Bannon: Flere avhoppere fra Kina forteller hvordan viruset slapp ut

Flere kinesere har hoppet av og gir britisk og amerikansk etterretning informasjon om hvordan coronaviruset slapp ut og forårsaket en pandemi, sier Steve Bannon.

Viruset slapp ut fra Institute of Virology i Wuhan Kineserne har forsøkt å slette alle spor, men nå forteller avhoppere hva som skjedde.

Experts from the Chinese laboratory at the centre of global suspicion over the coronavirus pandemic have ‘defected’ and are in the hands of Western intelligence, the architect of Donald Trump‘s presidential victory claimed last night.

Steve Bannon, who was Trump’s White House chief strategist and retains close links to the administration, told The Mail on Sunday that spies were building a case against Beijing on the basis that the global pandemic had been caused by a leak from the Institute of Virology in Wuhan and that the subsequent cover-up had amounted to ‘pre-meditated murder’.

En ting er at viruset lekket ut fra instiuttet i Wuhan. Noe annet er måten det ble håndtert på etter at alle var klar over at et nytt, smittsomt hadde dukket opp. Regimet la lokk på all informasjon og ofret i realiteten verdens helse. WHO støttet Beijing i dette, noe som gjør også FN-organisasjonen medskyldig.

Bannon sier at det nå befinner seg mange avhoppere i Vesten med spesialkunnskap. De blir debriefet av FBI og andre. Folk kommer til å få sjokk når de får høre hva avhopperne har å si.

‘I know that certain defectors are working with the FBI here to try to knit together what happened’ in the Wuhan institute, which he said was ‘horribly run and terribly mismanaged’.

He claimed: ‘They are not talking to the media yet, but there are people out of the Wuhan lab and other labs that have come to the West and are turning over evidence of the culpability of the Chinese Communist Party. I think people are going to be shocked’.

Ifølge Bannon har ansatte ved Insititute of Virology i Wuhan forlatt siden februar. Vestlig etterretning forsøker å bygge en sak mot Beijing. Det tar tid, sier Bannon.

‘People around these labs have been leaving China and Hong Kong since mid-February. [US intelligence] along with MI5 and MI6 are trying to build a very thorough legal case, which may take a long time. It’s not like James Bond.’

Bannon samenligner spredningen av coronaviruset med Tsjernobyl. Eksplosjonen i atomkraftverket var en sterk medvirkende årsak til Sovjetunionens fall. Bannon tror noe lignende kan skje med det kinesiske kommunistpartiet.

‘You essentially had a biological Chernobyl in Wuhan, but the centre of gravity, the Ground Zero, was round the Wuhan lab, in terms of the casualty rates. And like Chernobyl, you also had the cover-up – the state apparatus reports to itself and just protects itself.’

Bannon er opptatt av hvordan vestlige selskaper samarbeider med Beijing og sørger for å rake kastanjene ut av ilden for dem.

Beijing kunne ha advart verden, men gjorde det motsatte: Regimet lot nyttårsfeiringen gå sin gang. Millioner av mennesker var ute og reiste. Kinas regime er medskyldig mord, mener Bannon.

‘That is the tragedy here. They used the time to scoop up all the world’s personal protective equipment. This is a murderous dictatorship. The blood is [also] on the hands of the world’s corporations – the investment banks, the hedge funds and the pension funds – and it is time to start calling it out before it leads to the destruction of the West.

Scientists from the Wuhan virus lab have ‘defected’ to the West, reveals senior Trump ally Steve Bannon – as FBI gathers evidence that coronavirus pandemic was caused by an accidental leak

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