Globalt toppmøte om hav og klima – Rotevatns innlegg. Hvorfor oversettes ikke til Norsk?

Tale/innlegg | Dato: 20.04.2021

Av: Klima- og miljøminister Sveinung Rotevatn

Møtet ble arrangert i tilknytning til Bidens globale klimatoppmøte 22-23 april 2021. Bidens spesialutsending for klima, John F. Kerry, innledet møtet med å annonsere ny amerikansk politikk for å redusere utslipp fra internasjonal skipsfart.

Statsrådens Sveinung Rotevatn sin tale:  

How Ocean-based Solutions Contribute to Net-Zero

  • Thank you for the opportunity to speak at this important event focusing on sustainable ocean solutions in a climate resilient future.
  • We urgently need sustainable ocean policies to preserve the ocean as the life source of our planet, to nourish human well-being and to build sustainable economies.
  • To strive for healthy oceans is at the core of Norway’s identity as an ocean nation. To build a sustainable ocean economy is essential for our future.
  • On the domestic arena Norway gives high priority to ocean protection, sustainable ocean management as well as ocean based climate solutions.
  • On the international arena we partner up with countries willing to lead on the transformations for a Sustainable Ocean Economy. It is clearly demonstrated by Prime Minister Solbergs initiative to establish the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy.
  • In the Paris agreement we agreed to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To reach this goal, we depend on a healthy ocean. An ocean that can maintain its fundamental part in the global climate system to absorb CO2, balance temperature and control weather.
  • The Ocean Panel has identified several actions to protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems. We need to unite forces to increase the extent of critical ecosystems such as mangroves, seagrasses, salt marshes, kelp beds, sand dunes, reefs and deep ocean ecosystems. This will benefit climate mitigation and resilience, while providing multiple benefits for livelihoods and food security.
  • Further, ocean based solutions for emission cuts are substantial, and needs to be rapidly implemented using the full potential of a global sustainable ocean economy.
  • Our response to will require scaling up of renewable energy and offshore wind power. Progressive environmental policies offers great opportunities for a growing industry.
  • Hywind Tampen in the North Sea will be the world’s biggest floating offshore wind farm. This project would not been possible without strong climate policies such as CO2-tax, being a part of the European emission trading system, and support from the state-owned enterprise Enova.
  • Zero Emission shipping is growing rapidly in Norway. The number of zero emission ships in operation in our waters are growing year by year. The types of ships and operations which can introduce zero emission solutions is expanding. Batteries, hydrogen, ammonia, and biofuels have been – and are being – introduced.
  • This has happened because the government has established a target to cut emissions from domestic shipping and fishing by 50 percent by 2030. The emission target is coupled with strengthened policies through requirements, incentives and financial schemes in order to ensure that we will meet the target.
  • The same process will need to happen on a global scale through the International Maritime Organization. Norway actively supports the ongoing process to adopt further energy efficiency measures this June, but the IMO will need to go further.
  • The next package of measures for substantial cuts in greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping needs to initiate a fuel shift by introducing carbon free fuel and zero emission solutions. This will enable a strengthened IMO climate ambition for 2050 to be established, as well as needed follow-up actions.
  • The green transition needs to include everyone. In addition to global regulations at the IMO, a global transition to zero emission shipping should include assistance to developing countries. Norway is doing that through the IMO program «Green Voyage2050», and we welcome others on board.
  • Norway aims to work with countries like the and other climate partners at the IMO to succeed on the zero emission pathway for shipping.
  • Finally – the climate and the oceans needs a successful COP 26. I will conclude by encouraging the countries that have not yet submitted enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions to do so.
  • Thank you very much for your attention.

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