Ex-Illuminati Member Leaked The Current Membership Of The ‘Committee Of 300’

An ex-Illuminati member who is threatening to disclose the world everything about the top secret society has posted a long list of the elite members of the Illuminati and the Committee Of 300 leadership.
The Committee Of 300 – The Top Of The Illuminati Pyramid
After being a high-ranking Illuminati member for 47 years, the unnamed insider claims that he wants to reveal everything about the secret society’s plans. Being part of the Illuminati was after all “too much to bear” for him.
In his first leak, the insider exposed the secret initiation process you have to go through in order to become a member. He also disclosed in-depth information about the secret space program, and shocking revelations about former US president, Obama.
Now, in his anticipated second leak the ex-Illuminati member revealed the names of the senior leadership, known as the Committee of 300 (listed below).
Just recently, another whistleblower released the following video about being inside the Illuminati:
- Queen Elizabeth II
- Abdullah II of Jordan
- Kerry, John Forbes
- Abramovich, Roman Arkadyevich
- King, Mervyn
- Ackermann, Josef
- Kinnock, Glenys
- Adeane, Edward
- Kissinger, Henry
- Agius, Marcus Ambrose Paul
- Knight, Malcolm
- Ahtisaari, Martti Oiva Kalevi
- Koon, William H. II
- Akerson, Daniel
- Krugman, Paul
- Albert II of Belgium
- Kufuor, John
- Alexander – Crown Prince of Yugoslavia
- Lajolo, Giovanni
- Alexandra (Princess) – The Honourable Lady Ogilvy
- Lake, Anthony
- Alphonse, Louis – Duke of Anjou
- Lambert, Richard
- Amato, Giuliano
- Lamy, Pascal
- Anderson, Carl A.
- Landau, Jean-Pierre
- Andreotti, Giulio
- Laurence, Timothy James Hamilton
- Andrew (Prince) – Duke of York
- Leigh-Pemberton, James
- Anne – Princess Royal
- Leka, Crown Prince of Albania
- Anstee, Nick
- Leonard, Mark
- Ash, Timothy Garton
- Levene, Peter – Baron Levene of Portsoken
- Astor, William Waldorf – 4th Viscount Astor
- Leviev, Lev
- August, Ernst – Prince of Hanover
- Levitt, Arthur
- Aven, Pyotr
- Levy, Michael – Baron Levy
- Balkenende, Jan Peter
- Lieberman, Joe
- Ballmer, Steve
- Livingston, Ian
- Balls, Ed
- Loong, Lee Hsien
- Barroso, José Manuel
- Lorenz (Prince) of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este
- Beatrix (Queen)
- Louis-Dreyfus, Gérard
- Belka, Marek
- Mabel (Princess) of Orange-Nassau
- Bergsten, C. Fred
- Mandelson, Peter Benjamin
- Berlusconi, Silvio
- Manning, Sir David Geoffrey
- Bernake, Ben
- Margherita – Archduchess of Austria-Este
- Bernhard (Prince) of Lippe-Biesterfeld
- Margrethe II Denmark
- Bernstein, Nils
- Martínez, Guillermo Ortiz
- Berwick, Donald
- Mashkevitch, Alexander
- Bildt, Carl
- Massimo, Stefano (Prince) – Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci
- Bischoff, Sir Winfried Franz Wilhen “Win”
- McDonough, William Joseph
- Blair, Tony
- McLarty, Mack
- Blankfein, Lloyd
- Mersch, Yves
- Blavatnik, Leonard
- Michael (Prince) of Kent
- Bloomberg, Michael
- Michael of Romania
- Bolkestein, Frits
- Miliband, David
- Bolkiah, Hassanal
- Miliband, Ed
- Bonello, Michael C
- Mittal, Lakshmi
- Bonino, Emma
- Moreno, Glen
- Boren, David L.
- Moritz – Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel
- Borwin – Duke of Mecklenburg
- Murdoch, Rupert
- Bronfman, Charles Rosner
- Napoléon, Charles
- Bronfman, Edgar Jr.
- Nasser, Jacques
- Bruton, John
- Niblett, Robin
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew
- Nichols, Vincent
- Budenberg, Robin
- Nicolás, Adolfo
- Buffet, Warren
- Noyer, Christian
- Bush, George HW
- Ofer, Sammy
- Cameron, David William Donald
- Ogilvy, David – 13th Earl of Airlie
- Camilla – Duchess of Cornwall
- Ollila, Jorma Jaakko
- Cardoso, Fernando Henrique
- Oppenheimer, Nicky
- Carington, Peter – 6th Baron Carrington
- Osborne, George
- Carlos – Duke of Parma
- Oudea, Frederic
- Carlos, Juan – King of Spain
- Parker, Sir John
- Carney, Mark J.
- Patten, Chris
- Carroll, Cynthia
- Pébereau, Michel
- Caruana, Jaime
- Penny, Gareth
- Castell, Sir William
- Peres, Shimon
- Chan, Anson
- Philip (Prince) – Duke of Edinburgh
- Chan, Margaret
- Pio, Dom Duarte – Duke of Braganza
- Chan, Norman
- Pöhl, Karl Otto
- Charles – Prince of Wales
- Powell, Colin
- Chartres, Richard
- Prokhorov, Mikhail
- Chiaie, Stefano Delle
- Quaden, Guy Baron
- Chipman, Dr John
- Rasmussen, Anders Fogh
- Chodiev, Patokh
- Ratzinger, Joseph Alois (Pope Benedict XVI)
- Christoph, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein
- Reuben, David
- Cicchitto, Fabrizio
- Reuben, Simon
- Clark, Wesley Kanne Sr. (General)
- Rhodes, William R. “Bill”
- Clarke, Kenneth
- Rice, Susan
- Clegg, Nick
- Richard (Prince) – Duke of Gloucester
- Clinton, Bill
- Rifkind, Sir Malcolm Leslie
- Cohen, Abby Joseph
- Ritblat, Sir John
- Cohen, Ronald
- Roach, Stephen S.
- Cohn, Gary D.
- Robinson, Mary
- Colonna, Marcantonio (di Paliano) – Prince and Duke of Paliano
- Rockefeller, David Jr.
- Constantijn (Prince) of the Netherlands
- Rockefeller, David Sr.
- Constantine II Greece
- Rockefeller, Nicholas
- Cooksey, David
- Rodríguez, Javier Echevarría
- Cowen, Brian
- Rogoff, Kenneth Saul “Ken”
- Craven, Sir John
- Roth, Jean-Pierre
- Crockett, Andrew
- Rothschild, Jacob – 4th Baron Rothschild
- Dadush, Uri
- Rubenstein, David
- D’Aloisio, Tony
- Rubin, Robert
- Darling, Alistair
- Ruspoli, Francesco – 10th Prince of Cerveteri
- Davies, Sir Howard
- Safra, Joseph
- Davignon, Étienne
- Safra, Moises
- Davis, David
- Sands, Peter A.
- De Rothschild, Benjamin
- Sarkozy, Nicolas
- De Rothschild, David René James
- Sassoon, Isaac S.D.
- De Rothschild, Evelyn Robert
- Sassoon, James Meyer – Baron Sassoon
- De Rothschild, Leopold David
- Sawers, Sir Robert John
- Deiss, Joseph
- Scardino, Marjorie
- Deripaska, Oleg
- Schwab, Klaus
- Dobson, Michael
- Schwarzenberg, Karel
- Draghi, Mario
- Schwarzman, Stephen A.
- Du Plessis, Jan
- Shapiro, Sidney
- Dudley, William C.
- Sheinwald, Nigel
- Duisenberg, Wim
- Sigismund (Archduke) – Grand Duke of Tuscany
- Edward (Prince) – Duke of Kent
- Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
- Edward (The Prince) – Earl of Wessex
- Snowe, Olympia
- Elkann, John
- Sofía (Queen) of Spain
- Emanuele, Vittorio – Prince of Naples, Crown Prince of Italy
- Soros, George
- Fabrizio (Prince) – Massimo-Brancaccio
- Specter, Arlen
- Feldstein, Martin Stuart “Marty”
- Stern, Ernest
- Festing, Matthew
- Stevenson, Dennis – Baron Stevenson of Coddenham
- Fillon, François
- Steyer, Tom
- Fischer, Heinz
- Stiglitz, Joseph E.
- Fischer, Joseph Martin
- Strauss-Kahn, Dominique
- Fischer, Stanley
- Straw, Jack
- FitzGerald, Niall
- Sutherland, Peter
- Franz, Duke of Bavaria
- Tanner, Mary
- Fridman, Mikhail
- Tedeschi, Ettore Gotti
- Friedrich, Georg – Prince of Prussia
- Thompson, Mark
- Friso (Prince) of Orange-Nassau
- Thomson, Dr. James A.
- Gates, Bill
- Tietmeyer, Hans
- Geidt, Christopher
- Trichet, Jean-Claude
- Geithner, Timothy
- Tucker, Paul
- Gibson-Smith, Dr Chris
- Van Rompuy, Herman
- Gorbachev, Mikhail
- Vélez, Álvaro Uribe
- Gore, Al
- Verplaetse, Alfons Vicomte
- Gotlieb, Allan
- Villiger, Kaspar
- Green, Stephen
- Vladimirovna, Maria – Grand Duchess of Russia
- Greenspan, Alan
- Volcker, Paul
- Grosvenor, Gerald – 6th Duke of Westminster
- Von Habsburg, Otto
- Gurría, José Ángel
- Waddaulah, Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin
- Gustaf, Carl XVI of Sweden
- Walker, Sir David Alan
- Hague, William
- Wallenberg, Jacob
- Hampton, Sir Philip Roy
- Walsh, John
- Hans-Adam II – Prince of Liechtenstein
- Warburg, Max
- Harald V Norway
- Weber, Axel Alfred
- Harper, Stephen
- Weill, Michael David
- Heisbourg, François
- Wellink, Nout
- Henri – Grand Duke of Luxembourg
- Whitman, Marina von Neumann
- Hildebrand, Philipp
- Willem-Alexander – Prince of Orange
- Hills, Carla Anderson
- William (Prince) of Wales
- Holbrooke, Richard
- Williams, Dr Rowan
- Honohan, Patrick
- Williams, Shirley – Baroness Williams of Crosby
- Howard, Alan
- Wilson, David – Baron Wilson of Tillyorn
- Ibragimov, Alijan
- Wolfensohn, James David
- Ingves, Stefan Nils Magnus
- Wolin, Neal S.
- Isaacson, Walter
- Woolf, Harry – Baron Woolf
- Jacobs, Kenneth M.
- Woolsey, R. James Jr.
- Julius, DeAnne
- Worcester, Sir Robert Milton
- Juncker, Jean-Claude
- Wu, Sarah
- Kenen, Peter
- Zoellick, Robert Bruce
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