging people to regularly refrain from touching their face, and yet at the time they are saying this, sometimes…
You Want a Coronavirus Test — Here’s Why Your Doctor Probably Won’t Give You OneMarch 22, 2020Between the mass confusion and different testing rules that vary from hospital to hospital, getting a test for COVID-19 can be quite a challenge. Learn more about why this is so in this article from CNN.
What the Economy Collapse Means For YouMarch 22, 2020This must-watch interview with long time financial expert Gregory Mannarino, touches on the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and what it could mean for you.
Social Distance: Why Can’t I Get Tested?March 22, 2020The United States should be at the forefront of testing for COVID-19. So why is it so far behind? Find out by listening to this recent episode of Social Distance.
Coronavirus Recession Looms, Its Course ‘Unrecognizable’March 22, 2020Economists have little doubt that the United States is heading for a recession. This recent article by the New York Times goes in depth on why this recession is more unrecognizable than any other.
How to Exercise While Confined at HomeMarch 22, 2020The total health, social and economic impact on the global population due to the coronavirus is yet to be determined, but one thing is certain —societal norms have and will continue to change. Between government shutdowns and personal choice,…
Coronavirus – A Useful Virus for the EliteMarch 21, 2020When a pandemic hits, the frenzy it causes allows the elite and powerful quite a few liberties that go unnoticed. Learn what they are by reading here .
How the CDC’s Ineptitude on COVID-19 Testing Program Greatly Contributed to the US EpidemicMarch 21, 2020A recent article by The Atlantic explains what could have been done sooner to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the United States and what actions should be taken moving forward. Read the article here .
The Official Chinese Government Guide to Diagnosing and Treating the Novel CoronavirusMarch 21, 2020A recent article released on Medium conducted a deep dive into the latest diagnosis and treatment protocol for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia as released by the Chinese National Health Commission & State Administration of Traditional Chinese…
11 Ways Pandemics Have Changed the Course of Human HistoryMarch 21, 2020This recent article from Business Insider is an interesting read that reviews past pandemics in human history and the effects they ended up having on civilization over time.
Medical Martial Law 2020March 21, 2020In this video, James Corbett of the Corbett Report discusses the medical impact of martial law in various countries.
Fighting the Ventilator Shortage With 3D PrintingMarch 21, 2020A group of more than 300, including designers, doctors, nurses and engineers, came together with a goal of designing a ventilator with readily available materials that could be created using 3D printing, in an effort to help combat the current…
Why You Don’t Want to Take Aspirin or Motrin for COVID-19March 20, 2020This video helps clear up the confustion regarding the consumption of NSAID medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen in conjunction with COVID-19.
Level 4 Travel Advisory Issued for US CitizensMarch 20, 2020The U.S. State Department announced a Level 4: Do Not Travel advisory on Thursday, urging U.S. citizens to stay home, cancel international trips and return home if they are currently abroad. The advisory is the state department’s most severe…
Important Update on COVID-19 and Vitamin CMarch 20, 2020Dr. Richard Cheng provides an update on hospital treatment of COVID-19 with vitamin C. See the entire update in the video above and learn more about essential nutrition to help protect against coronavirus by reading this recent article .
In 99% of Virus Deaths in Italy, Patients Had Other IllnessesMarch 20, 2020This past week, coronavirus deaths in Italy spiked 150%, surpassing 3,400. With more than 41,000 cases of COVID-19 affecting the country’s citizens, the Italian government is considering extending the nationwide lockdown through April….
Coronavirus Myth: Young People Are ‘Immune’ and Not at RiskMarch 20, 2020If you have social media, chances are you’ve been reading conflicting information about the coronavirus . You may have even heard false «facts» about the virus on TV or radio stations. As the virus continues to spread, it’s important to…
Are Dangerous Toxins Lurking Inside Your Home?March 20, 2020The coronavirus crisis has people stocking up on many things, including bleach and cleaners. However, many don’t realize that bleach and cleaners must be used with extreme caution. According to The Kitchn , bleach should never be mixed with…
Drive-Through Testing Sites Open Across Nation for COVID-19March 19, 2020Drive-through testing sites continue to open across the country in an effort to test more people and help stop the spread of the coronavirus . In Houston , a local, private clinic called My Family Doctor, is working with insurance companies to offer…
Bidet Sales Increase While the Public Hoards Toilet PaperMarch 18, 2020As the coronavirus continues to spread, stores are putting up signs limiting toilet paper purchases to avoid having customers buy in bulk and empty their supply. However, many store shelves have already been cleared, leaving some to turn to an…
Bars and Restaurants Are Being Closed to Stop COVID-19 From SpreadingMarch 17, 2020As the coronavirus continues to spread across the United States, governors in California, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Ohio and Washington have closed bars, wineries and restaurants in an effort to stop the virus from infecting more people….
Coronavirus Can Live on Surfaces for 3 Days, in Air for 3 HoursMarch 16, 2020According to tests run by the United States government, the coronavirus can live on some surfaces for up to three days, and it can linger in the air for several hours. The virus can be spread in several ways: through the air, by touching things that…
Are You ‘Sugaring Up’ Junior and His Team?March 15, 2020As a parent, you’ve probably had your share of supplying the postgame treats. Was it chips or maybe some cupcakes and Capri Sun beverages? If so, any health benefits the kids derived from their sporting exercise were instantly negated….
Baby Boomers Going to PotMarch 14, 2020Is it your imagination or are Grandma and Grandpa more relaxed, healthier and sleeping better than you are? Could it have anything to do with that candy dish full of “special” gummy bears on Senior Bingo Night? It could, considering the…
Coca-Cola Worries About Artificial Sweetener ShortageMarch 13, 2020Last week, Coca-Cola disclosed in its annual report that its supply chain had been disrupted, due to the coronavirus. Many of the artificial sweeteners the company uses in its diet and zero-sugar drinks come from a supplier in China, and the spread…
Boost Brain Power With Healthy LifestyleMarch 13, 2020Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the first line of defense when protecting your brain, according to MSN . The report offered six tips for optimizing brain power, including spending time with loved ones, eating healthier food, considering taking…
U.S. Way Behind in Coronavirus TestingMarch 12, 2020According to an investigation by The Atlantic , only 4,384 people had been tested for the coronavirus across the United States, as of Monday at 4pm eastern time. The low testing numbers may mean that the number of infected Americans may actually be…
Air Pollution Pandemic Cutting Life ExpectancyMarch 12, 2020Everywhere you turn, there’s news on the coronavirus pandemic, but very little has been publicized about another potential threat to mankind — the air pollution pandemic. A new international study points out that air pollution has…
Thousands of Gallons of Fuel Are Being Burned While Planes Fly EmptyMarch 11, 2020Due to aviation rules in Europe that state airlines operating out of the continent risk losing their business to competitors if they don’t continue to run 80% of their allocated slots, thousands of gallons of fuel have been wasted while planes…
Hair Loss: Causes and Treatment StrategiesMarch 11, 2020Regardless of your age and health, hair loss can be an embarrassing, emotional and psychologically damaging ordeal that can affect your mood, self-esteem and relationships. In many cases, hair loss has genetic ties, but that is just one of the…
Researchers Are Looking for Volunteers to Be Infected With the CoronavirusMarch 10, 2020Would you let researchers deliberately infect you with the coronavirus, in exchange for about $4,500? That’s what researchers in the United Kingdom are offering, along with two weeks in a secure London facility, complete with a flat-screen TV,…
Caffeine Boosts Problem-Solving, But Not Brain-StormingMarch 10, 2020If you’re feeling uninspired, or you have a bad case of writer’s block, reaching for a cup of Joe might not actually be productive. While coffee may give you an energy boost and even help sharpen your problem-solving skills, researchers…
What Happens When You Sneeze?March 9, 2020Maybe your sneeze comes across as a dainty barely-there “ah-choo!” or maybe you sound like a stampede of angry elephants. Whatever your style, just know that everybody sneezes. MSN reports that from babies to the elderly to our beloved…
What’s Quietly Added to the Food You Eat?March 9, 2020Burger King garnered a lot of attention after running an ad showing a moldy, disgusting-looking Whopper to promote the fact that the company will eliminate artificial colors, flavors and preservatives from its signature sandwich, according to MSN ….
The 5 Worst Things to Eat Before BedtimeMarch 8, 2020Don’t you just hate when the late-night munchies strike? When you can’t sleep and you have the urge to call a pizza delivery service for the cheesy pepperoni special? Hold up — those late night snacks will cause chaos in your gut…
Low Folate Levels in Arthritis Patients May Raise Heart RisksMarch 8, 2020The B9 vitamin, folate, is perhaps most widely known for its benefit to pregnant women, but it also plays a role in preventing cognitive decline and reducing stroke risk, and according to a recent study , low levels may be linked to heart risks in…
Your First Line of Defense Against Coronavirus and Other PathogensMarch 7, 2020No, it’s not a face mask, and it’s not hand sanitizer. Washing your hands properly is certainly an important part of reducing your exposure to disease-causing germs, but your first line of defense against the coronavirus and other…
The Joy of AshwagandhaMarch 7, 2020Sex is important. Being sexually active is associated with an array of physical, mental, emotional, social and intellectual benefits, according to MSN . It can lower your blood pressure, make you stronger, burn calories and improve your immune…
This Supplement Could Help Lower Your Risk of Heart DiseaseMarch 6, 2020According to a recent study published in The BMJ, supplementing with fish oil on a regular basis may help reduce your risk of events related to cardiovascular disease, such as a heart attack and stroke, and therefore, reduce your risk of death. To…
Scorpion Venom for Arthritis Pain?March 6, 2020Of all the unlikely places to find a potential treatment for arthritis pain, researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle have identified a mini-protein in scorpion venom that they hope will be able to mirror animal studies…
Birthweight is Declining — Are C-Sections to Blame?March 5, 2020Birthweight for babies born in the United States has been declining for about three decades, and scientists at the University of Colorado Boulder set out to discover why. To conduct the study , the researchers examined more than 23 million birth…
Unlikely Activity Improves Symptoms in Parkinson’s PatientsMarch 5, 2020Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder in which neurons and dopamine-producing cells in your brain begin to die. Symptoms progress over time and include tremors, slow movements, rigid limbs, shuffling gait, stooped posture and an inability…
Are you Washing Your Hands Correctly?March 4, 2020Even if you think you don’t need it, you’re probably due for a refresher when it comes to the art of proper hand washing. Simply rinsing your hands with water, or giving them a quick scrub with soap, is not enough. While a robust immune…
Is Being Tired During the Day a Cause for Concern?March 4, 2020A number of things can contribute to daytime drowsiness, including a late night, stress, dehydration or an unhealthy diet. But if you’re excessively tired during the day, you could be dealing with something a little more serious, like chronic…
Kidney Stones: Risk Factors and PreventionMarch 3, 2020Kidney stones have become more prevalent than ever, with more than half a million people visiting emergency rooms each year due to kidney stone problems. If you’ve ever suffered from a kidney stone, the pain is something you will likely not forget….
Is Stress Making You Sick?March 3, 2020Can stress lead to tummy troubles? Yes. Can stress make it harder for you to kick a cold? Yes. Your stress really could be making you sick. Stress often starts in your head with a worry or a fear, but those feelings of anxiety , and perhaps even…
Purell Claims Hand Sanitizer Can Prevent VirusesMarch 2, 2020GOJO Industries, the maker of Purell, is facing a class action lawsuit filed by consumers who say the company misled them to believe that Purell hand sanitizer could prevent viruses, including the flu. According to the complaint, filed in the U.S….
Cardiac Muscles in Flies May Be Key to Longevity in HumansMarch 2, 2020If you were intrigued enough by the title to open this blog, you’re probably thinking, “what?” Most people don’t hold flies in a very high regard. But according to researchers at Iowa State University, a study conducted on…
Start Walking, Try Grounding and Get Healthy All at OnceMarch 1, 2020For several years, we’ve all heard the benefits of walking 10,000 steps a day, including losing or maintaining weight. New U.S. research has found that although walking more may decrease your sedentary time, it doesn’t actually prevent weight…
Healthy Alternatives to Cooking OilsFebruary 29, 2020Hopefully, you’re aware that hydrogenated vegetables oils should be avoided. Canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil and cottonseed oil are all manufactured by forcing hydrogen into the ingredients to increase their shelf life. As a result, the…
​Study Shows Babies Can Accurately Mimic Tunes of SongsFebruary 28, 2020Research has shown that babies learn to speak by mimicking the words they hear from the people around them. Reading to children aloud from an early age can activate brain areas linked to visual imagery, and understanding the meaning of language….
Have You Tried This to Help Manage Your Pain?February 28, 2020In a recent study published in the journal Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, researchers from Yale, Dartmouth and Columbia examined the effects mindfulness can have on both physical and emotional pain. Defined as “ a mental state…
Nature Makes Kids HappierFebruary 27, 2020Want to genuinely increase your child’s happiness, without the use of new toys and electronics? Take them outside. According to a study published in Frontiers of Psychology, children who feel connected to nature are overall happier human…
Get Dr. Mercola’s New Book: EMF*D!February 27, 2020You can’t see it, and you may not be able to feel it, but you’re surrounded by electronic pollution, and it’s wrecking your health. The electromagnetic frequencies emitted from your Wi-Fi router, computer, smart phone, home…
Can Sitting Make You Sick?February 27, 2020It’s true. Too much sitting not only can make you sick, but has been linked to a higher risk of heart disease, cancer, depression, diabetes and obesity. Many offices now offer the option of standing desks, but what about universities where…
New Orleans’ Mardi Gras Celebration Creates a Plastic ProblemFebruary 26, 2020When you think Mardi Gras, what immediately comes to mind? For many, “beads” would probably be the answer. If you’ve ever been to a Mardi Gras celebration, or have seen photos from one, you surely noticed all of the plastic bead…
USDA Ban on Brazilian Raw Intact Beef Has Been LiftedFebruary 26, 2020On June 22, 2017, the United States suspended imports of fresh beef from Brazil, the fifth largest beef exporter to the U.S. Brazil’s Federal Police conducted a two-year investigation into the country’s beef industry, and according to investigators,…
10 Natural Remedies for a Sore ThroatFebruary 25, 2020A sore throat is often one of the first signs that you’re coming down with a cold. Swallowing, eating and even talking can become painful if your sore throat isn’t addressed. There are many natural remedies that can not only take the…
Pregnant Mom’s Fave Foods May Also Become Baby’sFebruary 25, 2020A child’s sense of taste and smell is developed in utero, and new research suggests that a baby’s exposure to certain flavors in the womb — through the mother’s eating habits — could predetermine what that child enjoys…
To Live Longer, Get Up and Get MovingFebruary 24, 2020Want to live longer? Try exercising smarter. It is not aging that causes a decline in fitness, but a decline in fitness that causes aging, according to Pocket. The story points out that instead of slowing down on physical fitness with middle age,…
The A to ZZzzzs of Sleepwalking and Other Sleep DisordersFebruary 24, 2020If you’ve ever encountered a family member who was walking in their sleep, it may have spooked you a little bit. Or maybe a lot. Sleepwalking is an unsettling sleep disorder, according to MSN, both for people who have it and those who have…
Where Have all the Insects Gone?February 23, 2020Bumblebees, butterflies and other insects are vanishing right before our very eyes. Bumblebees play a key role in pollinating crops such as tomatoes, squash and berries, but are in drastic decline across Europe and North America due to hotter and…
Are You Eating Real Eggs or Fake Eggs?February 23, 2020Who can keep up? One day eggs are good for you and the next day they’re bad. What’s an egg lover to do? Whether eggs are good or bad for your heart health may be solved, after a team of researchers concluded that about one egg a day is…
It Turns Out “Happy Wife, Happy Life” is TrueFebruary 22, 2020You’ve heard the saying “happy wife, happy life,” but did you know it’s been scientifically proven to ring true? Researchers at Michigan State University followed 4,500 heterosexual couples for up to eight years to collect…
Are You Snoring Because Your Tongue is Fat?February 22, 2020Snoring and sleep apnea have been linked to obesity, and losing weight often helps reduce snoring. But what if your snoring isn’t caused by being overweight, but by having a large tongue? Believe it or not, researchers say it’s a…
Here’s What Your Urine Can Tell You About Your HealthFebruary 21, 2020Urine is 95% water and 5% urea, uric acid , minerals, salts, enzymes, and various substances that would cause problems if allowed to accumulate in your body. Normal urine is clear and has a straw yellow color, caused by a bile pigment called…
Infant Formula Often Contains More Sugar Than SodaFebruary 21, 2020The fact that soda wreaks havoc on your health is no secret. It’s loaded with sugar, and it has played a role in the growing obesity epidemic for decades. You may know to keep soda away from your child, but did you know that infant formula may…
Less Than 5% of Pregnant Women Have Good Heart HealthFebruary 20, 2020According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, the majority of pregnant women have serious heart health risks while pregnant. The first of its kind to examine the cardiovascular health of pregnant women in…
The Many Health Benefits of an Epsom Salt BathFebruary 20, 2020A warm bath is often just what you need after a long day — especially if your muscles are sore or feeling tight from a workout. If you want a side of health benefits with your next bath to help you relax and recharge, try adding a scoop of…
Your Commute to Work Could Help You Live LongerFebruary 19, 2020How do you get to work? Do you walk, drive a car, take a bus, hop on a subway or ride a bike? According to researchers, one of these methods of commuting could actually help you live longer. Researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand…
Cocoa’s Potential Role in Peripheral Artery DiseaseFebruary 19, 2020Peripheral artery disease, caused by atherosclerosis, is a condition in which the peripheral arteries serving the legs, stomach, arms and head narrow, causing symptoms such as cramping, pain or tiredness in the legs or hip muscles. In most cases,…
Tamiflu is Not Safe for ChildrenFebruary 18, 2020Reports of children experiencing extreme side effects after taking Tamiflu have been surfacing in recent years. With flu season in full swing, parents are coming forward about odd and terrifying behaviors caused by the drug. In January 2020, an…
Have You Tried Golden Milk?February 18, 2020If you’re unfamiliar, golden milk may sound daunting. But this anti-inflammatory drink isn’t actually milk at all — at least not in the dairy sense. Golden milk is a combination of turmeric and coconut milk and/or coconut oil,…
Eating Out Is Harmful to Your HealthFebruary 17, 2020In today’s fast-paced world, it’s sometimes more convenient to eat out than prepare meals, but while it may be much easier, it’s much worse for your overall health. Half the food on the menu at a full service restaurant is…
Antibiotic-Resistant Genes Lurking in DustFebruary 17, 2020In every home, no matter how fastidiously you dust or vacuum, there’s dust, which is bad enough, but now there’s more. Study Finds reported on a new study at Northwestern University which found that the bacteria in household dust can…
Pregnant Women Should Steer Clear of Low-Calorie SweetenersFebruary 16, 2020Touted as a healthier alternative to sugar, low-calorie sweeteners are anything but. Studies have linked aspartame, sucralose, saccharin and other artificial sweeteners to health risks including destruction of gut bacteria, decreased red blood cells…
Skeletons and Huggers and Melons — Oh My!February 16, 2020Popular Science revealed some fascinating fun facts about the human skeleton, including: You start off as an infant with 300 bones, but after you’re done growing and your bones are done fusing, your adult skeleton will have only 206 bones. The…
Corteva Will Stop Producing Neurotoxic PesticideFebruary 15, 2020Corteva, the world’s largest manufacturer of toxic pesticide chlorpyrifos , announced it will stop producing the chemical by the time 2020 comes to a close. Chlorpyrifos, used as an agricultural pesticide on corn, soybeans, almonds, cotton,…
Device Keeps Organs Alive for 24 Hours to Save More LivesFebruary 15, 2020Up until now, a donated heart had to be transplanted within six hours of donation in order for it to function in another human being. But a new device has changed that, and the result could be thousands of lives saved. Called ULiSSES, the device was…
5 Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy and HappyFebruary 14, 2020Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether you celebrate or not, today is a good reminder to take care of your heart, so it can take care of you. Here are five simple ways to keep your heart healthy and happy : Exercise Aim to honor your body with…
Company Behind Popular Ice Cream Brands Will Stop Advertising to KidsFebruary 14, 2020Unilever, a consumer packaged goods giant whose clients include Klondike and Ben & Jerry’s, announced Wednesday that it will no longer target children in ads for food and beverages. The company’s decision to update food and beverage…
Basics of a Ketogenic Diet to Help Get You StartedFebruary 13, 2020You’ve heard about the ketogenic diet, but how much do you really know about it? The standard American diet is full of excessive protein, processed grains, carbohydrates and refined, added sugars. Indulging in this type of diet leads to…
Is Eating Tofu Worse for the Planet Than Eating Meat?February 13, 2020You’ve probably heard that becoming a vegan is the single most important thing you can do for the planet. But is it true? According to Dr. Graham McAuliffe of the Rothamsted Institute, it’s not if you eat tofu. Dr. McAuliffe, who…
Concussions are Never Minor ​February 12, 2020There is no such thing as a minor concussion. Any type of head injury should be followed by a medical examination to check for concussion, according to MSN . A bump, blow or jolt to the head or a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to…
Feeling Anxious? It Could Be Linked to ThisFebruary 12, 2020As the most common mental illness in the United States, anxiety disorders affect around 40 million American adults. Meanwhile, one-third of U.S. adults usually do not get enough sleep — a factor that can make mental health, including anxiety,…
​Top Symptoms of Prostate CancerFebruary 11, 2020One of the most common types of cancer to affect men is prostate cancer and, for the first time, it has overtaken the number of cases of breast cancer in England, according to the International Business Times . While the exact cause is not known,…
4 Common Stomach Problems and How to Treat ThemFebruary 11, 2020If you are one of the millions who often suffer stomach pain after eating and have yet to figure out the reason, you’re not alone. Many people fear the worst, but stomach pain after eating can be as a result of easily-fixable issues, as well…
Toxic Byproducts Created by Adding Chlorine to Water, FoodFebruary 10, 2020Most people know there’s chlorine in a swimming pool because you can usually smell it, but this very well-known carcinogen is also in your drinking water and some of the foods you eat. In the U.S., chlorine is used as a method of disinfecting…
7 Scary and Harmful Additives in Your FoodFebruary 10, 2020Do you know what’s in your food? The flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate, or MSG, has been added to many foods since 1908, and McDonald’s has added MSG to its new chicken sandwiches, even though many health experts continue to suggest…
Are You a Back, Stomach or Side Sleeper?February 9, 2020The way you sleep is telling of any health issues or sleeping disorders you may or may not have. MSN profiled a recent study from Stony Brook University that examined how sleep position can affect the brain and found that side sleeping may be the…
10 Foods to Help Combat Fatty LiverFebruary 9, 2020According to the National Institutes of Health, fatty liver is the most common liver disease in the world, affecting as much as 40% of the United States population. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD, often progresses to other serious…
Heart Attack vs. Panic Attack — How to Tell the DifferenceFebruary 8, 2020Shortness of breath, sudden dizziness, chest pain or discomfort — these can all be signs of a heart attack, or a panic attack. Deciphering between the two can be tricky, especially in a moment of panic. But being able to accurately determine…
How Caregivers Can Cope With StressFebruary 8, 2020The condition “caregiver syndrome” is a real thing. Most Americans say, if given a choice, they would prefer to die at home. The health care system is also moving in that direction and the home is now the most common place of death,…
Accelerates Brain Aging by One Week per SessionFebruary 7, 2020It’s no secret that alcohol is bad for you, but many continue to drink it anyway. In fact, substance abuse — including alcohol abuse — is skyrocketing in the United States. According to the CDC, alcohol kills six people every day….
The Health Risks of Living in IsolationFebruary 7, 2020While you’ve (hopefully) never experienced it first hand, you’ve likely seen television shows and movies depicting what it’s like to be in solitary confinement — completely isolated from the world with nothing to do to help…
Can Your Alarm Tone Affect Your Energy Level?February 6, 2020Do you rely on an alarm to wake you up in the morning? If so, what does it sound like? Some alarms beep or buzz, while others might sing you a song to help pull you out of your slumber. According to a recent study , your alarm tone matters. If…
The Perfect Snack for Healthy Gut Bacteria & a Healthy HeartFebruary 6, 2020The next time you’re searching for a healthy snack, consider walnuts. Raw, organic nuts are a great source of healthy fat, vitamins, antioxidants , and fiber. And according to a recent study , munching on walnuts can help promote a healthy gut…
53% of These Prescriptions Exceed Pain Management GuidelinesFebruary 5, 2020Have you ever received an opioid prescription following dental work? According to a recent study , more than 50% of the opioid prescriptions written by U.S. dentists exceed the federal dental pain management guidelines, which recommends a three-day…
FDA Will Examine Asbestos Testing for the First Time Since 1971February 5, 2020After finding asbestos in multiple talc powders and cosmetics, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will take a closer look at asbestos testing for talc powders, in a hearing set for Tuesday, February 4 th . Consumer advocates and U.S. lawmakers…
Why We Grieve for People We Don’t KnowFebruary 4, 2020The sudden death of Kobe Bryant and his 13-year-old daughter left many in a confused and profound state of grief, even though they did not know them personally. This type of grief happens because the celebrity was someone you admired, was…
What Happens to Your Body When You Eat an Avocado?February 4, 2020When you bite into an avocado, a plethora of good things start happening in your body, which is exactly why it’s called a superfruit. According to The List , eating avocados on a regular basis helps battle against aging because of the…
Dangerous Radiation Is all Around YouFebruary 3, 2020Doctors, dentists and radiologists are often quick to tell patients that low-doses of radiation from X-rays are safe, but a new study has raised some questions that, so far, have no answers. Study Finds reported that researchers from Erasmus…
Are You Breaking Out After Working Out? ​February 3, 2020The good: You’re working out. The bad: You’re breaking out. The ugly: Acne scars. Street Insider reports that while a physical workout can improve your health and mood, many find that all that sweating causes their skin to break out more…
This Common Bacteria May Soon Be Resistant to AntibioticsFebruary 2, 2020It’s no secret that antibiotic resistance is a major threat to human health, and the problem keeps getting bigger. According to a research team at Houston Methodist Hospital, a bacteria responsible for several illnesses — including strep…
Lower Cholesterol with Healthy Diet, Lifestyle ​February 2, 2020Everyone seems to know someone who has high cholesterol, and the feedback on what’s best for treating high cholesterol can be contradictory and confusing. But a new study profiled in Business Insider shows the best way to lower cholesterol is…
Super Bowl 2020 Will Have 5G in StadiumFebruary 1, 2020Verizon’s Super Bowl ads this year will highlight new 5G technology , which will be available for the 65,000 fans who will be attending the game on February 2 nd . The company plans to specifically highlight the impact that 5G will have for…
Magnesium: A Cornerstone Mineral for HealthFebruary 1, 2020Magnesium plays a vital role in the body , and chances are, you’re not getting enough. An estimated 48% of Americans do not get sufficient magnesium from their diet, and that number is even higher among diabetics and postmenopausal women with…
Could This Immune Discovery Treat All Types of Cancer?January 31, 2020A team of scientists at Cardiff University say they may have discovered a way to kill breast, lung and prostate cancer, in addition to other types of cancer, thanks to a newly-discovered part of the immune system. While looking for new ways the…
U.S. Life Expectancy Increases, Still Lags Behind Other CountriesJanuary 31, 2020According to the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, life expectancy in the U.S. has increased for the first time since 2014. The report explains that children born in 2018 are expected to live 78.7 years on average, compared to those…
Health Tech Company Admits to Taking Kickbacks from Big PharmaJanuary 30, 2020A health tech start-up company out of Silicon Valley agreed to pay $145 million in fines after admitting to working with a pharmaceutical company to drive opioid prescriptions. The company, called Practice Fusion, developed an electronic medical…
These Bandages Can Sense and Treat Bacterial InfectionsJanuary 30, 2020The World Health Organization named antibiotic resistance one of the biggest global health threats in today’s world. A group of researchers set out to help stop the spread of antibiotic-resistant microbes and improve patient recovery from…
Study Finds Possible Cause of Lower Back PainJanuary 29, 2020Millions of Americans suffer from lower back pain, and many have no idea what’s causing it. According to researchers from Johns Hopkins, “Swiss cheese bones” may be to blame. The researchers hypothesized that over time, the tissues…
Vitamin D Linked to Healthier Hearts in ChildrenJanuary 29, 2020According to a recent study out of UPMC Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh, supplementing with vitamin D can improve heart health in children. To conduct the study, researchers monitored 225 children ages 10 to 18 who were deficient in vitamin…
Study Shows Wearing a Hearing Aid Could Help Protect Brain HealthJanuary 28, 2020Nearly 20% of Americans, or 48 million people, report having some degree of hearing loss. After age 65, that percentage continues to rise. In adults, the most common causes of hearing loss are noise pollution and aging. As you get older, changes…
Don’t Wait for a Machine — Take Care of Your Liver NowJanuary 27, 2020Your liver is a vital organ that you can’t live without. It weighs about 3 pounds, filters all of your blood each day, and when healthy is the only organ capable of regenerating. In addition, the liver performs nearly 500 functions, including…
Lyme Disease Strikes Justin BieberJanuary 27, 2020After Justin Bieber recently announced that he has been suffering from Lyme disease and had been trolled by fans over his appearance, it brought a lot of attention to this debilitating and widespread disease, according to Business Insider ….
This is Why Stress Turns Your Hair GrayJanuary 26, 2020Whether you view it as a sign of aging or a sign of wisdom, gray hair is inevitable for most people. For some, it happens at a much earlier age than for others. Some of the most common reasons for premature graying include stress, a medical…
Research Shows Hot Flashes Affect MemoryJanuary 26, 2020While not inherently dangerous to a woman’s health, hot flashes can be an extremely uncomfortable part of menopause. They affect up to 75% of women, and can end up interfering with quality of life, especially if they occur frequently. As their…
Top Strategies for Eczema ReliefJanuary 25, 2020If your skin is frequently itchy with thick red, scaly patches or small bumps that may leak fluid and crust over when scratched, it’s likely eczema , not just dry skin. Atopic dermatitis, a type of eczema , is more than just a skin condition….
1 in 5 Adults Have Seen a Doctor for ExhaustionJanuary 24, 2020A survey of 2,000 British adults shed some light on just how tired people really are, and how it’s affecting their day-to-day activities and responsibilities. Many of those surveyed said they frequently avoid daily tasks such as socializing,…
Researchers Identify Possible Parkinson’s TreatmentJanuary 24, 2020Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder in which neurons and dopamine-producing cells in your brain begin to die. Symptoms progress over time and include tremors, slow movements, rigid limbs, shuffling gait, stooped posture and an inability…
Company on Shark Tank Aims to Reduce Child AllergiesJanuary 23, 2020While nuts generally receive top marks for being a healthy addition to your diet, there are a few factors to consider. Peanuts — which despite the name are not actually a nut but a legume — are among the most allergenic of foods. In 1999…
Could Cannabis Help Combat Hospital Superbugs?January 23, 2020According to the CDC’s 2019 Antibiotic Resistance Threats Report, 3 million people are infected by superbugs, or drug-resistant bacteria, every year. That means, on average, someone in the United States is infected every 11 seconds, and every…
This Deficiency Can Show Up in Your Mouth and EyesJanuary 22, 2020If you pay close enough attention, your body will let you know when something’s amiss. Case in point: symptoms of a vitamin deficiency. Vitamin B12 is vital for many functions throughout your body. It produces adrenal hormones, metabolizes…
This Oil Causes Genetic Changes in the BrainJanuary 22, 2020Prior to 1900, cooking was done with lard and butter, and the processed foods that are now primary sources of soybean oil (and other soy ingredients) were nonexistent. In the 1950s, saturated fats were condemned for raising cholesterol and causing…
12 Drugless Ways to Avoid Getting the Flu ​January 21, 2020An Oregon mother found out firsthand the potentially severe side effects of the flu medicine, Tamiflu, and now wants to warn others, her local station KKTV 11 reported. When her son got sick, Sarah Wells took him to the doctor, where he was…
Dry January Proves Advantages of SobrietyJanuary 21, 2020Early year sobriety is a “thing.” Dry January started in the United Kingdom in 2013, and has spread to the U.S., where 1 in 5 Americans agreed to give up alcohol this month. WebMD reported that Joy Manning, 42, of Philadelphia, gave up…
Curcumin: The Super Spice With Super PowersJanuary 20, 2020Curcumin, also known as turmeric, has gained worldwide attention for its biological properties as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral agent and most importantly, potential anticancer properties, as recently reported by…
Coffee Drinkers May Have Lower Risk of Alzheimer’sJanuary 20, 2020If your heart doesn’t start beating until you jump-start it with a cup of morning joe, it’s not all bad — it turns out you could be lowering your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, according to The Mirror . It seems that…
On Earth or Mars, Brain Health Is EssentialJanuary 19, 2020NASA says it will have Americans living on Mars by the 2030s. Wow. A typical round trip is between three and six months and crews will be expected to stay on Mars for up to two years before returning to Earth, according to The Next Web . Those…
Kind Acts Kill PainJanuary 19, 2020“Kill them with kindness,” as the old saying goes, but now scientists have proof that you can actually kill pain with kindness. Peking University scientists in Beijing found kind acts to be a painkiller, according to a report on Yahoo…
Cancer Deaths Decline Thanks to More Effective TreatmentsJanuary 18, 2020The number of Americans dying of cancer is declining. According to the American Cancer Society and as reported by NPR , cancer death rates in the U.S. took their sharpest drop on record — 2.2% — between 2016 and 2017. The death rates…
Live Longer by Running for the Finish LineJanuary 18, 2020Ever thought of running a marathon? It’s a lofty goal, but scientists have discovered it’s much more than that. It turns out that running your first marathon can do miraculous things for your health. StudyFinds reported that researchers…
Alcohol-Related Deaths DoubleJanuary 17, 2020Americans love their alcohol — sometimes to death. Alcohol-related deaths have doubled in the U.S. in the last two decades, and that number is thought to be undercounted, since death certificates often fail to capture the role alcohol plays in…
7 Immune-Boosting Foods to Help Fight the FluJanuary 17, 2020Peak flu season is here, and it’s important to keep your immune system strong and robust in order to avoid getting sick. There are plenty of natural strategies to help protect yourself from all of the viruses and bacterial infections going…
Reduced Fat Milk Has a Greater Link to Childhood ObesityJanuary 16, 2020According to the American dietary guidelines, a healthy diet consists of “fat-free or low fat dairy, including milk, yogurt, cheese, and/or fortified soy beverages.” But a growing body of research suggests that choosing low-fat milk over…
FDA Approving Drugs at a Record RateJanuary 16, 2020The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has been approving new prescription drugs quicker than ever over the past few decades, but a recent study suggests there’s a major problem with the process. According to the study, published in JAMA,…
Researchers Claim This Can Predict Sudden Death and IllnessJanuary 15, 2020The occurrence of a sudden death or an unexpected diagnosis can send patients, friends and family members spinning. But what if there was a way to predict an impending death or illness, before it took hold? While you may not be able to change the…
6 Tips to Avoid Sickness at the GymJanuary 15, 2020Ah, January — time for those pesky New Year’s resolutions. And, not surprisingly, gyms across America see an upswing in gym memberships after the first of the year. However, as reported by Livestong , the gym is not always the cleanest…
Is the Average Human Body Temperature Still 98.6?January 14, 2020If you’ve ever taken your temperature, or your child’s temperature, at home, chances are you’re expecting 98.6 to show up on the thermometer, unless there’s a fever at play. A temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37…
DNA Testing Company Develops Drug Using Customer DataJanuary 14, 2020You’ve probably seen ads and commercials for DNA testing companies — they’ve spiked in popularity over the past few years by successfully convincing customers to sign up and learn more about their ancestry. Some, like 23andMe, also…
10 Healthy Snacks to Replace Junk Food SnacksJanuary 13, 2020Americans love to snack. StudyFinds reported that Moonstruck Chocolate conducted a survey of 2,000 Americans and estimated that their lifetime cost of snacks alone was an average of nearly $30,000. That cost is based on an average weekly snack cost…
Addictions Are Deadly Serious, but Are More Drugs the Answer?January 12, 2020A Kentucky-based research team is close to creating a drug that will allow meth addicts to pop a pill for recovery, Freethink reports. Almost 21 million Americans have at least one addiction. Deaths from drug overdoses have tripled since 1990,…
A Simple Remedy for Health and HappinessJanuary 12, 2020When’s the last time you’ve gotten, or given, a hug? Hugging may be one of the simplest things you can do for your health and happiness. Here are some of the benefits hugging offers : • Hugging is good for your heart — Studies…
15-Year-Old Youngest Patient to Die From VapingJanuary 11, 2020As of January 7, a total of 2,602 people across the country have been hospitalized for lung injuries linked to vaping. Vaping-related injuries have also claimed 57 lives, including the life of a 15-year-old from Dallas, on New Year’s Eve….
Is Zucchini at Risk of Going Extinct?January 11, 2020According to a recent study published in the journal Plants, People, Planet, 13 different vegetable species have a moderate risk of becoming extinct, if action isn’t taken. When researchers studied 16 wild relatives of the gourd family,…
Sleep Apnea: Types, Symptoms and Possible SolutionsJanuary 10, 2020It’s estimated that 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea , and up to 80% of moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnea causes go undiagnosed. When left untreated, sleep apnea can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart failure…
Kids Are Twice as Likely to Eat Healthy After Doing ThisJanuary 9, 2020Research has shown many adverse health effects for children who spend an excessive amount of time in front of the television. One study found that kids with TVs in their bedrooms, and those exposed to more background TV, had a lower comprehension of…
Stressed at Work? Try ThisJanuary 9, 2020Work can be stressful ― there’s no doubt about it. But finding healthy ways to manage your stress can help mitigate the negative effects it can have on your body and mind. Something as simple as decorating your desk at work can help boost your…
Fathers’ Sperm May Predict AutismJanuary 8, 2020Disease-causing mutations found in a father’s sperm could predict the risk of autism in children, according to a report on Media Entertainment Arts Worldwide . A team of scientists and researchers from the University of California San Diego…
Vitamin D Again Lauded; This Time for Preventing InfectionJanuary 8, 2020The health benefits of vitamin D are once again making headlines. Oregon State University researchers studying vitamin D’s role in infection prevention have found that vitamin D dramatically reduces the number of disease-causing bacteria in…
The Very Unappetizing Truth About McDonald’s HamburgersJanuary 7, 2020On January 2, KUTV ran a story about a Utah man who is the proud owner of a 20-year-old McDonald’s hamburger. They posted in a video in which David Whipple — said burger owner — shows off the Big Mac to the world. In the video, he…
This is How 20 Years of Office Work Can Affect Your BodyJanuary 7, 2020Sitting down at a desk, staring at a computer screen all day, hunching over your keyboard and other common office life behaviors can and will affect your body over time — and Fellowes, a British office equipment company, commissioned a…
Alzheimer’s Vaccine May Be Available Within 2 YearsJanuary 6, 2020According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 14 million adults will have dementia by 2060. Alzheimer’s disease — the most common form of dementia for which there is no effective conventional treatment or cure…
This Overlooked Factor Influences LongevityJanuary 6, 2020In a recent study , researchers examined the living habits of a group of female macaque monkeys living off the coast of Puerto Rico. They found that the monkeys with the strongest social connection to another monkey were 11% less likely to die over…
Ability to Think and Learn at Risk From Air PollutionJanuary 5, 2020The population is “dumbing down” thanks to air pollution. Business Insider reports that by the end of the century, indoor carbon dioxide levels could climb so high that they impair the human brain, cutting human performance on complex…
This Fruit Can Help Lower Your Blood PressureJanuary 5, 2020When purchasing fruit from the grocery store or your local farmer’s market, you may overlook pomegranates for fruits more popular in the U.S., like apples or oranges. But pomegranates are loaded with antioxidants and they pack quite a…
Should Athletes Be Allowed to Use CBD?January 4, 2020The popularity of cannabidiol (CBD) — one of the nonpsychoactive components of cannabis and hemp — has exploded in recent years. While the widespread availability of CBD oil across the U.S. would make you believe it’s legal…

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