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Related: Chemtrail Artifacts: Long Trail, Short Trail, No Trail: Same Altitude, Same Time
The process of injecting aerosols into the atmosphere involves a lot of hardware. Hardware fails. It’s a fact of life. Also, you’re going to run out of chemical aerosol eventually.
This collection of photos and videos shows failing equipment, oscillating trails, and what it looks like when trails are intentionally turned on and off.
Most likely explanation: Only one chemical aerosol pump was on or working when this photo was taken. This has nothing to do with “atmospheric conditions” as government p
Oscillations From Only One Engine
We have seen many artifacts of malfunctioning spray equipment. In this video, a pump or valve is oscillating causing a pulsing pattern in the emitted aerosols.
Chemtrail Artifacts: Long Trail, Short Trail, No Trail: Same Altitude, Same Time
Jet Turbofan Engine Fuel Flow Rates are Much Too Low To Create Condensation Trails
High-Bypass Turbofans DO NOT Produce Contrails. So What Are Those Lines in the Sky?
Contrails DO NOT EXIST According To Older Aviation Textbooks
Chemtrail “Dark Dust” Kills Computers
Rainwater, Dust, & Soil Test Results
New NASA Disinformation: Cloud Chart for Schoolchildren
CFR Meeting Says Millions Spent to Confuse Public About the Need for Geoengineering
Geoengineering Nano-Particle Halos
Sudden Oak Death Syndrome Being Used to Implement Agenda 21
Russ Tanner, Founder, Administrator, Programmer
My Chemtrail Story
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